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December 2022 Changelog
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Added webhook support for updating laytime termsFactor via update estimate mutation when the CFGEnableEditableLaytimeFactor flag is enabled.
Story EN-45416
Operations Invoice table in the Report Designer now has a 1-many join to the Operations Invoice Approvals table so that users can report on invoice approvals based on the VIP database audit trail.
Story EN-45670
Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS
Previously, offhires can appear as 'Uncovered' in a voyage's P&L itemization when it's within their time frame. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45526
Invoicing & Payments
A new configuration flag has been introduced which allows the IC Account for each internal company to be used by default on payments and receipts against that company.
New Configuration Flag: CFGUseSpecificICAccountOnPaymentsAndReceipts
Description:When enabled, intercompany payments and receipts will by default to be sent to the account of the company defined in the Intercompany Info section of the payment/receipt, based on the IC Account defined in that company’s W address book record. If there is no IC Account defined there, the IC Account from Account Periods will be used, similar to the behavior of when this flag is disabled.
Default: N
Story EN-45200
Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS
Previously, some of the profit & loss reports for voyages were not showing demurrage values correctly. This has been fixed
Bug EN-45110
Operations VIP Only
Enabling the Bunkers on Consumption setting in Time Charter Out contracts no longer clears redelivery prices in mirrored Time Charter In contracts.
Bug EN-45077
Demurrage & Claims VIP Only
Previously, with CFGAutoCreateEstVoyDemurrage enabled, automatically created Estimated Demurrage records could incorrectly be assigned a demurrage rate of 0 on Voyages with no demurrage days specified. This has been improved; on such voyages that include exactly one Cargo, the rate assigned to the auto-created Estimated Demurrage record will be the load demurrage rate of the single Cargo on the Voyage.
Story EN-44918
Journals VIP & IMOS
For some configurations using mirroring and profit sharing, when accruals were run with the settings, CFGUseFastIDForBill and CFGSeparateAndMirrorProfitShareAccrual enabled, an error occurred when posting Monthly Closing Profit Share Accrual. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-40544
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
Reverted change to auto-populate upcoming ports in Onboard forms due to reported issues
Bug EN-45720
Agent Portal
Resolved an issue which prevented loading Departure Reports in Agent Portal
Bug EN-45707
Operations VIP Only
The grid sizes and whitespace in the Vessel Vetting Tab have been reduced.
Story EN-45611
Voyage P&L
Previously, Ballast Bonuses in a voyage's P&L could sometimes not appear under actual column when viewing by period. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45208
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Improved error message that user sees when attempting to update a config flag that requires a schema upgrade,
Story EN-43948
Platform API
Removed v1/search endpoints from Veslink API
Story EN-45615
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, fully approved operations invoices were allowed to be approved again. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45560
System Performance VIP Only
Added config flag CFGEnableDecisionTableCache, defaulting to N. When enabled, decision tables will be kept in a short-lived cache to reduce the number of database reads relating to evaluation of Tasks & Alerts. Additionally, made various fixes to reduce number of database queries executed when evaluating Advanced Pricing rules and Cargo Tasks & Alerts.
Bug EN-45522
Custom stylesheets reports will no longer show a blank screen when run
Bug EN-45688
Analytics VIP & IMOS
Bug in which reports run with a relative date filter (ex 'after 15 days ago') are not applied is fixed.
Bug EN-45667
fixed week number bug in vessel schedule
Bug EN-45801
Trade Hub
Adjusted license controls of tradehub module.
Story EN-45383
Demurrage & Claims VIP & IMOS
Adding tooltips to laytime cargo handling grid
Bug EN-45278
fixed week number bug in vessel schedule
Bug EN-39902
focus-gateway-svc-1.0.59824, focus-svc-1.0.59824, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.59824
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-45172
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, company-based business rules did not always take precedence over generic (non-company) ones when posting an invoice and setting Account on the invoice details lines. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45623
Security & User Mgmt
Added Fuel Zone permission checks
Bug EN-45394
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Added support for editable laytime term factors in estimates custom itinerary grid.
Story EN-45291
Analytics VIP & IMOS
Errors displayed when running reports with 'after today' type filters fixed.
Bug EN-45590
Analytics VIP Only
In the "Outstanding Hire-Payment Adjustments" report, if company-based security is enabled, contracts under companies for which a given user does not have read access will no longer be included in the report.
