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IMOS On-Prem - Voyage Estimate, Details View
In the Details view of a Voyage Estimate, you can add more cargoes and/or ports, as well as additional information, such as Miscellaneous Vessel Expenses per day, a Default Weather Factor, and price and consumption information in the Fuel Table. You can also select an Operation Type; some fields change based on the type.
Details view shows the full itinerary with miles and canals added, the commencing and terminating dates, and the financial results. From this view, you can update details for the vessel, fuel consumption and costs, cargoes, and voyage itinerary data, and fine-tune them. Each time you make a change, the TCE (Time Charter Equivalent) and expenses are updated in the P&L Summary on the right.
When an Alert is entered for a Charterer, a Vessel, or a Port, the field is highlighted in light red.
- Column View. : Return to
- menu commands in Column View, you can do the following:
- Import/Export an Estimate.
- Reorder the Itinerary after changing the Sequence on the Port/Date tab, or alter it to create the Shortest Itinerary.
- Apply Min CO2 Speed: Select to apply speeds that result in the minimum CO2 emissions.
: In addition to the - CP Terms Details form to add Cargo. : Open the
- Create New Voyage form. After the voyage is scheduled, a Voyage Fixture is created, and the button changes to . : Open the
- : Access Voyage Estimate reports.
- Locking Status: Depending on the status of the Estimate and your Module Rights, whether you can save it. Click the symbol to see a message describing any issues.
- : The Estimate has not been fixed, and you have rights to save it.
- : The Estimate has been fixed, but you have rights to save it.
- The Estimate was created by someone else, and you do not have rights to save it. (These rights include saving Estimates, Fixed Estimates, Benchmark Estimates, and Estimates created by others, with configuration flag Enable Voyage Estimate User Security enabled.) :
- Validation symbol: If information is not complete and correct, click the symbol to see a message describing any issues.
- : All information is complete.
- : Some information is missing.
- : The form contains one or more errors.
General Information
This section contains general information about the vessel and voyage.
- Inheriting values:
- These fields inherit default values from the Vessel form:
- Vessel DWT
- Dly Hire: The value entered in this field will contribute to Vessel Expenses, shown in the P&L Summary. It will be multiplied by the number of Voyage Days.
- Spd Bal/Ldn (kn): You can set these speeds to any value, unless the Restrict Speeds check box is selected for the Vessel Type, which restricts vessel speeds used to those in the Speed Consumption Table on the Vessel form.
- Opr Type
- Owned vessel: default is OVOV
- Voyage Charter or Time Charter vessel: default is TCOV
- Fuel grades
- Ballast, laden, load, discharge, and idle fuel consumption
- These fields inherit default values from the vessel’s most recent voyage in IMOS, if one exists:
- Commencing and Completing dates
- Ballast Port: Corresponds with the Commencing port in Itinerary(Port Function type C) port in the itinerary
- Reposition Port: Corresponds with the Terminating (port function type T) port in the itinerary
- Commencing port in Itinerary
- Fuel Price
- These fields inherit default values from the Vessel form:
- TC In Code: If the selected vessel is a Tow, this field will be locked from editing.
- Addr: The value entered here will contribute to the Less Addr Comm field, shown in the P&L Summary. It will be multiplied by the Vessel Expenses.
- DWF %: IMOS multiplies extra sea days on all voyage legs in the itinerary by this Default Weather Factor, which increases voyage length and expenses related to the length of the voyage.
- On the fuel grid:
- To open the Bunker Planning form, right-click a line item and then click Details.
- If you add planned liftings to the Bunker Planning form with Calculation Method FIFO, Price fields for associated fuel types highlight in yellow. To view the Weighted Average price of all fuel types and details about all Planned Liftings for the voyage, hover over a Price field.
Cargoes Grid
You can add cargoes in one of these ways:
- Enter line items in the Cargoes grid. You can then either right-click, enter the itinerary in the CP Terms Details form, and click or enter it in the Itinerary grid below, selecting the Cargo in the line.
- Click CP Terms Details form, and click . , complete the
- Right-click a line in the Cargoes grid and then select one of the following:
- Import Cargo: Enter Cargo Search Criteria, click Search, and then select Cargoes to add to the grid.
- Create Cargo: Create a Cargo from values in Voyage Estimate.
- Insert New
- Duplicate Cargo
- Duplicate Cargo (Inc. Itin): Duplicate a Cargo and include its itinerary.
