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January 2023 Changelog



To provide more context, an estimate's Carbon View now includes fields from the Classic View. This includes Speed Ballast/Laden, Commence Date, and port information.

Story EN-45975


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

Users can now create a webhook that applies to the Voyage within Task and Alert Rules. When creating a rule that applies to the voyage, select "Use Webhook" in the rule editor to add fields, along with an associated endpoint and api key to create a webhook. Webhooks for the voyage manager only allow for messages and alert types at this time. Support for mutations, guids, links and display fields are not available as of now.

Story EN-45973


Voyage P&L 

Previously, Bunker Voyage Period Journals displayed an incorrect Counterparty, FX Date and Unit Price when a voyage had multiple Bunker Requirements, had not departed the port and only one lifting was completed. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-45897


Demurrage & Claims VIP Only

Users can now customize itinerary grid in the Laytime Calculator in VIP when configuration flag CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs is enabled. Requires schema version 377 and higher. Customized grid view can also be saved and it will persist anytime user opens Laytime Calculator.

Story EN-45888


Analytics VIP & IMOS

A bug in which some lists timeout before loading is resolved

Bug EN-45620


Operations VIP Only

The Vessel Vetting Status table now includes transshipment data.

Story EN-45458



Added Cargo FirmingQty as a variable in the advanced pricing expression editor.

Story EN-45106



Previously, if a default weather factor was set with CFGDefaultWeatherFactor, the weather factor would not be set for voyage itinerary for a voyage created from a Cargo COA. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-45664


Data Center Settings 

We now ensure that a vessel's Entry Date GMT is set when that vessel is saved.

Bug EN-44588


Operations VIP Only

Fixed an issue which could prevent creation of new Estimated Demurrage records if the given voyage doesn't have exactly one cargo.

Bug EN-46126


Demurrage & Claims 

Navigation between Port Activity tabs using radio buttons has been added to the Laytime Calculator when CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs is enabled.

Story EN-45852


Platform UI VIP Only

A bug in which changing a Date type filter specifier returns a blank list has been corrected.

Bug EN-45850



An Off Hire's "Net Hrs" on a Time Charter's Off Hire table will now appear as a negative amount. This makes "Net Hrs" consistent with the "Hours" values and the sum in the Totals row.

Bug EN-45704


Journals VIP & IMOS

Add a new config flag, CFGExclJournalsFromInvoiceBase64. When this flag is enabled and CFGIncludeInvoiceBase64 is enabled, the base-64 encoded version of the invoice PDF will not be included in the XML output that is generated when journals are posted. It will only be included in the XML output for invoice transactions. This flag will have no impact if CFGIncludeInvoiceBase64 is not enabled.

Story EN-45802


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where when TC broker commission was set to type Monthly in the TC contract, Commission amount in the Commission Summary form and Transaction Data Entry form were wrong has been fixed.

Bug EN-45706



References to the “Grade” from CII scoring have been updated to “Rating”. This includes an update on the estimate table in which "Voyage CII Grade" is now reported as "Voyage CII Rating".
The carbon price on the Carbon Calculator and Bunker Planning forms can now be reset to zero.

Story EN-45591


Trading VIP & IMOS

Create a new configuration flag, CFGGenerateMultipleTradePnlNotifications. When this flag is set to a value other than 0, the Trading PnL Snapshot will generate multiple notifications split out instead of one single notification. This is designed to improve performance and prevent a timeout from happening that was caused by the notification being too large. The value of this flag will determine how many notifications will be to split it into. The recommended setting for this flag is 500.

Story EN-45587


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Scrolling is no longer required to view the Vessel form DWT/Draft table.

Bug EN-46041


Invoicing & Payments 

When pick up ledger from BS rule, IC was given priority vs vendor, this has been reversed - now, vendor gets priority.

Bug EN-45940



When updating the ending ROBs on a completed voyage, fixed an issue where the ROBs saved to the Voyage Itinerary table in the following voyage were not immediately updated in response to the ROB changes. As the Voyage table, bunker inventory information, and Activity Report details were all correctly updated, the impact of this issue was limited inaccurate data in the Voyage Itinerary table for reporting if the given voyage had not been resaved after the ending ROBs on the preceding voyage were edited.

