September 2022 Changelog

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September 2022 Changelog


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, incremental invoicing did not work for voyages with multiple currencies and cargoes. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43805


Invoicing & Payments 

PST % field has been added to Voyage Expense Rebill invoice form - and the percentage is now accurately carried over from the Other Expenses Rebill form where it is set by user.

Bug EN-42306


Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue where an inaccurate error message would occur during saving vessel details with an IMO Number specified.

Bug EN-44418


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, hire lines' description on TC payments for index-linked hire contained wrong currency. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44310


System Performance VIP Only

Fixed an issue where database auditing was taking longer than expected when CFGLinkCargoRevExpToVoyRevExp is enabled.

Bug EN-44143


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused current snapshots to appear duplicated.

Bug EN-44252


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, port expense invoices imported from Agent Portal did not default exchange date and rate when posted as expected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44215



A voyage estimate itinerary's PortLog card hyperlink now points to the URL for that itinerary, if it exists, otherwise it points to the URL for the voyage estimate.

Story EN-44195



Fixed bug where automatically generated PO numbers for bunker purchases were duplicates

Bug EN-44052


Tasks & Alerts 

Exposed bareboat contract data in timecharter tasks and alerts rules.

Story EN-25387



In Voyage Estimator, if an initial FIFO queue is populated for the estimate, the prompt that appears when editing the initial bunker price was changed to now ask users if they want to "combine" the initial FIFO inventory instead of "collapse" it.

Story EN-44345


Invoicing & Payments 

It is now possible to reverse an invoice via the interface. The message type is <invoiceReverse>, and a <transNo> to reverse must be specified (indicate the VIP Transaction Number here). <deleteBill> is an optional parameter, which should be set to true if the operations invoice should also be deleted in addition to reversing the financials invoice. <reversalReason> may be optionally included as well for additional information.

Story EN-44301


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, modifying Time Charter Commission Payment exchange rate did not update corresponding commission amounts. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44055


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Freight Commission in Voyage P&L Actual was sometimes calculated using incorrect exchange rate when CFGUseInvExchInActual is enabled. This is fixed now.

Bug EN-44043


Journals VIP & IMOS

Previously, when CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy was enabled and pre-purchased bunker invoices existed for multiple bunker vendors, the Voyage Period Journals were miscalculated. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-43952


Analytics VIP & IMOS

New fields "Qty" and "Rate Unit" have been added to the Trade Linked Contracts table in Report Designer.
These new fields will reflect the quantity and unit field in the linked trades grid on the paper & physical contracts.

Story EN-43943


Voyage P&L 

Previously, the rebill's exchange rate set in "voyage other expenses and revenues" was not consistent throughout the voyage P&L. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43934


Disbursement Interface 

A new configuration flag was added, CFGAutoinvUseNextOpenPeriod. When enabled, autoinv will automatically use the next open accounting date when the original posting period is closed.

Bug EN-43519


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, Company column in some financials lists did not show the expected value for some invoices. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44237



Accrual calculations were incorrect for Demurrage claims when the CFGAccrueFOBVoyages was enabled and CFGVoyaccAccrualDate was set to 1 - Sailing date of first load port. This issue has been fixed. When accruals are run now, FOBV voyages will use "Voyage Commence" date.

Bug EN-44121



Previously, options trade for the TC contract was not being added to the total amount in the trading summary page. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44066


Journals VIP Only

Previously, users were able reverse Monthly Accruals for closed periods through Transaction Summary. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43873


Trading VIP & IMOS

Added "Use Proj/Act Delivery Date for TC Exposure“ flag to Trading Profile. When selected, the Proj/Act Delivery date will be used as the start of exposure for TC contracts when populated on the contract instead of the Est Delivery date on the contract.

Story EN-43321


Chartering VIP Only

In Voyage Fixture, validation for application of Marine Service Fee would prevent saving the Voyage Fixture. This validation will now no longer prevent saving the Voyage Fixture, matching the behavior of Voyage Manager.

Bug EN-42956



Add a new configuration flag CFGAccrualThreshold has been added. When the value is set to a number above 0, then any line items with an accrual amount that has an absolute value below the threshold value will not be selected in the accrual program by default.

Story EN-42583


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, Port Details Report in laytime calculator showed incorrect amount due for the incremental invoice if user included address commission. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-41559


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed small bug where cargo handling forms for TO voyages were displaying the wrong Unit

Bug EN-43937


Operations VIP Only

In TC voyage mirroring, fixed an issue where delays created automatically based on port function could be duplicated in the destination mirrored voyage.

