March 2022 Changelog

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March 2022 Changelog


Ops API 

When using the auto-consecutive mode for the UpdateVoyage API, fixed an validation issue which would prevent creation of intentionally-overlapping voyages.

Bug EN-41714



Fixed issues in the voyage deletion XML notification to make it consistent with the voyage save XML notification: "voyRef" was incorrectly exporting the value of the "Reference" field from the voyage and now exports the value of "Voy Ref", and an "externalRef" has been added for the "Reference" field in the voyage.

Bug EN-41590


Invoicing & Payments 

When issuing a hire invoice, any previously invoiced index-linked hire should be automatically adjusted if there are index rate changes. In some specific situations the adjustment was not being generated; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-41329


Bunker Management 

Added a voyageUserGroup tag to the bunkerRequirementExport message. This value will pull from the User Group field on the associated Voyage Manager record.

Story EN-41681



Allow Datashed command line to take multiple rvFilter parameters

Story EN-41360


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, Port Details report in Laytime Calculator displayed inconsistent despatch/demurrage amounts for specific calculation types. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40059


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, some Time Charter payment invoices for mirrored voyages could not be approved. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39922



Pre-purchased bunkers were associated with TCI owner instead of the vendor after being invoiced when CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy was enabled. This resulted in Voyage Period Journal and Accrual discrepancies. The issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-40532


Chartering VIP Only

Using shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Enter in an Estimate field now auto-fills the value to other estimates in a worksheet. Migrates Ctrl+Enter functionality from IMOS Desktop.

Story EN-31682


Demurrage & Claims 

New configuration flag CFGRequireAnalystOnClaim has been added.
Description: If enabled, the Analyst is a required field on Claim form.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N

Story EN-30833


Voyage P&L 

Previously, if no BL code was specified for multiple cargo handling lines associated to the same cargo, P&L would be double counted for that cargo freight. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-41649


Ops API 

Added isParent and parentCoaId to applyUpdateCOA mutations.

Story EN-41450


Voyage P&L 

Previously, some P&L items were not linked to their corresponding invoice number. Now, the correct invoice number will appear on the P&L item if there is a invoice number linked with it. If a P&L item has more than one invoice number associated with it, it will not show the invoice number in the P&L grid.

Bug EN-39116



Previously, no accrual journals were created for items that are capitalized on the voyage. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41651


Security & User Mgmt VIP Only

Fixed a bug where read-only users couldn't save profile information.

Bug EN-41591



NOR Hours (aka Turntime Hours) has been exposed in Report Designer for the Estimate Itinerary and Voyage Cargo Handling tables.

Story EN-41338


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

Financials reports (e.g. Account Analysis) would sometimes time out in VIP when reporting on large set of transactions. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39162


Distances & Maps 

New port: Liza Unity FPSO (Guyana)

Story EN-41541


Voyage P&L 

Previously, an error would occur when creating a TCOV voyage with a duration not defined. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41540


Distances & Maps 

New port: Tallinn Roads (Estonia)

Story EN-41474


Distances & Maps 

New port: Murucupi (Brazil)

Story EN-41432



Previously, the FX Date Default Rules didn't take estimated port expenses (PEXP) into account. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41524


Invoicing & Payments 

Configurable Alerts can now be created to appear on the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms. Similar to other configurable alerts, these can be configured in the Tasks & Alerts Rule Set List by selecting "Financial Invoice" as the Applies To object. Administrators may create rules that trigger warnings to guide the user but still allow them to proceed, errors that do the same but are more attention-grabbing, or save-preventing errors which can be used to prevent an invoice or journal entry from being posted if a rule is violated. These alerts will appear in an Alerts panel in both the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms. Additionally, if any save-preventing alert rule would be violated during a bulk-post action, the invoice or journal that violated it will fail to post while the rest will proceed. This application of the rules to bulk posting is configurable, using CFGIgnoreSavePreventingAlertsInInvoiceBulkPosting (described below). This feature is available only in VIP.

New configuration flag: CFGIgnoreSavePreventingAlertsInInvoiceBulkPosting
Type: Boolean
Default value: N
Description: When enabled, Financial Invoice’s rules-based alerts and resulting save-preventing errors will not apply when bulk-posting invoices through Transaction Summary list, Post Invoices list or Post To Financials functionality in Voyage Cost Allocation and Demurrage Cost Allocation forms in VIP.

Story EN-41393


Bunker Management VIP Only

Bunker Inquiries that use standard paragraphs now include the additional selections when saving as an html email.

Story EN-41327



With the Trading Profile Flag "Adjust TC Redelivery on Market Condition" enabled and Adjust Days a non-zero value, Time Charter In exposure periods were including this adjusted value for non Min/Max contracts. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-40368



Fixed an issue where cargo contracts created in Voyage Manager/Voyage Fixture could have the default Coordinator inadvertently cleared if the voyage is re-saved immediately after the new cargo contract is created.

Bug EN-41434


Chartering VIP Only

Fields' autocomplete behavior has been changed to show the highlighted value at the top of the list.

Story EN-41176



All characters in the Edit Formula window are being displayed

Bug EN-39851



With this fix, Start & End Dates for Cargo and VC In contracts should be preserved on TDL when Laycan dates are modified on the contracts.

Bug EN-39586


Distances & Maps 

New piracy region added for JWLA 029 in Russian and Ukrainian waters

Story EN-41431


Invoicing & Payments 

BL Qty related fields in the "invoice" XML notification have been changed to output values with 3 decimal precision instead of 2 as before.
Also, "BL/Disch Qty" field in Cargo Itinerary Allocation sub-form in Transaction Data Entry form was changed to display values with 3 decimal precision.

Bug EN-40922


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix, TCO Hire Rate on the invoice should stay the same upon saving.

