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December 2023 Changelog
Disbursement Interface
Importing Final Port Expense invoices through autoinv.exe could throw an error under specific situations due to description for one or more of the line items being longer than 30 characters; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-53841
Messaging Service VIP Only
Previously, Users were able to update the nominated Vessel on a Cargo after it had been fixed when updating via XML. This undesirable behavior is no longer allowed.
Bug EN-52606
Messaging Service
Previously, when a journal was posted through the interface, the journal detail company code was not parsed properly and defaulted to the journal's company code. Now, when the CFGSetSeparateCompanyCodeToPostedJournalDetails flag is enabled, the journal details company code will be correctly set to the imported values.
A new config flag has been added:
Name: CFGSetSeparateCompanyCodeToPostedJournalDetails
When a journal is being posted through the interface, and this config option is enabled, journal details company code will be set to the imported values if not explicitly set on the existing journal. Otherwise, the journal details company code will be defaulted to the company code of the journal invoice.
Bug EN-52533
Trading IMOS Only
Sell/short Carbon Allowance quantity showed as a buy/long quantity on the Trading P&L and Details List. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-53647
Previously, saving Emission related invoices for Cargoes with an Intercompany relationship resulted in an error. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-53426
Fixed issue with MinQty field on EstimateCargoes form.
Bug EN-53375
Analytics IMOS Only
Emissions Expense and Emissions Expense (Rebill) will show on the Summary Data Set in the Report Designer.
Story EN-53368
Operations VIP Only
Previously, creating Voyages and Estimates through copying would retain all fuel types regardless of if they had been made inactive on the Vessel. Now, copying the Voyage or Estimate selects which fuel types appear based on the current state of their inactiveness on the Vessel.
Bug EN-53216
In alignment with EU regulation, legs between ports in the outermost territories of a country or between a port in the outermost territory and the parent country will have their ETS Sea and Port percentages defaulted to 0%.
Story EN-52199
Security & User Mgmt VIP & IMOS
Fixed an issue around Fleet Map permissions that was causing some confusion. The Fleet Map object right should now correctly grant/deny access to the Fleet Map.
Bug EN-48397
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Resolved an issue where some Veslink Offline Forms failed to process due to unexpected text characters in the email body
Bug EN-53454
Invoicing & Payments
Attachments functionality was not functional in the Bareboat Commission payment form in VIP. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52467
Voyage P&L
New config flag CFGApplyAllowancePriceDiffToPnL has been introduced.
When enabled, any difference in price between the Emission Allowance Invoice and the matching Emission Allowance Transfer will be reflected on the Voyage PnL. The price of the allowance(s) that are transferred will therefore be the price used for a given emissions expense line item on the voyage.
Story EN-53208
Chartering VIP Only
Previously, Time Charter Contracts with the "Use Local Time" setting enabled would show incorrect delivery, redelivery, and hire times in reporting. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52498
Invoicing & Payments VIP Only
The autopexp-based port expense import will now attempt to link an SDA daType to an existing PDSA daType by the provided reference code when importing.
Bug EN-52222
Messaging Service VIP & IMOS
Fixed an issue preventing the remarks field from being processed correctly in the portcall api.
Story EN-45970
Previously, users without a trading license were able to trade carbon allowances as a settlement type for emissions. With this release, the cash invoice settlement type will be available to users without a trading license, when configuration flags CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation or CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation are enabled. For users with a trading license, all settlement types will be available when configuration flags CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation or CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation are enabled.
Story EN-53584
Invoicing & Payments
When using autoinv.exe to import Port Disbursement Advance and Final invoices, the rebill information in the P&L was wrong when a rebillable item had an amount against it in the PDA invoice but not in the FDA invoice. This has been fixed and the P&L is now accurate in all these situations.
Bug EN-51752
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
3 new ports added in the Netherlands
Story EN-53493
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
New port: Barber's Point Offshore (United States)
Story EN-53382
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
New port: Kolosori Nickel Mine Anchorage (Solomon Islands)
Story EN-53355
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
New port: Saros FSRU (Turkey)
Story EN-53278
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
9 new ports added to distances
Story EN-53232
distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
New port: Baleine (Cote D'Ivoire)
Story EN-53190
Freight Matrix in VIP now has a setting to track manually entered Weight % values on Estimates, as well as Ballast Laden speeds for Vessels.
