December 2024 Changelog

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December 2024 Changelog


Platform UI 

Previously, the "Reminder" checkbox on the Accounts Payable/Receivable form was unresponsive upon user's interaction. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62329



New config flag CFGProrateFreightCommissionPerCargo has been added.
When enabled and Prorate Freight Revenue on a Per Cargo Basis checkbox is checked on the Monthly Accruals, freight commissions will prorate on a Per Cargo basis.

Story EN-63723


Invoicing & Payments 

It is now possible to invoice Fuel EU Expenses in Time Charter contracts when linked voyages have not been completed. These expenses can be invoiced multiple times for a given voyage and the default amounts are editable now. If this expense has already been raised in a TC invoice, it's amount in the next invoice is calculated as the latest Fuel EU expense from the voyage minus previously invoiced amounts.

Story EN-63149


Invoicing & Payments 

In the Allowance Invoices grid in the Emissions tab of Cargo and TC Out contracts, when a user chose the context menu option to create a new Carbon Allowance but then selected No in the resulting confirmation dialog box, an Allowance transfer was still being generated. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62119


Invoicing & Payments 

When Allowance transfer invoices were imported through autoinv.exe, their signs were not accurate and a price adjustment row with 0 amount was generated in the invoices for Time Charter and Head Fixture contracts. These issues have been fixed.

Bug EN-61738



Previously, a cargo which has a linked voyage with invoiced emissions could have shown incorrect CO2 exposure in the trade details list. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63927


Operations VIP Only

Address Book information output in the bunker requirement export XML message now includes the vendorCrossRef field.

Story EN-63721


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, a Carbon Allowance invoice could be created despite being in a "Pending" state. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63038


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where it was possible to delete Pending Port Expense invoices in Closed voyages has been fixed.

Bug EN-62161


Journals VIP & IMOS

Previously, running the voyage period journal via DDF was not using configured defaults for calculation flags when the calculation flag parameter was not provided. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63093

distances-svc-1.0.107730, 12-20-2024


With this distances release, we are now maintaining the State property on ports as a part of our distances upgrade process.

We have started by adding a "State" value for a number of existing Canadian ports that reflects the province the port resides in. We will be populating the State value of more Canadian and United States ports over time.

Story EN-62319

distances-svc-1.0.107653, 12-20-2024


Port "FPSO CIDADED DE CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES" has been updated to "CIDADE DE CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES FPSO" and UN Code BRCGF has been added to match official UNLOCODE information

Story EN-63951

distances-svc-1.0.107653, 12-20-2024


Port Castellon has been renamed to "Castellon de la Plana" to match the official UNLOCODE name

Story EN-63915

distances-svc-1.0.107653, 12-20-2024


Port "FPSO PETROBAS 68" has been updated to "PETROBRAS 68 FPSO" and UN Code BRP68 has been added to match official UNLOCODE information

Story EN-63789

distances-svc-1.0.107653, 12-20-2024


New port: FSO Pargo (Brazil)

Story EN-63788


Invoicing & Payments 

When the P&L Calc option flag, "Prorate Freight Revenue on a Per Cargo Basis", was enabled, Freight Adjustments added to the Freight Invoice were not being prorated on a per Cargo basis correctly. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-63310


Chartering VIP Only

In the tcExport XML notification, increased the precision of CurrencyExchgRate to 6 decimals.

Bug EN-63207


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Previously, Off Hire Address Commission would be included as a negative expense in Voyage Estimate P&L, which was incorrect. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62824



An issue related to cargo quantity resetting when omitted in import XML has been resolved.

Bug EN-62672



With this release, "Fuel EU Calc Default" has been added to the Cargo contracts. When this value is set, Fuel EU penalty expenses/rebills will appear in the Voyage PnL.

Story EN-62186


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, when CFGDisableAddcommDeductionForCargoWithBenchmarkExposure was enabled, the "Net P&L Less Commissions" column for cargo trades with benchmark exposure was not deducting market commission. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62254


Voyage P&L 

The following registry account related fields have been added to the address book interface message and exported when address book record is saved: region, country, registry ID, account holder name, and account name. The same fields can also now be imported when updating or adding a new address book record via an interface.

Story EN-62661



Previously, the system did not permit entry of laytime terms factors greater than 2. This has been changed such that there is no longer a maximum permitted value for laytime terms factors.