Bug EN-40685


Invoicing & Payments 

This affects TC Rebills with mirrored contracts only. The rebill line(s) will not appear multiple times when create TC invoice.

Bug EN-38772


Data Lake 

The discrepancies in the fields included in the MasterTableSchema and Data Lake extract files have been removed, except for fields whose 'IncludedInDatalake' flag has been set to false

Bug EN-41112



Annotated "DelaySeq" in the Delays table for Report Designer.

Story EN-41522


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix, Remaining BoR Balance should be showing the correct amount when balancing with payments.

Bug EN-41481


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, Port Details report in the Laytime Calculator displayed values inconsistent with the calculation itself. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40159



In Cargo/VC In COAs, fixed an issue where deleted Bunker Exposure lines could reappear after reloading the COA.

Bug EN-39986



In the Bunker Details section of the Voyage P&L Report, as well as the stand-alone Bunker Details Report, fixed an issue where the bunker unit of measure would always be displayed as MT.

Bug EN-35554


Distances & Maps 

New port: Taizhou Pt, Zhejiang (China)

Story EN-41433



Deviation estimates in VIP will now display TCI Misc. Expenses in the P&L.

Bug EN-40645


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix in place, PDA reversal lines should be itemized when CFGActItemizeAdvanceCredit is enabled and as a result rounding issue should not happen.

Bug EN-41299


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix in place, "Adjustment for rounding" should only reflect the rounding difference in value.

Bug EN-41253


Distances & Maps 

New port added: Newell, WV (United States)

Story EN-41206



Submitted or Rejected onboard forms with errors now show status "Submitted, contains errors" or "Rejected, contains errors" instead of "Errors" alone.

Bug EN-41202


Distances & Maps 

11 new ports added to Distances

Story EN-40808


Distances & Maps 

2 new ports Huadi Port and Huadi Anchorage

Story EN-40720



We increased the storage length of integers in Veslink forms to 64 bits.

Story EN-40702


Distances & Maps 

3 new regions added: Northern Static Zone, Southern Static Zone and Restricted Zone (SDW - Slow down for whales)

Story EN-39882


Voyage P&L 

In Voyage P&L, the descriptions for TCI/TCO CVE, Ballast Bonus, and Cleaning line items will now include the rate or amount of each item, including their currencies.

Story EN-40631


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, some payment detail lines in Final Freight Statement report did not show correct dates. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39556



Adds support for Hire Adjustment on Redelivery invoice lines in Report Designer. Rows for Hire Adjustment on Redelivery will now have a negative Invoice Amount and will not appear in the Report Designer if they have already been invoiced.

Bug EN-38469


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, weekend-related port activities in "once on/always on" type laytime calculations did not adjust their percentage correctly when re-ordered. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-26468



Fixed an issue where toggling of "Co-Load" checkbox could leave inaccurate counterparty information on the given freight contract.

Bug EN-41387


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

In Form Designer, date fields can now be compared to other date fields in the form.

Story EN-40967



TCI Voyage Estimates now support loading multi currency CVEs.

Story EN-40418


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix, COA dates on demurrage invoices are no longer missing.

Bug EN-39949


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, configuration flag CFGTaxOnTaxPST did not work as expected in Time Charter Bill form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39269



Previously, some Paper Trade sub-ids were being assigned an incorrect value after Trading P&L Snapshot was run; an extra period was included. This has been resolved.

Bug EN-39160


Messaging Service 

Messages of type 'sendmail' will now have description "Email Notification" in the Interface Message List.

Story EN-41177


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

In Form Designer, users now have a warn-when field which can have multiple conditions. Additionally, the previous "Visible When", "Valid When" and "Hide Table Row When" now also support multiple conditions as well.

Story EN-40897


Chartering VIP Only

PortLog cards with old data no longer persist after the user makes changes to the estimate or switches to a new estimate.

Bug EN-41115


Invoicing & Payments 

With CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable enabled, 'Invoice FX Date Default Rules' can be defined for Financial invoice types. It'll allow for defaulting the exchange rate date on the following: Freights, Demurrage & Despatch, Port Disbursements & Advancements, Voyage Other Revenue & Expense, Standalone Freight & Demurrage/Despatch Commission, Claims and Claim Rebills, Owner Rebills, and Bunker Surveys. There are checkbox indicators included in the setup form to express where the rules will apply.

Story EN-40961



Fixed an issue where loading an Estimate Worksheet with a large number of estimates could sometimes report a "fatal error" and not properly load.

Bug EN-40680


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, a hire statement for a TC In with multiple APR's would aggregate FDA expenses with every related APR and PDA line items for port expenses. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40290



In the Port Expense Summary form, fixed an issue where where a user without access rights to save the given voyage was inadvertently able to edit the estimated port expenses for a given itinerary line.

Bug EN-39845


Invoicing & Payments 

Broker selection in Demurrage/Freight Commission payment form would sometimes result in a crash. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-39244


Demurrage & Claims 

In the bookings based laytime calculator's Port Activities grid, we now default the date/time from the previous line instead of port arrival when adding lines.

Bug EN-40974



Previously, "Financials And Operations Invoice Notes" table in Report Designer did not include notes for reversed financials invoices which resulted in logic that was misaligned with our Invoice Notes form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-40192



Previously, "Voy" column in Invoice Details grid of Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms was not wide enough to show the whole voyage number. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36110


Messaging Service 

Roll back changes that were causing issues validating certain cargo XML messages.

Bug EN-41337


Ops API 

Automatically update TDE note field from invoice when updating invoices over API.

Bug EN-40803


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix, Cargo Itinerary Allocation should work fine for FOBV Accruals.

Story EN-35090


Invoicing & Payments 

With this fix, updated amount value on Voyage Expenses line should be preserved.

Bug EN-41282

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