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November 2022 Changelog
Previously, Time Charter Period Error Correction Journals could produce an invalid depreciation for a lease. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44934
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Vessel Name displayed in the TDE and interfaced as notification XML when posting TC payment or commission did not reflect legacy vessel name for the TC contract if the vessel name had been changed. This has been fixed.
Story EN-43292
Operations VIP Only
Added Vessel Code as a selectable column in the Voyages List.
Story EN-40032
Operations VIP Only
In the Voyage Position Report, fixed an issue which could cause the report to not generate correctly if including a voyage with a rather large number of cargoes.
Bug EN-45286
Adds Form Source column to Onboard. Describes source of form (Onboard Office, API or offline) for submitted forms and saved drafts.
Story EN-45198
Voyage P&L
Previously, FFA variant of 'Bunker Swap Allocation' did not appear in the voyage's P&L for 'Linked Trades'. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44266
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
Previously, auto-generated freight invoice commissions related to cargo broker with a "rate" commission type did not have the correct calculated amount. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44153
Trading VIP & IMOS
The logic behind the Trading Profile flag, "Preserve Exposure at Commencement for Ballast Voyages“, has been updated to include freight exposure. When this flag is enabled on the Trading Profile and a TC In is currently operating on a ballast voyage, then the exposure for the TC vessel will be based on an Open Date equal to the Commencement Date of the Ballast Voyage. Once a cargo is assigned to the voyage, no longer making it ballast, the exposure will be updated to reflect the underway voyage.
Story EN-43281
Resolved an issue where the Run list action did not work in Report Designer for reports with a source of "Veslink Forms".
Bug EN-44963
Invoicing & Payments
Previously any user was able to approve the same invoice twice. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44759
Stylesheets VIP & IMOS
Audit trail entries are written for File Management.
Story EN-44575
Demurrage & Claims
Broker Commission was not converted to the Demurrage Invoice Currency in the Laytime invoice report when the invoice had a different Agreed Amount than the Calculated one; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-45254
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
In Tasks & Alerts, fixed an issue where Alerts with linked attachments would not properly display the attachment icon in the Tasks & Alerts panel, and the context menu on these alerts also would not properly display the "Show Attachments" menu option.
Bug EN-45248
Fixed bug where users were able to edit the Dem/Des in COA after clicking on the Top-off box even when the status is confirmed
Bug EN-45209
Analytics VIP Only
Hull Number was added to Vessel Details table in Report Designer.
Story EN-45145
Chartering VIP Only
If a given estimate is not in use as an "Initial Estimate" for any freight contract, and the cargo in the estimate is linked to a freight contract, fixed an issue where the given estimate could not be manually assigned as the "Initial Estimate" on its linked freight contract.
Bug EN-44700
Trade Hub
An issue related to Fuel Types not displaying correctly in the Vessel Valuation Sensitivity Grid has been fixed.
Story EN-43098
Demurrage & Claims
Address Commission was not converted to the Demurrage Invoice Currency in the Laytime invoice report when the invoice had a different Agreed Amount than the Calculated one; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-44763
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, when multiple incremental invoices were raised on a TC with multiple hire rates - TC payment form would crash at some point. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43504
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
Previously, when filtering port names on a value that contained a single quote the exports to Excel and csv would export no data. This has been corrected and data will be correctly exported.
Bug EN-44812
The Rightship Sync in imosmail has been completed, and it supports batching for large volumes of vessel queries.
Story EN-44711
Added handling for future physical bunker purchases in the bunker basis exposure logic. Now when the CFGBunkerBasisExposure and CFGM2MFuturePhysicalBunkers flags are both enabled and the 'Future' checkbox on the Bunker Purchase Order form is checked, two new fields will be added to the order grid; Bunker Basis Symbol and Basis Rate. When both fields are populated along with the other exposure details on the contract, you will see Bunker Basis Exposure for the contract in the Trading PnL Summary and Trade Details List in addition to the standard bunker exposure. When these fields are not populated on the contract, then no basis exposure will be present.
The Bunker Basis Exposure will be calculated as the difference between the forward bunker basis rate provided for the basis symbol and the basis rate captured on the purchase times the bunker purchase quantity.
Story EN-44502
When “CFGEnableCarbonView” is enabled, a Carbon Emission view will be added to the estimator. This view contains emission related fields and can be toggled from the estimator panel.
Story EN-44096
Voyage P&L
Previously, Off Hire period items could be reported in local time in Voyage P&L whereas other items would appear in GMT. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43901
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, no hire adjustment appeared when creating TC commission payment, despite there being a TC hire adjustment line on the existing TC invoice. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43553
Fixed a bug in VIP where the C/P Qty Total would be incorrectly calculated for SPOT and RELT voyages
Bug EN-38567
Data Center Settings
A Final Score column was added to the Vessel Vetting tab which is a percent calculated by taking the total number of positively answered questions divided by the total questions.