Story EN-53301
Trading IMOS Only
Previously, linked FFA trades in the voyage were not using the correct billcodes for FFA settlement and FFA broker commissions. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52618
Chartering VIP Only
It is now possible to filter out Time Charter contracts from the TC Code dropdown on the Create New Voyage and Voyage Estimate forms by their status using the configuration flag CFGExcludeStatusFromVoyageTCDropdown. Time Charters with Closed, Canceled, and Withdrawn status will be excluded by default.
Story EN-52086
Trading VIP & IMOS
Added a new security permission for controlling what user has the ability to confirm a Carbon Allowance Trade in the system. This will prevent users without the permission from confirming trades and ensuring that controls are properly followed. Additionally, the bulk Confirm Trade(s) logic is now supported in the Carbon Allowance List, where it will both mark the trades as confirmed and add a broker confirmation number if one does not already exist.
Story EN-52073
The Final Freight Statement report could be wrong in some cases when an incremental demurrage invoice was included in a freight invoice in the voyage; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-51989
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, TC Lifting Options typically used end-of-month for expiration date. With this release, options can now use declaration date as the expiration date. There is also a new configuration flag "CFGDefaultUseDeclarationAsExpirationOnTC" added to make this the default for all lifting options, with the user able to deselect this functionality on individual contracts.
Story EN-51546
Trading VIP & IMOS
Created new API endpoints for creating and updating paper trades as well as deleting these trades. This includes all paper trades (FFA/Option, Bunker Swap/Option, Commodity/Option) as well as the new Carbon Allowance trades. Access to the API endpoint requires the Trading Module license. The endpoint for creating and/or updating is ApplyUpdatePaperTrade and the endpoint for deleting is DeletePaperTrade.
Story EN-48388
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, posting an incremental invoice - with lots of detail lines - based on one or more previous incremental invoices, would sometimes time out or run out of memory. This has been fixed.
Story EN-47897
To prevent regression, this change reverts an earlier change to PnL for CO2 Tons on Carbon Allowances.
Bug EN-53632
Messaging Service VIP & IMOS
Berth update messages will now respect Inactive / LowFlashRestriction updates
Bug EN-53516
Trading IMOS Only
Previously, allowance transfer entries were allowing greater quantities used than what's available in a trade. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-53249
Made several improvements to the Carbon Allowance and Emissions Expense Settlement functionality including showing only those allowances that were bought in the Allowance Invoices and Transfer grids and utilizing the Beneficiary bank details on the TC contract for Emissions Cash Invoices.
Story EN-53121
Voyage P&L
Previously, emission related items were not being added when CFGVoyaccAccrualType was set to "Ops". This has been fixed.
Bug EN-53064
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, with configuration flag CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms enabled, auto-generated freight commission invoice reports populated incorrect banking detail currency. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-53293
Previously, financial invoice for a carbon allowance settlement did not set the correct invoice AP/AR type depending on the type of the carbon allowance trade. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52733
Trading IMOS Only
Sell/short Carbon Allowance quantity showed as a buy/long quantity on the Trading P&L and Details List. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52605
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, when configuration flag CFGActUpdateOpsExchangeRate was enabled and user changed Exchange Rate Date when posting a freight invoice through the Transaction Data Entry form, the Freight Invoice form was still displaying the original date. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52379
Trading IMOS Only
Previously, the Currencies dropdown list on the Commodity Symbol grid would not display the complete list of currencies. This has been improved to display all currencies by default.
Bug EN-52012
When calculating emission via activity reports and using the voyage's end bunkers for the last port, the bunkers are now properly populated.
Bug EN-53406
Operations VIP Only
Previously, Head Fixtures in status “Sold” were being auto updated to “Delivered” whenever a linked Commenced Voyage was saved. Now, the “Sold” status is correctly preserved.
Story EN-50561
Voyage P&L
Previously, invoiced Emissions Expenses on a Head Fixture were not reflected in the Voyage P&L Actual column. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-53307
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
Corrected a bug in which certain users with modified username did not have the Last Login Time displayed in the Security List
Bug EN-53233
When broker commission payment method is "Pay Directly" and commission type is Daily or Monthly, off-hire commission is now accrued correctly.
Bug EN-52169
Voyage P&L
Previously, off-hire reverse commissions were being tallied with the opposite amount in a voyage's P&L. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52168
When Transport Work Calculations and Cargo Emission allocation can not convert a lifting's BL quantity to MT, the calculation will attempt to convert the lifting's Alt quantity to MT.
Story EN-52129
Journals VIP & IMOS
Previously, CVE related items seen through generated Monthly Accruals could show the wrong CVE type in the description. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52035
Scheduling VIP & IMOS
Fixed issue that was causing the Scheduling workspace to constantly recalculate consecutive estimates unnecessarily, leading to significant performance impacts.
