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April 2022 Changelog



Deleting cargo pricing on the cargo level no longer produces an error.

Story EN-41136



Fixed a crash when selecting COA from the cargo form.

Bug EN-42208



Fixed a crash when selecting vessel code in Journal Entry form.

Bug EN-42205


Distances & Maps 

Time zone info for Nicaragua was updated to not have DST

Bug EN-42190


Invoicing & Payments 

In TC payment/billing, when set exchange rate date, the ballast commission was mixed up with other hire commissions. This problem has been fixed.

Bug EN-42090



Before, when copying a voyage, the confirmation date was not being updated properly on the new cargoes generated. This has since been fixed.

Bug EN-41902


Distances & Maps 

Updated South Vietnam to be a routing point

Story EN-40863


Distances & Maps 

Updated Korsoer to a routing point

Story EN-40717


Distances & Maps 

Updated UTO to be a routing port

Story EN-39806



Fixed an issue that could prevent loading TCs with many associated offhire lines when index-linked pricing is in use.

Bug EN-42158



In the "Custom" itinerary tab in Voyage Estimator, added fields for extra sea days (XSD), as well as arrival/departure ROBs.

Story EN-41759



Added logic to the CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable flag to reverse out previously journaled amounts when creating Voyage Period Journals (VPJs) in subsequent periods. When a VPJ is created for a voyage that already has VPJs created, a new line item will be added to the journal that will be the delta between the previous and the current state of the contract. This will capture any new invoices that have been generated on the contract as well as other changes. The exchange rate date for the new periods generated will continue to look to the FX Date Default table.

Story EN-41205


Invoicing & Payments 

When import bunker invoice, we now assign proper bunker grade to the invoice.

Bug EN-39685


Data Center Settings 

Edits to Draft/DWT tab now synchronize with main Draft/DWT/TPC for vessel

Bug EN-41972


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, when using CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable, a time charter payment with CVE lines would use the wrong exchange rate to calculate the total amount. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41831


Data Lake 

TimeCharterContractUserDefinedFields is now part of Datalake extracts

Story EN-41655


Bunker Management 

Added configuration flag CFGEnableNonOperatorBunkerPurchases. When enabled, a Bunker Lifting record linked to a Bunker Purchase can be Paid By either TCI Owner or TCO Charterer while still maintaining a link with the Bunker Purchase. Bunker Invoices paid by TCI Owner/TCO Charterer cannot be invoiced.

Story EN-41638


Invoicing & Payments 

For some mirrored demurrage or despatch invoices, invoice printout failed to get proper B/L info. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41803


Invoicing & Payments 

When posting an operations invoice, exchange rate date changed incorrectly - even when assigned from the operations invoice itself or entered by a user. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41783


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, some exchange rates and dates would incorrectly change after saving a Bareboat Payment. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41495


Data Center Settings 

The 'Inherit Route From Vessel' property has been made available in the Report Designer.

Story EN-41318



Previously, an FFA with Settlement type of Period Averaging with custom period of only one day, the FFA would not be settled. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-40954


Invoicing & Payments 

TC payment mistakenly use off hire line when create off hire write off. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-42019


Demurrage & Claims 

Fixed an issue where a laytime calculation with Once On / Always On being active would not allow the modification of the port activity percentage after Demurrage Start.

Bug EN-41856


Data Lake 

All columns in the CargoGrades_datalakeschema are now included in the extract.

Bug EN-41678



Previously uninvoiced VPJ periods were broken up by billing period and every one getting distinct exchange rate date.
This behavior has been changed such that billing periods that are not yet invoiced show up as one period on VPJ

Bug EN-41660



Previously, the exchange rate date acquired for Monthly Accruals was different for Bunker Invoices defined in 'Invoice FX Date Default Rules'. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41657


Voyage P&L 

Previously, ROB bunker lines unexpectedly showed up zeroed out in Monthly Accruals before delivery and after redelivery when 'Reconcile Bunker ROB for current voyages' option was enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40427


Voyage P&L 

Previously, there were some voyages with duplicate snapshots in the voyage P&L compare list. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39852



When viewing the "Rate Breakdown" report in Time Charters with unpriced hire, fixed an issue where the "Fill Days" setting was not properly reflected in the report.

