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July 2022 Changelog
Invoicing & Payments
Accounting Interface Summary list is now available in VIP in Financials -> Transactions menu section. Also, "Trans Status" and "Trans Type" columns containing internal values in the Report Designer table "Accounting Interface Summary" have been deprecated in favor of the columns with the same name - but containing user-friendly values.
Story EN-43528
Distances & Maps
Corrected port country value and UN codes for ports found in Guernsey (formerly listed as Country = Channel Islands)
Story EN-43476
Distances & Maps
New port Portland Blight (Jamaica)
Story EN-43446
Distances & Maps
New routing port Barra Norte (Brazil)
Story EN-43442
Distances & Maps
New port PAL - USWC (Unitd States)
Story EN-43427
Previously, ROB_XXX lines could appear after TC out delivery when bunkers have not been set on consumption. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43363
Distances & Maps
New port Gustavsburg (Germany)
Story EN-43301
Distances & Maps
Corrected time zone for Nipah Anchorage
Story EN-43287
Voyage P&L
Previously, an erroneous 'Uncovered Hire' line could appear when index-linked hire rates are used alongside with another rate type. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43190
Distances & Maps
New port Shichirinagahama (Japan)
Story EN-43025
Distances & Maps
Multiple new anchorage ports in the Solomon Islands added
Story EN-42945
Operations VIP Only
Fixed a link to wiki page describing expression editor examples.
Story EN-42925
in the onboard workspace, a timestamp appears, telling users when they last did replication
Story EN-42720
Added Sea Cons Mode/Port Cons Mode as a Voyage Estimate header-level field. These values will provide a default value for new port calls and give the user the ability to override all existing port calls with a new value.
Story EN-41445
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, fully approved invoices could not be posted using Voyage Manager Invoices list's Review link. This has been fixed. In addition, tooltips have been added to the invoice review workspace in VIP to indicate a reason when a specific invoice action is not available.
Bug EN-40086
Fleet Map VIP Only
When filtering fleetmap vessels by ports, the ports selected will be highlighted by an anchor icon and the map will zoom in to show their location.
Story EN-42603
Previously, the Counterparty and Ledger codes were incorrectly assigned for Bareboat Voyage Period Journal during journal creation. This issue has fixed.
Bug EN-43089
Operations VIP Only
Previously, switching to a next or previous voyage in Operations - Voyages might not show correct voyage data in Voyage Properties. The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42386
Fleet Map
Users will now have access to a third detail tab 'Historical' for a selected vessel. This tab gives the option of choosing between seeing past itinerary lines for IMOS or AIS data.
Story EN-42978
Voyage P&L
Offhire Reverse delay types can have an unattended value for TCI (expenses) and TCO (revenues) within its P&L. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43515
When a Time Charter In Min/Max contract in exposure with the Cargo realized and the Market Value Concept applied, the position for the TCI Min/Max is expected to show as a Short position. An issue in assigning the short/long designation resulted in the TC showing as Long. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-43071
Messaging Service
The messaging service is now more reliable in the face of IMAP and POP3 timeouts.
Bug EN-42259
Onboard VIP & IMOS
If a user tries to approve a form out of order according to the VIP workflow , they will see the following warning message:
'There are already forms in this voyage awaiting approval. To prevent errors in the voyage data, review and approve all outstanding forms in order of "Effective Date" before approving this form'. The user can either choose to Approve the form anyway by clicking "Approve", or they can select "Cancel".
Story EN-42715
Previously, Reports which used the Voyage Leg Summary reporting table would sometimes have missing information. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-40114
Messaging Service
Story EN-43463
Trade Hub
The Star Rating column in the TradeHub Market Insights list view has been changed to Safety Score.
Story EN-43532
Trade Hub
The Rightship/Rating field in the Tradehub Vessel Details panel has been renamed to "Safety Score."
Story EN-43473
Previously, FFAs would not show as realized until the last working day of the FFA month had passed. With this change, FFAs will show as realized after the last day of the FFA period.
Bug EN-42117
The config "CFGDefaultEstLowSulfurOnly" has been added to allow users more control over the defaulting of the "LS Only" flag on estimates. When enabled, the "LS Only" flag state can inherit from previous voyages. When disabled, there will be no lookup, and the "LS Only" flag will be off by default. The config is enabled by default to perverse existing system behavior.
Bug EN-41823
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Off hire line items manually created on both sides of TC mirrored contracts would fail to link to corresponding Off hire delays. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41812
Trade Hub
An issue in which Rightship and environment ratings were not appearing in the Tradehub Vessel Details panel has been fixed.
Bug EN-43377
The Use Booking Quantity On Scale Table checkboxes on the Cargo and COA forms have been updated from checkboxes to dropdown fields.
