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May 2022 Changelog
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, BL Date in the interface XML did not have correct value for the posted demurrage/despatch invoices for internal cargo in a TCOV/RELT mirroring scenario. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42179
Invoicing & Payments
If bareboat commission type is empty, misc items' commission would not be calculated. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42614
Data Center Settings
Added "scrubberActive" element for vessel data to ImosData.xsd, available for both vessel import an export.
Story EN-42456
Invoicing & Payments
Cherry-pick merge to imos-enterprise branch
Bug EN-42574
In the Trading Modules Trade Details List the Market Rate is expected to display the raw market rate. A change in the TC Min/Max exposure calculations using correlation and adjustment with the Black-76 pricing model resulted in displaying an incorrect market value for some TC Min/Max contracts. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42563
Trade Hub
The Vessel Valuation tool now uses Price Components for each fuel type across all selected vessels to increase granularity in benchmark calculations.
Story EN-41483
Previously, calculating VPJs with 'Daily Snapshot' could've had a different exchange rate date shown from what was in 'Recalculation'. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42338
Distances & Maps
UN Code values added to 4 ports
Story EN-42282
Invoicing & Payments
A new Financial Control form is available in the Setup section of the Financials module in VIP (requires CFGEnableFinancialControlInVIP config flag enabled).
This allows definition of Financial Control (Invoice Approval/Posting) rules for specific invoices (by choosing a specific invoice type) or for broader categories (by choosing All, All AR, or All AP invoice types).
This is a similar form to the Invoice Approvals Restrictions form that Enterprise IMOS has, but with the additional "# of Approvals" setting per row (requires CFGEnableFinancialControlBasedApprovals config flag enabled). This allows indicating that invoices that meet all the specific rule's criteria, require a specific number of approvals.
In addition, when CFGExtendApprovalRightsToFinancials config flag is enabled - same Financial Control rules specified in a new form for invoice approvals - will be applied when posting an invoice.
Config flag: CFGEnableFinancialControlBasedApprovals
Description: When enabled, number of approvals required for a specific invoice will be calculated based on Financial Control setup and "approvals by type" access rights (if config option CFGInvoiceApprovalsByType is enabled). If Financial Control setup disallows invoice approval for a specific invoice - user will be prompted. If config option is not enabled - VIP will use current logic for invoice approvals.
Default Value: N
Hidden: N
Config flag: CFGEnableFinancialControlInVIP
Description: When enabled, financial control setup form is available in the Financials console in VIP.
Default Value: N
Hidden: N
Story EN-42257
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Resolved an issue where deleting Veslink forms sometimes resulted in degraded performance
Bug EN-42556
Previously, creating a new entry for an agent in the Address Book from the Agents and Notices form without saving it would cause the non-existent agent to persist in the Agents and Notices form. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-42425
Invoicing & Payments
When invoicing Time Charter contracts that are not in the base currency, amounts and calculations mix up per-line and invoice's own currency in some cases. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42198
Previously, calculating an accrual with a 'Daily Snapshot' basis could yield ROB bunker lines with 0 qty compared to 'Recalculation'. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42089
Invoicing & Payments
Accounts Payable/Receivable report timed out on a specific environment with some parameters. This has been fixed. Requires database schema update to version 368 or higher.
Bug EN-41790
Analytics VIP Only
Previously, users who were only granted "Create/Edit Private Report" security rights for Report Designer were unable to copy public reports and save them as private reports (as the Private access option did not appear in the dropdown). This has now been fixed.
Bug EN-41644
Previously, TC Exposure Correlation and Adjustment had no impact on PnL of TC Min/Max and TC Option periods when Black 76 pricing model used. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40389
Previously Trade Route calculation ignored Bunker symbol. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40087
Previously, posted part during monthly accruals calculation was not correctly assigned exchange rate date which resulted in extraneous non-aggregated line items for fully posted revenues or expenses. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42362
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, with CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms, CFGAddExchDatetoBareboatPayment, CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable turned on, Misc Adjustment or Voyage Expense line items on a TCIP, TCOB, or Bareboat invoice would have their amount incorrectly updated when invoice was refreshed. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42225
Voyage P&L
Previously, when we had two invoiced hire lines in the same currency, these invoices were getting double counted. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42184
In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where calculation of unpriced BAF using "Multiply by Freight Rate" did not work correctly with lumpsum freight.
Bug EN-42092
Added support for benchmark estimate exposure method in the applyUpdateCOA API.
Story EN-41978
Voyage P&L
Previously, bunker lifting set as operator's account was not being populated correctly in monthly accruals with the "Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages" flag on. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40428
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Account Periods Not Initialized error message was displayed even when the period has been initialized. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42370
Messaging Service
A command-line parameter has been added to datashed, ‘overwriteExcelTemplate’, that will allow a report to overwrite the corresponding excel template.
Story EN-42186
Previously, monthly accruals was using a date range of the entire month with "Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages" flag when using 'Recalculation' basis. This has been fixed to make use of last noon report date instead.
Bug EN-42088
Previously, monthly accruals was not taking bill detail info for additional hires (XHIRE) into account. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42087
Invoicing & Payments
Trial Balance in VIP list did not load data as expected with some parameters that result in a large dataset. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41937
Added new "Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead 1 Month" flag to the Trading Profile. When enabled, profiles can now be configured to move bunker exposure forward into the subsequent month. There is a sub-flag that can be used in addition to set a specific threshold number of days in the month that the bunker exposure will have to fall after to be moved to the subsequent month. If the sub-flag is left unchecked, then all physical bunker exposure will be moved one month forward from the system exposure date.
This flag does not impact Bunker Swap or Bunker Swap Options.