Bug EN-45532
Voyage P&L
Previously, a bunker swap split into multiple voyages could have appeared in a irrelevant voyage. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45498
Trading VIP & IMOS
Updated CFGCommodityMarketCurr flag. Added 'Curr' field to the Market Data form associated with the selected Commodity Symbol.
Story EN-45099
Voyage P&L
Previously, individual user account for different locale other than (English - USA) was showing an incorrect surcharge rate. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44518
Onboard VIP & IMOS
Onboard will now hide FOB voyages for users that have 'Restrict Vessel Access' configured.
Story EN-44509
A new flag has been added for the Voyage Estimate(CFGDisplayDemRateInEstimate). When enabled, the Load Dem rate field will be displayed in the Cargo Grid in the Voyage Estimator. This field will display the value of the Load Dem rate in the CP Terms Details form on the estimate. Updating this field in the Cargo Grid will update the value in the CP Terms Details and will trigger the loading despatch and discharging dem/des rates to update based on the values of CFGDefaultDespatchPercent and CFGDefaultDischargeDemDesPercent.
Story EN-44508
Voyage P&L
Previously, exchange rate difference P&L item from the port expense could have been displayed even with the CFGExclXdiffFromPortExp flag on. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44467
When "CFGEnableCiiCalc" is enabled and the schema is at 391 or greater, the Carbon View on the Estimator will calculate estimated CII Grades for the voyage.
Story EN-44389
Onboard VIP & IMOS
Forms that contain an "Upcoming Ports" field (such as the standard "At Sea" noon report) will now have this field be pre-populated when the form is being submitted through the Onboard workspace. If the form group setting "Enter Multiple Upcoming Ports" is enabled, then all upcoming ports in the itinerary will be pre-populated, otherwise only the next port will be pre-populated.
Story EN-45480
Voyage P&L
Previously, a voyage's P&L could display additional Equipment Contract itemizations for another voyage in the same contract. This has been fixed
Bug EN-45247
Previously, generating both summary report and transaction records with a large amount of posted invoices could have produced an error. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44465
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
Previously, Voyage Expenses Rebill Management form re-saved all invoices in it on the form save - whether they have been modified by the user or not. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41596
Invoicing & Payments
The issue where creating Time Charter Commission invoices could display Outstanding amount rows when there was nothing to be invoiced has been fixed. This was only happening under specific circumstances when Time Charter period and incremental invoices were created consecutively without paying commissions for them in between.
Bug EN-41594
Previously, when monthly accrual is run before the voyage commencement, voyage's ROB was being incorrectly accrued. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45288
Invoicing & Payments VIP Only
Improved field help tooltip for demurrage commission applicability on Cargo Contracts.
Bug EN-43054
Voyage P&L
Previously, when business rules had both Intercompany and vendor-specific mappings for Internal counterparties, VIP did not apply account mapping logic consistently between the voyage P&L and creating/posting invoice transactions. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42760
The logic behind the Trading Profile flag, "Keep TCTO In Exposure When One Contract is Index-Linked“, has been updated to handle Time Charter exposure on TCTO voyages. When the flag is enabled and there is a commenced TCTO voyage, then Exposure Days and Exposure Tons will reflect the remaining number of days in the voyage.
Story EN-42506
distances-svc-1.0.59324, 12-14-2022
Updated UN code for port Zouk Port from LBAAB to LBZUK
Story EN-45521
distances-svc-1.0.59324, 12-14-2022
Improved routing between Mongla and Galle
Story EN-45490
distances-svc-1.0.59324, 12-14-2022
New port added: Hithadhoo Port (Maldives)
Story EN-45431
distances-svc-1.0.59324, 12-14-2022
Fixed issue with trying to route from some points in the middle of Pacific Ocean to Sabine Pass
Bug EN-45353
Fleet Map
Bug EN-44803
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
Classification Society is now imported via SIRE api when importing a vessel.
Story EN-45273
Chartering VIP Only
In the Cargo Contract interface (autotu), fixed validation pertaining to FOB cargoes which could allow a fixed/scheduled cargo contract to be converted to an FOB cargo, fixed an issue which would allow changing the system-assigned FOB voyage number, and fixed an issue which could abandon data in the database when converting an FOB cargo to a non-FOB cargo. Additionally, by default, the interface will now enforce auto-assignment of FOB Voyage numbers when creating an FOB cargo (as is the case in the VIP UI). The ability to manually assign an FOB voyage number for new FOB cargoes via the interface can be re-enabled using config flag CFGAutotuAllowManualFobVoyageNo.