Bug EN-39785


Voyage P&L 

Previously, journal entries' Accounting Date would appear to have the current date instead after batch posting Accrual Journals. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-38814


Analytics VIP Only

Previously, Bunker Qty columns were showing "0.0E0" for zero quantity. Bunker Qty columns have been fixed to show "0" for zero quantity.

Bug EN-41895


Data Lake 

A Datalake error seen by users using the Cargo Names subgroups option has been resolved.

Bug EN-41690


Chartering VIP Only

Do not block PortLog requests if imoNo, EstimateItinerary EtaGmt, or Vessel Type are missing.

Story EN-41970


Bunker Management 

Fixed an issue where creating a bunker invoice from a bunker purchase may not properly set barging costs on the new invoice.

Bug EN-41829


Ops API 

Fixed issue with Focus UpdateVoyage where LOB could not be set if CFGUseCompanyLobTradeAreaHierarchy is enabled

Story EN-41811



Voyage Deletion XML Notification now includes LOB and Company information.

Story EN-41825



Previously, selecting the Freight Sensitivity Analysis for Voyage Estimates that are Deviation Estimates would give inaccurate results. Now, an error message appears informing the user that Freight Sensitivity Analysis is not available with Deviation Estimates.

Bug EN-36580



The following fields have been added to the Report Designer:
"Mirror Trans No" and "Intra Voyage Mirror Trans No" - to the Operations Invoice table;
"Mirror Bill Trans No" and "Mirror Invoice Trans No" - to the Financials Invoice table.

Story EN-41850


Invoicing & Payments 

The proper monthly hire rate now used to calculation the corresponding commission.

Bug EN-41818


Data Lake 

Fields that have been excluded from Datalake extracts but which were created and inserted into as columns in the datalakecreatetable.sql and datalakeinsert.sql scripts have been removed from those scripts.

Story EN-41608


Messaging Service 

Allow custom Excel templates to be passed in as a command line argument to Datashed.

Bug EN-41272



Added a new configuration flag: CFGOptionalOffHireOnLumpsumCVEs. When enabled, a new checkbox column will be visible in the Time Charter Contract common voyage expenses grid that can be selected for those items that off hire will apply to. It will be checked off by default for all items and can only be unchecked for non-cleaning, non-lumpsum CVEs. The checkbox will apply per-period and will apply to the Estimate P&L, Voyage P&L, Invoicing and Hire Statement

Story EN-40275


Trade Hub 

Added Relative Date Filter to Market Data Comparisons page.

Story EN-41261


Trade Hub VIP Only

Fix an issue in Trade Hub where autocomplete filters where not clearing.

Bug EN-41103


Trade Hub 

Vessel draft added to overlay for historical positions in Tradehub.

Story EN-40919


Trade Hub 

Added a grid under the historical tab in the vessel details panel to show a list of ports called by the selected vessel in the given time frame. It will show the PORT, OPERATION, and each rows can be expanded to view the time of arrival and departure.

Story EN-40628


Data Center Settings 

Error in Fairplay vessel import URL has been corrected.

Bug EN-41883


Chartering VIP Only

The port UN Code is no longer required to send PortLog requests.

Story EN-41864



Fixed an issue where certain special characters in a user's initials could prevent generation of new unique Estimate IDs.

Bug EN-41860


Distances & Maps 

New port added Filyos (Turkey)

Story EN-41798


Distances & Maps 

New port Kildin (Russia) added

Story EN-41592


Distances & Maps 

New port added: Indian Ocean waiting 1

Story EN-41587


Distances & Maps 

2 new ports added to distances

Story EN-41492


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, with CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms enabled, changing any CVE line item exchange rate in a time charter payment caused hire and off hire commissions line items to recalculate using the CVE line item exchange rate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41001



Fixed issue with Est Claim Amounts being large negative numbers in claims generated for Off-Hire/Off-Hire Reversal delays that have already been invoiced on TCs with index-linked hire.

Bug EN-40852


Distances & Maps 

New region added: Tompok Utara Anchorage

Story EN-40488


Ops API 

* A new cargoBrokers array was added to the Focus Cargo message. This array allows the user to specify multiple brokers and their commissions in a single Cargo message.