Story EN-41581
Distances & Maps
New port added in offshore Angola
Story EN-42387
Distances & Maps
New port Sunila (Finland)
Story EN-42371
Distances & Maps
New port Haren/Ems (Germany)
Story EN-42316
Distances & Maps
New port: Klaipeda Roads (Lithuania)
Story EN-42245
Distances & Maps
New port: Blagoveshchensk (Russia)
Story EN-42105
Distances & Maps
New port: Yilport (Turkey)
Story EN-42008
Distances & Maps
New port: Calcasieu (United States)
Story EN-41536
Security & User Mgmt
Updating password for users on both parent and child sites no longer transfers the module rights of the group to the user's user rights.
Bug EN-41880
Voyage operation type FOBV did not show properly in auto-complete set of values when the field was used in lists and RD reports. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41389
Cargo Exposure Bunker table has been added to the Report Designer. It can be used as a standalone table or as a join on the Cargo table.
Story EN-40854
Previously, completed voyages updated through TC voyage mirroring (enabled by CFGEnableVoyDataFlowViaMirroredTC) could be left in an inconsistent state, resulting in unexpected values seen when reporting on those voyages' (and their itineraries') statuses. This has been resolved.
Bug EN-42235
Bunker Management
When importing Bunker Requirements/Bunker Purchases with autobkreq, fixed an issue where adding new fuel types to a voyage with existing Bunker Requirements could result in import errors relating to incompatible fuel types.
Bug EN-42323
Added support for benchmark estimate exposure method in applyCargo APIs.
Story EN-41976
Distances & Maps
Northern Static Zone, Southern Static Zone and Restricted Zone updated to be routing ports
Story EN-42369
Invoicing & Payments
Fixed a potential crash in TCI Payment/TCO Billing which could occur when changing the invoice type after accessing the "Create / Add Details" form.
Bug EN-42166
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Account Analysis was not respecting the date parameters and it was not showing periods properly. This has been fixed. Also a new error message is introduced if Account Periods have not been properly initialized.
Bug EN-39375
Previously, ballast bonus commission exchange rate date was being defaulted to the current day instead of the defined ballast bonus rule. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42066
When setting CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable is enabled, an issue with the Snapshot-Basis calculation for Monthly Accruals resulted in an incorrect FX Date to be assigned for TCO Ballast Bonus. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42064
Previously, exchange rates for bunker consumption was defaulted to TCI delivery date for consecutive voyages, even if the bunkers were purchased from TCO owner of the previous voyage. Now, exchange date is defaulted to TCO redelivery date of previous voyage.
Bug EN-42044
Previously, FX date for hire, hire addcomm, and ballast bonus were defaulted to voyage commencement day. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42023
Previously, calculating a Voyage Period Journal using a snapshot could generate an unintended bunker journal type. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41930
Previously, currency field was not populated for offhire bunker items in the voyage period journal. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41814
Voyage P&L
Previously, a freight invoice involving an Internal counterparty and containing Freight Adjustments was not properly accrued when using the calculation option, “Apply Internal Freight Revenue to Period“. This has been resolved.
Bug EN-42187
Fixed an issue where estimated demurrage/despatch when using “Reverse All Ports” did not properly apply the demurrage currency exchange rate when calculating the Estimated P&L or initializing Estimated Demurrage in Voyage Manager.
Bug EN-42167
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, exchange rate default was setting the exchange rate date to the current day instead of the date defined in the defaulting rules in some financial invoices. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42003
Added a new configuration flag: CFGExcludePlannedLiftingonReconcileROBs. When this flag is enabled and the "Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages“ MACR flag is enabled, any bunker liftings that are planned will not be included in the accrual
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Bug EN-41927
Previously, miscellaneous expenses on bare boat contract were not itemized by exchange rate date. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41663
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, Laytime Commenced and Laytime Complete did not take into account the template settings when importing from voyage template. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41576
Trading VIP Only
Previously, clicking the ‘x' button in the confirmation dialog could cause confirmation (e.g. record deletion or other action). The issue has been fixed, clicking the ‘x' button in the confirmation dialog cancels the action.
Bug EN-40546
Demurrage & Claims
New configuration flag CFGRequireAnalystOnClaim has been added.
Description: If enabled, the Analyst is a required field on Claim form.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Bug EN-42220
Added audit trail logging to clicking a link and applying to estimate actions in the PortLog integration. When either of these actions are taken, they will be logged on the estimate and available in reporting.
Story EN-42132
A new config flag has been created that will will allow for suppression of "cargo already added" errors. To suppress these errors enable CFGSuppressCargoAlreadyAddedError
Story EN-42053
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, with CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable, CFGEnableMultiCurrencyTCContracts, and CFGAddExchDatetoBareboatPayment turned on, refreshing a bareboat payment or bill with bareboat miscellaneous lines would cause the line item amount to change if the line item exchange rate and invoice exchange rate were different. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41979
Previously, with CFGEnableMultiCurrencyPNL enabled, MACR line-item calculation description was not correct. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41967
Bunker Management
Bunkers information in TCI/TCO contract is updated if "For Account" is updated via bunkerRequirementImport
Bug EN-41343
Invoicing & Payments
Delivery and redelivery bunker costs' reversals in the Time Charter Payment form did not correctly default exchange dates based on the rules specified. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41179
The 'PortCons' and 'ROB Dep' fields on the Port Activities form will now convert from estimated to actual values when the new entry is the same as the existing value.
Bug EN-38681
Deleting cargo pricing on the cargo level no longer produces an error.
Story EN-41136
Demurrage & Claims
New configuration flag CFGRequireAnalystOnClaim has been added.
Description: If enabled, the Analyst is a required field on Claim form.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Story EN-30833
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