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A line of business is often indicated either as a profit center or as a cost center. You can use it for grouping accounts in an operational format.
In the Financials module center
, under Setup, click Lines of Business.

Related Configuration Flags
CFGEnableOpsLOB | If enabled, displays an LOB (Line of Business) field on the Address (Type W), Voyage Estimate, Voyage Fixture, Voyage Manager, and contract forms. |
CFGActDisableLOB | If enabled, entry of information into the LOB (Line of Business) field is no longer required in order to post a transaction. |
CFGClearCompanyLobOnCopy | Clears the Company, LOB, and Department values when copying a Voyage Fixture or contract. |
CFGDefaultLoBOnCargoImport | When importing a cargo, specifies whether or not the LOB specified on the imported cargo should be used to default the LOB on the estimate/fixture/voyage if an LOB has not yet been specified. |
CFGDefaultLobOnTciSelect | When enabled, when a Time Charter In is selected, if an LOB has not yet been set in the Estimate/voyage, the system defaults to the LOB specified on the Time Charter In Contract. |
CFGReportFilterByLOB | Adds an LOB filter to the Voyage P&L Summary Report. |
CFGUseCompanyLobTradeAreaHierarchy | Sets up a hierarchy between Company, LOB, and Trade Area on several forms. |
CFGUseGlobalSpotVoyNumbering | Create new SPOT/RELT/COAS voyages with a globally unique voyage number across these three operation types. |
CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering | Use unique voyage numbers across the entire database, rather than simply for a particular vessel. New voyages are assigned the next highest sequential open number based on the other voyages in the database. |
CFGVerifyMatchingLOB | If enabled, all contracts linked to a voyage must have the same LOB as the given voyage. |
CFGActBankChargeLOB | Allows user to configure LOB for bank charges. |
CFGActOtherChargeLOB | Allows user to configure LOB for other charges. |