Bug EN-53124
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
Fixed formatting of voyage remarks as an external field in Veslink forms.
Bug EN-53062
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, Carbon Allocation Trades created directly from a Commodity/Option Trade would not save when Clearinghouse was missing and Counterparty was provided. This has been fixed to allow these trades to save.
Bug EN-52603
distances-svc-1.0.89781, 12-8-2023
Distances VIP Only
Adds a new OutermostRegion read-only flag in the port properties sidebar. Note that this will only appear if the database schema is at least version 437. This field will automatically be set by our port update process. If there is a new port that needs this value set, please use our port creation/update process to update the field.
Story EN-52458
New LC Types have been added to the selection in the Commodity Physical Trade form.
Story EN-53113
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Previously, ports in the overseas region of Mayotte were incorrectly excluded from EU ETS consideration. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-53098
Invoicing & Payments
Functionality enabled by CFGAccessTDEFormFromOpsInvoice configuration flag has been expanded to Commission (freight, time charter, claim commissions) and Port Disbursement invoice forms.
Story EN-51748
Fix "Is not in the list" filter for enums
Bug EN-52911
Invoicing & Payments IMOS Only
Made validation messages on Commodity Trade Unit and Physical Commodity Trade forms more consistent.
Story EN-53289
Trading VIP & IMOS
Improved the logic behind CFGAutoUpdateCarbonExposureOnVoyages to also override the Cargo CO2 Qty exposure for a Benchmark Estimate based Cargo/VC-In when the Agreed ETS CO2 (MT) is manually set. This Agreed ETS CO2 (MT) will be updated in the Cargo/VC-In CO2 exposure grid, Trade Details Lists, Reports and XML.
Story EN-52519
Adds a new EuEtsPortOfCall read-only flag in the port properties sidebar. Note that this will only appear if the database schema is at least version 437. This field will automatically be set by our port update process. If there is a new port that needs this value set, please use our port creation/update process to update the field.
Story EN-52459
Chartering VIP Only
In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where calculating a targeted profit did not properly factor TCI Hire Commission into the calculation.
Bug EN-52093
Previously, TC hire P&L in the trade details list were not being calculated correctly if the rate type was a overlapping monthly hire. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52062
The Carbon Calculator's tooltips will now indicate the use of actualized Activity Report data when breaking down periods over two years.
Story EN-51843
"Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month" flag caused TC Exposure to incorrectly display value instead of Exposure from Trading Exposure snapshots. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-51782
When a period overlaps a year, Activity Reports bunkers amounts will be used to calculate the associated ETS emissions and cost.
Story EN-51053
Invoicing & Payments
Offhire line items in hire reports (Hire Statement, SOA, SOA Recap) are broken down by the same hire components that are associated to the period in which the offhire occurred when CFGTrackHireComponentsInOffhire is enabled.
Story EN-48482
When carbon allowance is (partially) transferred to an owner of a VC In contract, that amount is now reflected correctly on the allowance contract as well as allowance trading exposure.
Story EN-53024
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Added bulk list action to reject already approved forms in the form list and voyage manager form list
Bug EN-52572
Operations VIP Only
Previously, clients were unable to reschedule Voyages ahead of a Closed Voyage, regardless of if the rescheduled Voyage was marked Consecutive. This has since been fixed.
Bug EN-52110
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Previously, the Freight Invoice form allowed users to edit components of a Cargo's Unpriced Elements derived from pricing inherited from a COA. Because that pricing was inherited, it was possible for such edits to later be silently overwritten, for example, through Cargo import, or through opening and re-saving the Cargo.
Now, the Freight Invoice form will prompt users to disable COA pricing inheritance when an attempt is made to edit inherited pricing details.
Bug EN-51730
Voyage P&L
When "CFGUseTCInvoiceExchangeRateInVoyPNL" is enabled, bareboat offhire values correctly use bareboat invoice exchange rate.
Bug EN-51705
Invoicing & Payments IMOS Only
Additional validations have been added to the Physical Commodity Contracts and Trade Units, restricting users to correct workflow when deleting, clearing, copying, and linking.
Story EN-50833
distances-svc-1.0.89524, 12-1-2023
Port Gustavia updated to country = Saint-Barthelemy
Story EN-53250
k8snextrelease, distances-svc-1.0.90132, 12-19-2023
New port: Dangote Offshore (Nigeria)
Story EN-53354
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