Bug EN-62572


Trading IMOS Only

Previously, FFA/Option List did not display Settled Rate for FFA trade settlements. This has been fixed to display the actual settled rate for single settlements, and the indicator "multiple" when multiple settlements exist.

Bug EN-62405


Analytics VIP & IMOS

Fixed a bug impacting persistence of report column property selection and hid options that were not functional

Bug EN-62143


Invoicing & Payments 

When an Allowance ID is linked to an Allowance invoice in TCI, TCO, Cargo and VC In contracts, the Price for the invoice is now populated from the Carbon Allowance Trade instead of coming from the voyage.

Bug EN-61988


Voyage P&L IMOS Only

Previously, some bad debt P&L item which were not shown in the P&L were saved with the snapshot. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62146


Data Center Settings 

Previously, it was possible to delete a User-Defined Field used in a custom field expression. Validation has now been added to prevent the deletion of User-Defined Fields that are in use.

Bug EN-62128


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, posted invoice's "Invoice Reference No." value incorrectly appeared on the uninvoiced line in voyage invoice list. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62082



Previously, with CFGMoveRealizedCargoEmissionExposureToTodayWhenInThePast enabled and Cargo exposure outside the period of the voyage, Carbon Emission exposure would not be calculated. This issue has been resolved. Also, updated this config flag description to reflect dependence on the flag, CFGAutoUpdateCarbonExposureOnVoyages.

Bug EN-61855



Previously, option status for TC Min/Max trade was not being displayed correctly when the trade type was tied to pricing model of "Black76". This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61107


Chartering VIP & IMOS

The Fuel EU tab of the Carbon Calculator now supports a feature to show the breakeven point at which the Compliance Balance becomes zero by replacing non-compliant fuel with compliant fuel. This calculation is an estimation tool that simulates the amount of compliant fuel required to be consumed and non-compliant fuel to be replaced on a voyage to reach net zero compliance. This feature requires activating the new config flag `CFGFuelEUComplianceBreakevenCalc`.

Story EN-62944



With this release, a new "Fuel EU Calc Default" dropdown will appear on the Emissions tab in the TCI/TCO forms. When "Penalty" is selected, the voyage PnL expenses for Fuel EU Penalty will show on voyages that have "Include in PnL" selected. When "N/A" is selected, no Fuel EU Penalty expense lines will show for associated voyages. Schema version 479 is required.

Story EN-62182


Invoicing & Payments 

All Emission Allowance invoices and Allowance Transfer Invoices are now displayed in the Receivables Summary List when they are generated from Cargo or TC Out contracts. This functionality applies only when configuration flags CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation (for Cargo contracts) and CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation (for TCO contracts) are enabled.

Story EN-55154

distances-svc-1.0.107126, 12-12-2024


Sulu Sea port has been updated to be a routing point and is available in vessel routing preferences

Story EN-63398




Bug EN-62336


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

CFGAllowNegativeConsumption now accounts for negative consumption values, as opposed to just the overall ROB input in Veslink Form validation.

Bug EN-62300


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

The System Config page now contains two new settings in the Forms Section. veslink.com/#operations/veslinkConfig/
These settings affect form rejection e-mails.

Within the new Rejection sub-section:
1. Rejection Email CC Addresses: accepts a comma separated list of e-mails to send the rejection notice to, in addition to the vessel operator.
2. Form Rejection email body: the e-mail body of the rejection notice. If left unchanged, rejection notice will work as it always has. However, the entire body can now be customized. This includes exposing tokens which will be replaced by the applicable values when the email is generated. The default e-mail body includes the %AdminEmail% token. This can be replaced with another e-mail address "person@site.com" or free text "please contact the voyage operator for more detail on the rejection".

The following tokens are available for use:
%AdminEmail% (if included, will have same value as admin email for error notifications)

Story EN-62220


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

Recoverable expenses and revenues will no longer appear in the Estimate P&L, just as they do not in the Voyage P&L.

Bug EN-62184



Previously, carbon allowance trades with 0 as price were not taken into account correctly when running the carbon allowance inventory report. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62142



The issue where Original Invoice No, Original Invoice Amount and Original Invoice Trans No columns in the Financial Invoice table in Report Designer could be wrong for certain transactions has been fixed.