Freight revenue is calculated in one of these ways, depending on the setting of Bill By in CP Terms/Details:
- If Bill By is set to CP Qty, the freight will always be calculated basis the BL Qty.
- If Bill By is set to Bill Qty, there are two potential calculations:
- If an itinerary is not defined for the cargo, or if L/D Qty is blank in the itinerary for the cargo, freight will always be calculated basis the CP Qty.
- If an itinerary is defined for the cargo, and L/D Qty is populated in the itinerary for the cargo, freight will always be calculated basis the BL Qty (L/D Qty).
Complete the remaining fields.
- For Opt % and Opt Type, see Cargo Tolerance Option Types.
- For T (Freight Type) = W (World Scale), see World Scale Rates.
- For Operation Type RELT and SPOT, the first column T = contract type:
- S = Sale (Cargo)
- P = Purchase (VC In)
Itinerary Grid
You can add ports and information about them. The Itinerary grid has tabs to show different views.
- On all tabs, if the bunkers ROB falls under the safety margin (specified per fuel type for the Vessel), the text in the port line turns red, and the voyage Validation symbol turns red , so you can plan to get more bunkers. To work with bunkers, on the menu, click Bunker Planning.
- From port lines on most tabs, you can open the Itinerary Details form from a context menu to enter additional details about the itinerary; in Column view, it appears when you select a port.
- To adjust ports in the Itinerary, right-click for a context menu and then click any of the following:
- Insert Port
- Delete Port
- Move Up (or type Ctrl + Up Arrow)
- Move Down (or type Ctrl + Down Arrow)
- Move To:
- Select the Port and either Move Before or Move After.
- If the port has associated Pilot Stations (configuration flag CFGEnablePortPilotStations must be enabled):
- Insert Pilot Before
- Insert Pilot After
- Switch to Pilot
- In Progress Voyage: Select to import the itinerary from an in-progress voyage.
In-progress Voyage Estimates include actualized other revenues and expenses, actualized voyage off-hire data, and actualized voyage bunker consumption.
PDA/FDA information is included in port expense calculations.
- Piracy/ECA Routing: Select an option:
- Default: Uses the vessel's default routing preferences specified on the Routes tab in the Vessel form.
- Disabled: Uses the most direct Distances route.
- Enabled: Reroutes the vessel around the region.
Cargo Tab
The Cargo tab includes information about the cargo for each port.
Exp Details Tab
Configuration flag Enable Cargo Expense Details adds an Exp Details tab to the Itinerary grid.
For companies that typically manage voyages on a discharge-to-discharge basis, but for some contracts are able to charge a netback on the shipping cost, this tab shows cost allocation by leg. Because the netback is on a load-to-load basis, the leg cost allocation is used to accurately calculate the amounts to charge back to the trader.
Draft/Restrictions Tab
The port calls, as on the Cargo tab, with the Max Lift for each berth, based on the vessel, its Deadweight Table, and the API/Specific Gravity of the cargo, as well as the weight of bunkers and everything on the vessel.
- If you have the list of Low Sulfur Community ports loaded into the IMOS database, Voyage Estimate sets low sulfur port days (LS PDays) to be equal to port days (PDays) while in one of these ports (without considering Laytime Terms).
- Low sulfur port days (LS PDays) and low sulfur sea days (LS SDays) will be calculated for ports and routes that fall within an ECA zone.
Charterer Tab
When configuration flag Enable Voyage Estimate Charterer Itinerary is enabled, a Charterer tab appears as the default tab on to the Itinerary grid.
This tab consolidates high-value information such as vessels particulars, cargo and routing details, and bunker breakdown information.
Port/Date Tab
The Port/Date tab includes the parameters for each port call that has a function, with one line per cargo, like a cargo itinerary.
- CO2 (MT): Calculates CO2 emitted. If a fuel's CO2 Factor is ≤ 1.0000 or empty, the CO2 (MT) column will not calculate and will appear light red.
- CO2 emissions are calculated by multiplying bunkers consumed by their associated CO2 Factors for the designated voyage leg. If multiple grades of bunkers are consumed, your CO2 emissions will show the joint value of all CO2 emissions for the associated voyage leg.