Story EN-42637
Distances & Maps
When using the Voyage Manager map, fixed an issue where changing ECA/Piracy routing settings could cause routes to be displayed incorrectly for completed sea legs which contain ECA/Piracy-related passing points.
Bug EN-37064
Trade Hub
An issue related to disabling the import of Q88 vessels in Tradehub has been fixed.
Bug EN-43317
An issue has been fixed that was related to updating estimates with PortLog when Custom Itinerary tabs are enabled.
Bug EN-43425
Distances & Maps
An option to "View ECA Zones Over Land" has been added to the "Other" menu in the Veslink Distances, Estimator, and Voyage Manager map views.
Story EN-43206
Previously, an error occurred when using UpdateVoyage with a message that included Itineraries with externalRefs to complete a voyage which had a consecutive voyage after it. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-43191
Messaging Service
In the cargo contract interface, fixed an issue where exceeding the maximum length for user-defined fields would result in message failure with an arbitrary error code. The error is now correctly logged with a consistent error code.
Bug EN-38634
Previously the publish-by-query endpoint would almost always fail with the error "A message with identical data and comment has already been published on object ". This has been resolved, and objects without changes that need to be published will now be ignored.
Bug EN-43364
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, TC Commission payments did not always set the proper amount and copy amount to financial invoice when posted. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43469
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, users other than "admin" - but with Security Administrator privileges - were not able to save changes to financial control restrictions. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43357
Invoicing & Payments
Transaction Summary List would time out sometimes with Company and Line of Business columns enabled. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43133
Trade Hub VIP Only
Tradehub Market Insights map now has the ability to toggle vessel position clustering, when clustering is enabled the vessels on the map combine into an icon that shows the number of vessels within the area at certain zoom levels.
Story EN-42751
Invoicing & Payments
New configuration flag has been added:
Name: CFGDefaultAccountingDateToFinalApprovalDate
Default: N
Hidden: False
Description: When enabled, defaults the accounting date to the invoice’s final approval date. Only effective if invoice approvals are in use, otherwise the accounting date will default to today. Enabling this flag will have no effect if CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate or CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate are enabled. Takes precedence over CFGPromptActDateInInvoiceBulkPosting.
Story EN-43148
Messaging Service
When multiple grade support is enabled, and a cargo grade is defined in a cargo import/update, the grade is validated against the parent group.
Bug EN-43085
Invoicing & Payments
Line item level amounts in base currency in the Time Charter commission payments were not calculated correctly in some instances. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43072
When running Voyage Period Journals on a consecutive voyage, the FX dates for Bareboat Miscellaneous items is using the voyage commence date of the second voyage as the FX Date. The expected FX Date for Bareboat Miscellaneous items is the date of the earliest uninvoiced period. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-43045
Distances & Maps
Added routing from Barcleona to 3 ports within France which previously showed no possible route
Bug EN-43021
Invoicing & Payments
Some cargo handling related fields in the relet freight invoice's notification XML did not show the right values. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42946
In the "Settings" tab of Voyage Templates, added a new option for Lock Voyage Itinerary ETA/ETD. If this is enabled on the template used by a voyage, planned port ETA/ETDs are fixed and will not automatically update based on other changes to the voyage itinerary. The projected speed to a port will automatically adjust based on the targeted ETA.
Story EN-41223
Analytics VIP Only
Corrected a bug in which certain Enumeration type Quick Filters were not working properly in Analytics.
Bug EN-40746
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-43375
Invoicing & Payments
AP/AR report had an inefficient underlying SQL query which was causing timeout issues. This underlying SQL query is now improved, and the AP/AR report is not timing out.
Bug EN-43346
Voyage P&L
Previously, the offhire P&L item was being doubled in amount when it was also invoiced. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43149
Messaging Service
Selecting Interface Message logs again produces a contrasting highlight for visual clarity
Bug EN-43047
XSD, XSH, XPD, and XPH column names are now fully visible in the voyage estimate itinerary grid.
Story EN-42965
Calculations to determine Market Result In and Market Result Out have been updated to include Misc Expenses, Revenues and Commissions for RELT and VCOV voyage types. These values are displayed when the setting, CFGEnableVoyageMarketValue, is enabled.
Story EN-42719
Trade Hub VIP Only
Resolved issue in which chart overlay couldn't be used alongside weather on the map.
Bug EN-42627
Previously, a cargo's unpriced component rate was not being correctly reflected in the trade details list's exposure. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41127
Previously, some users saw an error that kept them from viewing the Forms list associated with a Voyage. Now, this issue is resolved.
Bug EN-43370
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, some invoices could not be posted in the parent voyage after having been posted in the mirror voyage. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43240
Added 'GMT' to gmt time errors for clarity.