Story EN-44939
Previously, Benchmark Estimate based cargo exposure was incorrect when Benchmark Estimate Freight type was Lumpsum. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44003
A new checkbox has been added to the Unpriced Components form on Time Charter Contracts called "Apply Corr. to Days" that is only visible when the "Structure" checkbox is selected. When enabled, the calculated Exposure Days for this contract will be adjusted by one minus the correlation value in the structure to reflect the number of days in the period actually exposed to the market. This checkbox is intended to be used with a offset value for a floor and a ceiling in the structure. If this checkbox is selected on the contract and ‘No Days Exposure on Index-Linked Trades’ are both enabled in the Trading Profile, then the contract will show no days of exposure.
Story EN-43694
Trading VIP & IMOS
Added new configuration flag, CFGAddVesselNameToPaperTrade. When enabled, the Vessel Name field will be added to the Paper Trade form. This field is for information only and will not impact the linked-trades functionality. When a Paper Trade has this vessel field populated, it will show up under that vessel in the Trading P&L Summary and Details Lists.
Story EN-36408
tradehub-app-1.0.56000, tradehub-api-1.0.56000
Trade Hub
Vessel data source has been added to Vessel Details in Tradehub Market Insights
Story EN-44199
tradehub-app-1.0.56000, tradehub-api-1.0.56000, vessel-data-svc-1.0.56000
Trade Hub
Vessel capacity is now available in the Vessel Details panel Profile tab in Tradehub Market Insights.
Story EN-43852
distances-svc-1.0.55901, 11-17-2022
New port added: Gargoub (Egypt)
Story EN-45101
distances-svc-1.0.55901, 11-17-2022
New Pilot Station port added: Gull Anchorage (India)
Story EN-45097
distances-svc-1.0.55901, 11-17-2022
New port: Kangneung (South Korea)
Story EN-45072
distances-svc-1.0.55901, 11-17-2022
Added 3 new ports in the Caspian Sea area
Story EN-44891
Onboard VIP Only
Fixed issue with CFGAllowNegativeConsumption configuration flag default value not being respected in Onboard
Bug EN-45061
Tasks & Alerts
Bug EN-44675
Analytics VIP Only
Fix error when filtering on JOIN columns in report designer.
Bug EN-44488
Previously, selecting piracy/ECA routing information on the Voyage Estimate level would add the selected zones to the default routing set for the selected vessel. Now, if piracy/ECA routing information is selected in the Voyage Estimate the routing will only take these zones into account.
Bug EN-41821
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
Bug EN-45079
Tasks & Alerts
For alert values in Task & Alert rules, copy over text when a value is converted from plain text to an expression
Story EN-44733
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
Previously, the Code for the Revenue/Expense line item was unexpectedly changed when the Code drop-down menu was opened, and then the user closed the window and saved changes, even though the user did not change the Code value from the drop-down menu. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42579
Chartering VIP Only
Added support for Link Labels and Card Headers in webhook responses in the notifications panel.
Story EN-44760
In Estimate page, when webhook response contains wrongly formatted displayFields, an error message will be displayed instead of hiding the whole notification panel.
Some minor adjustment to make the items in the panel cards lines up with each other better.
Bug EN-44853
The messaging service now supports the update of interservice cargoes.
Story EN-27363
Chartering VIP Only
Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause the CP Terms Details form to close unexpectedly when selecting the "Pricing" tab.
Bug EN-45008
Previously, an error could occur when running a scheduled task for Voyage Period Journals. This would happen when the journal net was zero, but the offsetting bill codes were not the same. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-44987
Chartering VIP Only
In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where the "PortExpMissing" option for CFGVoyestCriteriaForZeroProfit would incorrectly require entry of port expenses for operation types that should not require port expenses.
Bug EN-44880
distances-svc-1.0.54945, 11-9-2022
Updated the ECA - Argentina River Plate region's boundaries
Story EN-44882
distances-svc-1.0.54945, 11-9-2022
Updated Dodecanese to be a routing port
Bug EN-44273
Trade Hub N/A
Story EN-44553
Chartering VIP Only
Added support for message field to portlog cards in VIP task and alerts.
Story EN-44948
Demurrage & Claims
Prior to this fix Laytime commence/completed/deductions for discharge port were not retained on calc close/reopen. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44945
When rearranging groups in the Notifications panel, the new order of groups will persist across estimates for the user
Story EN-44527
Updated the Routes Update message handler to be able to accept Bunker Basis Market prices now. In the handler, there is a new flag called IsBunkerBasisMarket, and when that is set to Y, the prices in the feed will be treated as bunker basis prices and can be used for calculating bunker basis risk in the Trading and Risk module. This requires the CFGBunkerBasisExposure flag to be enabled and the Trading & Risk Module License.