- For LNG Carriers, this tab includes an additional Fuel Cons Mode column. The Fuel Consumption Mode can be specified separately for each voyage leg. For Estimates created in previous IMOS versions, the value for the Estimate is retained to avoid changing the P&L. For new Estimates, these defaults can be overridden on any leg:
- Automatic
- Dual Fuel
- IFO Only
- LNG Only
Bunkers Tab
The Bunkers tab enables you to enter manual values to override the Estimate’s calculated Arrival and Departure ROB quantities.
Manually entered values appear blue. To revert to the Estimate’s calculation, clear the field.
Port/Date Group Tab
The Port/Date Group tab is a collapsed view of the Port/ Date view tab, with one line per port, like a vessel itinerary.
- CO2 (MT): Calculates CO2 emitted. If a fuel's CO2 Factor is ≤ 1.0000 or empty, the CO2 (MT) column will not calculate and will appear light red.
- CO2 emissions are calculated by multiplying bunkers consumed by their associated CO2 Factors for the designated voyage leg. If multiple grades of bunkers are consumed, your CO2 emissions will show the joint value of all CO2 emissions for the associated voyage leg.
- The L/D Qty entered on a Load port will default the same quantity to that cargo's discharge port L/D Qty if the cargo is linked to the ports.
- To lock a Transit port (Port Function P or I) to prevent it from being changed or removed, right-click the port and click Lock Transit Port. A locked Transit port has a light blue background in the Itinerary.
- To move a port up or down in the itinerary, right-click the port and click Move Up or Move Down.
Estimate Summary, P&L Summary, and Voyage Days
This section shows the Estimate P&L, which is driven by values entered elsewhere on the Voyage Estimate form.
Estimate Summary
- A Template Estimate cannot be fixed, and fixed/scheduled Estimates cannot be marked as Template. Users without the Update template voyage estimates Security Right cannot edit Template Estimates, but can work on a copy of a Template Estimate.
- Benchmark:
- A Benchmark Estimate can be viewed by a user without the Benchmark right.
- When a Benchmark Estimate is copied, the Benchmark check box is cleared.
- From a Benchmark Estimate, you can create a Cargo, Cargo COA, or Fuel-Neutral Cargo COA with this Benchmark Calculation as the Exposure Basis: Click and then click Fix Cargo, Fix Cargo COA, or Fix Fuel Neutral Cargo COA. This will also associate the Benchmark Estimate as the initial Estimate of the contract as a reference to the calculation. If the Benchmark Estimate is a SPOT Estimate, a VC In COA is created upon clicking Fix Cargo COA.
- It is possible to dynamically change a Benchmark Estimate Itinerary using the Trading Profile to match a contract and use it in the exposure calculation.
P&L Summary
- You can enter or edit miscellaneous revenues or expenses. Click their links to add more than one line item.
- You can adjust the Profit, Freight Rate, or TCE to see the resulting changes in the P&L.
- Breakeven is the minimum freight rate that you need to cover your voyage expenses so that your Profit value is equal to zero.
- TCE (USD/d) (Daily Time Charter Equivalent) = (Net Income − (Total Expenses − (Vessel Expenses + Ballast Bonus + TCI Common Voyage Expenses − Address Commission))) / Voyage Days
Note: TCI Common Voyage Expenses do not include ILOHC or INTHC; these two expenses affect TCE.- For Type G (Gas Carrier) vessels, TCE/Month appears in addition to TCE (USD/d).
- Gross TCE = Daily TCE / (1 − x), where x is the Address Commission rate of Vessel Daily Cost or Hire.
- To lock the Profit or TCE to back-calculate the Freight Rate, select its check box.
- To lock the TCE to a target set on the Vessel form to back-calculate Freight:
- Make sure the Commencing time is set.
- Right-click the TCE field (or TC Equiv field in Column view) and then click Apply Vessel TCE Target. The TCE value is overwritten by the target effective at voyage commencing time and appears in blue.
- The TCE can still be overwritten: If the TCE lock check box is cleared or the TCE value is overwritten by changing the vessel or Commencing date, it reverts to black.
Tasks & Alerts or Revisions Panel
Either the Tasks & Alerts or Revisions panel appears at the top right corner of the form. To expand or collapse it, click the double arrow.
To select what you want to view, click
and then click one of the following:- Show Tasks & Alerts: View the Tasks & Alerts panel, which displays the Tasks and Alerts that apply to the contract. The heading bar includes the icon for the most urgent Alert or Task. If none are urgent, the Task that is in progress appears.
- Show Revisions: View the Revisions plan, which displays a chronological list of changes to the form. You can also click Revision History to view the same information in a list.
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