Bug EN-45655


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, clicking the Demurrage Period Allocation button in a Laytime calculation form results in a crash. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45625


Trade Hub N/A


Bug EN-46075


Invoicing & Payments 

When exchange rate date defaulting functionality was enabled, amounts for Bunkers on delivery/redelivery rows used to be 0 in Time Charter Special invoices; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-45531


Demurrage & Claims VIP Only

Previously, with CFGEnableMultiEstDem enabled and CFGEnableInvoiceMirroring disabled, checking the "Auto-update from itinerary" checkbox in the Estimated Demurrage form could cause the Voyage Manager and related components to crash upon loading affected voyages. This has been resolved.

Bug EN-45864



Previously, saving voyage incorrectly updated the settlement journals, and Bunker Swap Commission Allocation Journals were still appearing in Voyage PnL. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45957


Invoicing & Payments 

In a TC contract, when hire type was Monthly and the contract was not in base currency, hire and hire related amounts in the payment form could be wrong depending on the exchange rate in the contract. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45932


Journals VIP & IMOS

Previously, some FOB voyage accruals would fail due to inconsistent P&L demurrage totaling process. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45561


Journals VIP & IMOS

The ROU Asset and Lease Liability Logic has been updated to utilize the Proj/Actual Redelivery Date when populated on the TC Contract and default back to the Est Redelivery Date when not populated. This is for the IFRS 16 Lease logic when the CFGEnableTCLeaseAccounting configuration flag is enabled.

Story EN-45396



A new configuration flag was added called CFGUseMPortWithPortActivitiesDuringCargoImport which, when enabled, if the voyage itinerary contains multi-use ports (port function M), importing a new Cargo contract on a commenced voyage will add its Cargo Handling information to the earliest applicable portcall where the vessel has not yet departed. When disabled, new Cargo Handling lines will only be added to portcalls where the vessel has not yet arrived.

Story EN-45371



A new configuration flag CFGFixedHireRatePercentOnTC has been added. When enabled, a new column is added to the Hire Grid on the Time Charter Contract form called "Fixed %" that will be editable when the rate type selected in the row is "Index". The value populated in this field will reflect the percent that the hire rate in this period is derived from a fixed rate and will be used to calculate the contract's exposure in the period when the "No Days Exposure on Index-Linked Trades" flag is enabled on the Trading Profile used. When the field is not populated the percent will default to 0, which will continue to show 0 days for that contract on the Trading P&L. Requires CFGApplyZeroDaysToIndexLinkedTrades to be enabled.

Story EN-40338


Platform UI VIP Only

Fixed an issue with selection popup width being set too small.

Bug EN-45979


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, user was unable to open a specific financial invoice where payment's mode mismatched the invoice's type. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45931


Operations VIP Only

Voyage saving will no longer cause inconsistencies between mirrored time charter redelivery prices when bunkers on consumption is enabled.

Bug EN-45860


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, fully approved operations invoices were allowed to be approved again. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45834



Previously, the date reference parameter in the trading summary was filtering exposures by the estimated redelivery date even if the projected redelivery date was populated. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45653



Previously, bunker related items would sometimes continue to accrue for the TCO voyage even after all invoices and voyage period journals were posted. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-45303



Added the Contract Link column to Cargo List

Story EN-44078


Tasks & Alerts 

Tasks Panel in the Operations Voyage has been renamed to Notifications Panel

Story EN-43858


Platform UI VIP Only

Only allow relevant columns to be selected/unselected when using customizable AgGrid rowsets.

Story EN-45792


Invoicing & Payments 

New applicability option "Financials Invoice" has been added to the User Defined Fields setup form in Data Center.
New Properties tab has been added to the Transaction Data Entry where users can now specify related user-defined fields' values.
New optional element "invoiceUserProperties” has been added to the "invoice" interface notification XML which contains values from the Financials Invoice's Properties tab.