*The cargoBrokers array does not replace the firstBroker object, which remains for backward compatibility, but fields in the two may not be specified in the same Cargo message. If this occurs, the system will return an error.

* A new commissionType field was also added within the cargoBroker array. This field can be specified for any of the brokers specified in the cargoBroker array, or for a broker specified in the firstBroker object.

Story EN-39054


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, claim commission payment form auto-selected incorrect cargo's broker - if multiple cargos on the same voyage had broker with the same name. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-38249


Demurrage & Claims 

After the fix, the rebill claim broker commission will show up in the p&l freight commission section for 'pay separately' type. It will shows up in pay commission details list as well.

Story EN-25692


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Added a new configuration flag, CFGUseJsonVeslinkFormQueries. When enabled performance is improved when generating Voyage Instruction forms. Note that it requires restarting the messaging service to take effect.

Story EN-41849


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, demurrage timebar task generated for cargo itinerary's shipper/receiver did not have correct counterparty when CFGDisableInternalDemTBTasks configuration flag is on - and cargo had internal counterparties in the itinerary. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41416


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, Description field in the Time Charter Projected Invoices table in the Report Designer was not correct for some delays related items. Same issue in the Create Time Charter Invoices list in Financials. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40630


Invoicing & Payments 

Additional “OK (Apply To All)” button has been added to the Cargo Itinerary Allocation sub-form in the Details grid on the Financials Invoice form. This button allows user to apply selected percentage values for a given detail line to all other lines in the invoice.

Story EN-25500


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Increased the timeout for fetching data from IMOS when generating new Voyage Instructions forms

Bug EN-41838



Fuel Market Symbol Rules can now be accessible under Data Center's Market Data as well. There's a new user security Module Right entry under the Data Center - Market Data section for this. The Fuel Market Symbol Rules form will also have a new 'Source' column.

Story EN-41574



Previously, TCO/I Bunker Adjustment journal was not getting created when snapshot basis calculation was chosen. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41451



Previously, Cargo COAs created from estimates with the CFGEnableCOAPlanningPeriod flag enabled failed to allow the user to add planning periods. This issue is now fixed.

Bug EN-41165



When the "Include TC ROB Bunker Exposure" flag is set in the Trading Profile, changes have been made to update the ROB calculation to handle TCTO voyage ballast legs. Now when a TCTO voyage has a ballast leg and there is a window where the voyage will be commenced and the vessel is delivered to the TCO Charterer, the bunker tons in exposure for the delivery should reflect the net of what is calculated to be onboard the vessel (ROB) at the time of delivery and the delivery quantity from the TC Out Contract.

The Long bunker position for the ROB will continue to show up under the TC In contract line item while the Short delivery bunkers will still show up under the TC Out contract.

When bunkers are pre-purchased for the Charterer prior to Delivery of the vessel to them, this will be accounted for in the ROB calculation as it will be included as part of the delivery quantity.

Story EN-40976


Chartering VIP Only

PortLog integration now displays required fields that the user needs to fill out in order to send the request to PortLog.

Story EN-40880



Error message no longer pops up when running the built in Voyage Freight Summary report with a Vessel Type filter

Bug EN-40556


Voyage P&L 

Previously, when the TCO contract has "Owner's Account" bunkers checked, the ROB belonging to the operator was not correctly reflected in accruals when run with the "Reconcile ROB Bunkers" checkbox checked.
This bug has been fixed.

Bug EN-40283



When CFGAllocateTciHireToVoy was enabled and Broker payment method was "By Counterparty", Hire and Off Hire Commissions were showing in Accruals. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-38433


Invoicing & Payments 

Enabled CTRL+ALT+FunctionKey keyboard shortcuts in VIP forms.

Story EN-41747


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, in Laytime Calculation, port activities that occurred after Demurrage Start had their percentages reset to 100% when modified. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41566




Story EN-41550



Previously, strike price was copied over when a new FFA/Option Trade was created off of a pre-existing one. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39011

3-29-2022, 7.11.24101


Allow Datashed command line to take multiple rvFilter parameters

Story EN-41360

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