Bug EN-44689
Invoicing & Payments
Counterparty Type column has been added to Invoices list in Voyage Manager - as well as global Create Voyage Invoices and Transaction Summary lists.
Story EN-43890
Demurrage & Claims
Estimated demurrage will now automatically switch between demurrage and despatch rates when applicable. The Auto-update from itinerary checkbox will now synchronize the demurrage and despatch rates from the Cargo contract with the rate in estimated demurrage.
Story EN-40530
This change fixes a bug in reports where reports run with user-defined Date/Time filters would not display a download link. With this fix, Date/Time filters are processing as expected and download links are displayed.
Bug EN-45473
Invoicing & Payments
Added new configuration flag:
Name: "CFGActSameApproverAsWarning"
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Description: "When enabled, if a user tries to approve an invoice more than once, a warning will appear in the log but the approval will not be blocked. When disabled, the approval will be blocked."
Bug EN-45382
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, entering a new entry in Bunker Basis Symbol form with all fields filled in could produce an erroneous error. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45335
Onboard VIP & IMOS
Onboard Replication may now be configured to override incremental options to perform a bulk replication instead. This may configured under the veslink configuration in the VIP Data Center.
Bug EN-45195
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Vessel Import in Data Center form SIRE source is now retrieving vessel data from HVPQ6 questionnaires.
Story EN-45271
Trading VIP & IMOS
Added config flag CFGCommodityMarketCurr. When enabled, currency will be added to the commodity symbol table to allow for capturing market commodity prices in non-base currency.
Story EN-45098
Adds sister vessel data to the Vessel Vetting tab's Inspection table
Story EN-43119
Invoicing & Payments
New configuration flag has been added CFGActLowMemoryModeForPreviouslyInvoicedDetailsOnPosting.
Description: When enabled, VIP will use a low memory mode (caching) when posting an invoice with a large number of previously invoiced details for invoices like TC payments and such.
Hidden: True.
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Bug EN-45350
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only
Changed the "End of Sea Passage (PS)" validation on the Statement of Facts form to now show a warning instead of an error when the supplied activity date is prior to the last ports departure date.
Bug EN-45102
Demurrage & Claims
When a demurrage/desptch is included in a freight invoice as added item and it also is in an incremental laytime invoice, our calculation does not handle that properly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44218
Previously, some Report Designer reports using the join from the Operations Invoice table to Laytime table were slow to load. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45399
Operations VIP Only
A new table has been introduced in the vessel vetting tab that includes various information pertaining to vetting status. CFGEnableVettingWorkflow must be enabled to use this feature.
Story EN-43116
Journals VIP & IMOS
Previously, when Voyage Period Journals were run on the same voyage multiple times without reversing the journal, unnecessary lines for posted items were included in the journal. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-44635
Analytics VIP Only
Previously, in Report Designer the Run Filters behaved differently for date time values than what happened in Design mode. This has been corrected. The dates entered will not be converted to another timezone and are implied to be the same timezone as the values being filtered.
Bug EN-44501
distances-svc-1.0.57776, 12-5-2022
New port added: FPSO Bravo (Brazil)
Story EN-45346
distances-svc-1.0.57776, 12-5-2022
New Port added: Karanja (India)
Story EN-45141
Operations VIP Only
It is now possible to cancel the data loading of the Voyage Manager invoice list while in card view.
Story EN-45358
Previously user would be able to create multiple markets with the same name. This issue has been addressed.
Story EN-45311
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Previously, vessels that did not have an Ownership flag of OV = Owned Vessel, VC = Voyage Charter, TC = Time Charter, or NS = Not Specified would not populate in Access Rights under the vessel dropdown. This update removes this limitation and will show all vessels regardless of their ownership flag under Access Rights. As a result, the number of vessels under Access Rights is expected to have increased.
Bug EN-44972
Previously, Time Charter Period Error Correction Journals could produce an invalid depreciation for a lease. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44934
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Vessel Name displayed in the TDE and interfaced as notification XML when posting TC payment or commission did not reflect legacy vessel name for the TC contract if the vessel name had been changed. This has been fixed.
Story EN-43292
Operations VIP Only
Added Vessel Code as a selectable column in the Voyages List.
Story EN-40032
k8snextrelease, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.60270
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-45570
Next Release, distances-svc-1.0.61059
Updated port Bayu Undan to have a Country of Timor-Leste instead of Australia
Story EN-45689
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