Story EN-44503
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, intra-voyage mirror invoices, auto-created for the laytime claim's incremental invoices, did not have the correct amount when including address commission. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42394
Fixed bug where CPPort in freight invoice generated XML was incorrect after updating a transshipment CP Port
Bug EN-40666
Voyage P&L
Previously, the Voyage P&L calculation for demurrage commission on the OV voyage was not taking the Accrual percentage from the Laytime claim into account. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-44788
An option was added to set CFGDefaultOverageXfrtPct to -1, which will stop default overage from being added to Extra Freight Terms.
Bug EN-44612
Trading VIP & IMOS
Added "Preserve Exposure at Commencement for Ballast Voyages“ flag to Trading Profile. When enabled, a vessel sailing on a **OV voyage without any cargoes assigned, will have a bunker exposure in the current period reflective of the initial bunkers at the start of the voyage plus any stemmed bunkers.
Story EN-44554
With this change, a new field called Route Correlation is added to both Report Designer and Data Lake.
Story EN-44240
Updated CFGBunkerBasisExposure. When it is enabled along with 'Include TC Bunker ROB Exposure' trading profile flag, a new element to the bunker exposure calculations is tracked in the Trading & Risk Module to show the basis risk associated with TC Bunker ROB Exposures.
Story EN-44175
New join from Laytime table to Laytime Cargo & Root Cause Allocation Details has been added in the Report Designer. It can be used to report on the related grid in the Laytime calculator (requires config flag CFGEnableCargoRootCauseAllocation and the database schema 387).
Story EN-43880
Previously, using 'Apply Port Expenses to Period' in Monthly Accruals did not show an accurate description of how their amounts was determined. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43859
Voyage P&L
Previously, some offhire bunkers were not being aggregated correctly in the voyage P&L. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43622
New field "VC In IDs" has been added to the Laytime table in the Report Designer.
Bug EN-43019
Demurrage & Claims
Option to unlink deleted/obsoleted laytime claim invoice from the corresponding chemical laytime calculation - when saving it - has been added to the Laytime Calculator.
Bug EN-43004
Demurrage & Claims
A checkbox titled Auto-update from itinerary was added to the Estimated Demurrage form when CFGEnableMultiEstDem is enabled. When checked, the Days Used field is automatically calculated from the corresponding itinerary line.
Story EN-40600
distances-svc-1.0.54508, 11-4-2022
Port De Boke has been updated to use the correct time zone GN
Bug EN-44969
distances-svc-1.0.54508, 11-4-2022
New port added: Lotus Port (Vietnam)
Story EN-44938
distances-svc-1.0.54508, 11-4-2022
New port added: Ampelakia (Salimina Island)
Story EN-44923
distances-svc-1.0.54508, 11-4-2022
Updated UN code value for 3 ports
Story EN-44676
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Added support for processing multiple transaction types in one message and the EtaEtd transaction type
Story EN-44719
Chartering VIP Only
In Equipment Contracts, fixed an issue where the From/To dates on Hire and Commission may not be properly restored when opening the contract.
Bug EN-44735
Previously, the selection of the structure pricing was done without applying the general correlation in the unpriced component. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44140
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, index linked TC hire could produce duplicate exposure lines in the trade details list. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43723
Chartering VIP Only
When using "Add Cargo To New Estimate From Benchmark" workflow, if the involved benchmark estimate has a commence port specified and the nominated vessel has no available open position information within VIP, the commence port specified in the benchmark estimate will now be preserved in the new estimate.
Bug EN-42292
Agent Portal
Temporarily removed recently added additional fields to the port call details API
Bug EN-44943
Disbursement Interface
When CFGAutoinvUseNextOpenPeriod is enabled, payments imported through autoinv.exe and autopay.exe will now automatically use the next open accounting date when the original posting period is closed.
Story EN-44428
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Previously, entering load or discharge ports on the pricing tab of Cargo Details would not properly show up in the UI after entering values. This has been corrected.
Bug EN-43362
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, when a single demurrage timebar task was generated for a port - it did not show correct counterparty in the list. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42449
k8snextrelease, tradehub-app-1.0.54443
Trade Hub
Enhancement to the filter panel in tradehub action cargoes results page: the filter panel is now collapsible similar to the filter panel in marketposition page.
Story EN-44511
k8snextrelease, tradehub-app-1.0.54443
Trade Hub
In tradehub marketposition page:
1. position adjustment and style enhancement of the collapse button
2. removed the empty bar on the left side of the map when panel is collapsed
Story EN-44262
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