Bug EN-61614


Trading IMOS Only

Previously, Contract TCE for Cargo/VC using Benchmark Estimates with Pricing table entry may have shown inaccurate results. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63397


Operations VIP & IMOS

Previously, reassigning a pair of mirrored TCI and TCO to a voyage could sometimes fail with a database error. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63472


Voyage P&L 

Previously, rebillable expenses that had been posted, and had switched account type in business rules, were showing in Voyage PnL as Uncategorized Adjustments when CFGUsePnlAccountTypeForRebills was used. This has been fixed to show these rebillable expenses using the previously used account type.

Bug EN-63285


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, invoices imported via XML could show an invariance in voyage PnL for rebillable expenses if CFGUsePnlAccountTypeForRebills is enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-63247


Operations VIP & IMOS

Previously, the Create New Voyage dialog shown by the Voyage Manager could default new voyages to Consecutive when a commence date was entered that matched the end of the last voyage for the vessel, even after a different TCI was chosen for the voyage. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62387


Chartering VIP Only

The TCI% value can now be modified for duplicate off hire entries in the Delay form.

Bug EN-62272


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, the Carbon Calculator could show no data when a terminating port was present in a voyage or estimate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62024


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, Linked Itinerary Seq port numbers were not generated in the Report Designer for Freight Commission Invoices. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61927

distances-svc-1.0.106839, 12-6-2024


UN Code corrected to NOJEL for port Jelsa (Norway)

Story EN-63474

distances-svc-1.0.106839, 12-6-2024


UN Code has been removed from port Liza Destiny FPSO as prior value was incorrect and UN code did not exist

Story EN-63329


Chartering VIP Only

In Voyage Estimator, fixed issue where Head Fixture CVEs would not be reflected in the P&L.

Bug EN-61987


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue preventing Report Designer from properly getting Alias port data.

Bug EN-61904



The issue where Time Charter Broker Commission was generated for lumpsum offhire occurring outside of the broker commission period in the contract has been fixed.

Bug EN-61825


Operations VIP & IMOS

An issue related to off-hire reverse bunker quantities in reporting has been resolved.

Bug EN-62030


Operations VIP & IMOS

With CFGSelectLinkedPortCallInOpsInvoiceDetails enabled, the port selection menu could display incorrect port options if there are multiple cargoes with different loading and discharge ports. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61816


Trading IMOS Only

With this release, preliminary Invoice Total amounts in Base and Currency can be selected as columns in the Create Trade Settlement Invoices List.

Story EN-61021


Operations VIP & IMOS

The Bunker Requirement Import and Update XML now supports Pre-Test Viscosity, Post-Test Viscosity, and Bio and Fossil Fuel Factors.

Story EN-60839


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

The System Config page now contains a new setting in the Forms Section (veslink.com/#operations/veslinkConfig/).

"Within SOFs, allows selection of cargo type All. This applies a given activity to all cargoes that exist on that leg". To use this setting, turn it on, then reset master data. If using offline forms, you must download new forms; for Onboard, you must run bulk replication. No action is required for API submission.

With this setting enabled, offline/Onboard SOF forms will now default to cargo type "All" instead of the usual "Select..." dropdown option. For voyage legs with multiple cargoes, an SOF submitted against that leg with "All" selected in the Cargoes column will generate the relevant cargo activity for all cargoes in that voyage leg. If desired, leg cargoes can be manually excluded by creating a separate cargo activity of the same type and manually selecting the desired cargo.

For API submission, if this setting is turned on, cargo activities with no cargoName will apply to all leg cargoes. Individual cargoes can be manually excluded for a given activity in the same manner as described above.

Story EN-56420


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Resolves an issue with the Class Societies module permissions. If you encounter an access issue with Class Societies, please work with your security admin to verify you have the correct permissions for the module.

Bug EN-62620


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Address Book information output in the cargoSaleExport and tcExport XML messages now includes the vendorCrossRef field.

Story EN-62318



Previously, if a port with non-zero emissions was changed to a passing port, which don't have emissions, that port would display zero emissions in the Voyage Manager but still showed the previous emissions in Report Designer. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-61931



In an AR final statement, if the paid line item is AP, the sign was wrong. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61817


Journals IMOS Only

Previously, when using multiple company codes, period validation could be evaluated incorrectly during Journal Entry save. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61726


Invoicing & Payments 

Some tax items were mistakenly counted toward cargo total %. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61575



Previously, CO2 trading exposure could have been incorrect in the scheduled trading snapshot. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61427


Berth Scheduling VIP & IMOS

When splitting or inserting a cargo on a voyage, the default berth activity rules will now apply.

Story EN-60714

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