Bug EN-42716
Added defaulting of EU ETS percentages in the Carbon Calculator based on whether or not the port is considered a part of the EEA.
Story EN-41257
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Resolved an issue where error messages were sometimes not correctly displayed in Veslink forms, as well as an issue where there was a Script Error when opening forms embedded within IMOS Desktop
Bug EN-43350
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only
Users now have the ability to select the source of a form (Offline, Online, API, Agent Portal, Onboard Office, Onboard Vessel, Onboard Agent Portal) in the columns available in the Veslink Forms list in VIP. This column is not selected by default. This data is not available for forms submitted prior to June 20th, so for these forms the column will appear blank.
Story EN-43057
Operations VIP Only
Fixed an issue where expanding side panels in Voyage Manager would discard edits made to the currently selected field.
Bug EN-41169
Invoicing & Payments
When importing Freight Invoices from the PublishInvoice or <invoiceImport> APIs, it is now possible to supply the billed percentage (which will default to 100% if not specified). This rectifies the issue where the system would mistakenly prompt to create another Freight Invoice even after one was imported successfully.
Bug EN-40719
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Users couldn't approve forms submitted by some active agents.
This functionality is now fixed and users can approve forms submitted by any active agents.
Bug EN-43291
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Bugfixes and validation improvements related to ROBs in VVR forms.
Story EN-43146
Tasks & Alerts
In the rule editor, allow editing expression-valued alerts without resetting the expression.
Story EN-41851
Bunker Management
In Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where the average invoiced bunker price set on the voyage itinerary could be incorrect if the invoice includes lumpsum "other" costs for the given fuel type. Fixed a rare issue where a malformed bunker invoice saved without an invoice quantity but with a base purchase price could set an inaccurate price for the given bunker lot in the voyage bunker cost calculation.
Bug EN-43068
Distances & Maps
Bohai Sea and Pearl River ECA zones now apply at sea in addition to in port
Story EN-43283
Voyage P&L
Previously, when CFGUseTCInvoiceExchangeRateInVoyPNL was enabled and the Proj/Act delivery date for a TCI was before the Est delivery date, the Hire cost in the voyage P&L used an incorrect FX Rate. The change in this "gap" scenario is to use the FX Rate set on the TC Contract.
Bug EN-43026
With CFGEnableMultiCurrencyTCContracts enabled, offhire bunkers within journals will be based on CFGBunkerCurrency entry instead of the contract's currency.
Story EN-42882
Previously, bunker reconciliation lines were missing from accruals if the vessel was still in a port at the end of month after bunker lifting.
This issue has been fixed.
Story EN-42852
Carbon Calculator calculations can now be applied to estimated Profit and Loss as an expense. By default, the Emission Expense is excluded but can be enabled via the Carbon Calculator form.
Story EN-42578
Previously, split route information was missing from trading P&L snapshot.
This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42315
Resolved an issue where updating a submitted form with errors in Onboard resulted in the form being incorrectly reverted to status draft.
Additionally, drafts created within onboard no longer appear in the Voyage Manager Form lists within VIP and IMOS.
Bug EN-43236
Invoicing & Payments
When use monthly hire rate, the hire statement's hire amount is calculated incorrectly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43122
Trade Hub VIP Only
Requests to PortLog now timeout after 180 seconds and display an error.
Story EN-42618
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Users were having trouble approving Port Disbursement forms when an agent company with multiple types had one of them set as inactive.
With this fix, users are able to approve forms under the same circumstances as long as at least one of the instances of agent company is not set to inactive.
Bug EN-42448
Previously, when a TC contract had multiple pricing rows including index-linked pricing and the trading profile sub-flag, "Use Corr/Adj From Index-Linked Contract", enabled, exposure days were double counted for the period when the pricing change started. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-41901
Trade Hub
Fixed an error in Tradehub: Action Cargoes in which data was still being filtered when filters were hidden from the view.
Bug EN-42721
Trade Hub
An issue in Tradehub related to the Grade and Status filters on Action Cargoes not working when their respective columns were hidden is now fixed.
Story EN-41609
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, users other than "admin" - but with Security Administrator privileges - were not able to save changes to financial control restrictions. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43156
Invoicing & Payments
Previously user sometimes would not be able to post mirrored invoice. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-42919
Data Lake
A bug in which User Defined Fields with blank prompts would cause Datalake extracts to fail has been fixed.
Bug EN-42742
Operations VIP Only
Fixes a bug where clicking on a submenu item would instead click the root item when a user moved their mouse in a certain way.
Bug EN-40682
Distances & Maps
Some distance calculations have been corrected for point-to-point routes north of Crete.
Bug EN-40591
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