Story EN-45563



Users with the Update TC Vessel Names permission are now able to update TC vessel names even after they have been saved.

Story EN-44325


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

The Claim form Invoiced Amount field now correctly sums off hire claim amounts when an incremental invoice is used.

Bug EN-44924

distances-svc-1.0.62199, 1-11-2023


UN codes corrected for:

Story EN-45916

distances-svc-1.0.62112, 1-11-2023

Distances VIP & IMOS

LOWDRAFT-NANJING region edited to allow transit south of Zhoushan island and extending farther east.

Story EN-44932



Added validation on saving the Cargo Handling form which ensures all cargoes have functions

Bug EN-45312


Demurrage & Claims 

In laytime calculations, deduction times were sometimes incorrect in Time-Counting method when there were laytime terms set up to not start on the hour; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-42911



Previously, mirrored off hire delays would not update the remarks field if the delay was already invoiced. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-41162


Berth Scheduling 

Fixed bug where 2 berth activities with the same start/end time were being placed after each other, causing all activities to be misplaced and shifted over some time.

Bug EN-45610



On the Estimator's Carbon View, the initial distance and emissions field column has been renamed from "Attained" to "Prev". In addition, the fields now supports updates via webhook calls using the field "prevDistance" and "prevEmissions".

Story EN-45432


Platform API VIP Only


Story EN-43540


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

An issue in determining itemization periods caused a double counting of the TCO CVE (CABLE) for certain payment period configurations. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-45759


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue presenting ambiguous error messages as a result of custom form validation.

Bug EN-45657


Scheduling VIP Only

Fixed issue with weekly schedule views not properly aligning week numbers. Week numbers are now in proper ISO week format, and the red line indicating the current date is properly aligned within the correct week.

Fix applies to Vessel Schedule, Port Schedule, and Cargo Schedule weekly views.

Bug EN-45803


Trading VIP & IMOS

An issue on Vessel Valuation related to the Estimate tabs being hidden has been resolved.

Bug EN-45726


Voyage P&L 

When assigning ledger from BS rule, the priority was given to matching vendor over IC. This has been changed - we give the priority to IC over vendor now.

Bug EN-45637



With schema update 391 and CFGEnableCiiCalc enabled, the Voyage Estimate Combination form will combine AER scores for grading. The CII fields require the selection of the same vessel and the grading will be basis the latest commence date.

Story EN-45386



"Exclude child companies" checkbox has been added to the Account Analysis report's setup form - so that transactions for the child companies of a user-selected company can be explicitly excluded from the report. By default, such transactions are included in the report.

Bug EN-45207



Previously, TCO voyages would not show closing bunker inventory in the Voyage Bunker Period Report. Now, if the voyage is completed and the vessel is redelivered, the the report will show the closing inventory.

Bug EN-39826


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, operations invoice approvals' related fields were not cleared when rejecting an invoice from within the TDE form. This has been fixed.

Story EN-45669


Invoicing & Payments 

In a TC contract, when hire type was Monthly and the contract was not in base currency, hire amounts in the payment form could be wrong if an Issue Date was first specified before adding items from the Item Select form. This has been fixed and hire amounts will now be correct irrespective of when the Issue Date is specified.

Bug EN-43392



Previously released case EN-45560 created the regression where reference number is not auto-populated when generating Monthly Accruals. Previous commit that caused the regression has been reverted.

Bug EN-45826


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Re-released feature to auto-populate upcoming ports when submitting forms through Onboard. Fixed in-port noon report issues that were reported from original release.

Story EN-45732


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Additional SIRE fields are now mapped in the Vessel Details Page for BPQ and BIQ documents.

Story EN-45272


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Resolved an issue where VVR forms which were shared from another company could sometimes incorrectly display as Pending in the Form list.

Bug EN-44851

distances-svc-1.0.61059, 1-3-2023


Updated port Bayu Undan to have a Country of Timor-Leste instead of Australia

Story EN-45689

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