Bug EN-43899




Story EN-43566


Chartering VIP Only

In Voyage Estimator, if an initial FIFO queue is populated for the estimate, editing the initial bunker price will now ask users if they want to replace the initial FIFO inventory with a flat price.

Story EN-39430

distances-svc-1.0.47274, 9-22-2022

Distances & Maps 

Winter South Pacific load line region has been updated to the correct boundaries around South Africa

Bug EN-43670


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, trying to bulk-create trade settlements from the list would time out. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44035



When freight is billed using a daily rate, it is now possible to specify a daily rate associated with equipment's off hire which will be used in freight invoice accordingly. This rate can be specified in the TCO Daily Rate field of the Delays tab of the Activity Log.

Story EN-43524



When estimated demurrage is created in a SPOT voyage, it will no longer be recorded as revenue in the P&L

Bug EN-41271


Voyage P&L 

Previously, Voyage P&L calculations for Bareboat miscellaneous expenses were incorrect when the Bareboat contract and the miscellaneous expense were in different currencies. The issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-43928


Messaging Service 

The imosmail program was extended to support conversion of Voyage messages to JSON

Story EN-43728


Fleet Map 

Previously all fleetmap users were able to create/manage public views, with this change only users with the permission to manage public views will be able to do that.

Story EN-44227


Messaging Service VIP Only

Fixed an issue where the primary Address Book notification ("companyExport") would be generated after secondary notifications (such as "companyBankExport").

Bug EN-44063


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, it was possible to add/modify/delete a cargo, that is linked to a closed voyage, on a Bunker Swap/Option trade. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-42714


Fleet Map VIP Only

Enabled Chart Overlays by default in the Fleet Map

Story EN-43924


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

If a user submits a Statement of Facts form containing a Port Start "PS" activity that overlaps with a previous voyage leg, an error will be shown saying "Submission Error: Activity date of [Date in GMT] falls before the previous leg's departure."

Bug EN-43153

distances-svc-1.0.44971, 9-14-2022

Distances & Maps 

New isPiracy and isEca properties are available on the Distance service Region data.

Story EN-43060


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, the isOwnersOption field on the applyCargo mutation would not change the option type of the associated cargo. Now, if the option field is included in the message data and set to true, and if the isOwnersOption field is included, the option type will be set to "Owner's" if isOwnersOption is true, and "Charterer's" if isOwnersOption is false.

Bug EN-44145


Journals VIP & IMOS

Previously, the portion percentage determined in Monthly Accruals was not accurate with 'Adjust Portion for Off Hire' option enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44039


Operations VIP Only

When using CFGEnableVoyRefEdit, fixed an issue where the uniqueness constraint for "Voy Ref" values incorrectly excluded voyages with matching voyage numbers.

Bug EN-42586


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, FDA Amount Base was getting calculated using wrong FX rate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44101


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Added Vessel Code field to the "Send Forms" dialog in Veslink Voyage Reporting.

Story EN-44083


Voyage P&L 

The issue with incorrect voyage P&L snapshot taken by scheduled task has been fixed.

Bug EN-44061


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, company code was no longer populating in "Approve Invoice" list under Financials. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44025



Previously, trades could potentially show a 'Market Rate' of 0 for Spot/Daily rates, even though a nonzero amount is available in the Market Data. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43719



Improves the logic to dynamically update Bunker ROB counterparty and associated price when running accruals for TCTO voyages.

Story EN-43647


Tasks & Alerts 

Added support for conditions on voyage itinerary bunkers in tasks and alerts.

Story EN-43276


Demurrage & Claims 

A new grid has been added to the Period Allocation form within the Laytime Calculator (CFGLaytimeEnablePeriodAllocation) which enables entry of allocation of demurrage by cargo handling as well as assigning a root cause. This grid is similar to the one found in the Allocation form, but does not require the laytime calculation to be settled prior to use and will not drive the creation of journal entries. CFGEnableCargoRootCauseAllocation must be enabled to see this additional grid. The flag is currently hidden because additional work is going to be done related to reporting and financials, but it is ready for data capture.

Story EN-43878


Invoicing & Payments 

When change the exchange rate date for some items which do not have period from/to, the related commission's exchange rate date would not be updated accordingly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43819


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Improved logging related to data form notifications

Story EN-42356


Chartering VIP Only

This fix addresses a bug caused by a recent Chrome update that prevented users from selecting the last row in certain data tables.

Bug EN-44060


Invoicing & Payments 

When CFGSavePortExpAct= N, FDA does not handle the unpaid PDA amount properly. This has been fixed. CFGActItemizeAdvanceCredit=Y is not compatible with CFGSavePortExpAct=N, please advice the client set CFGActItemizeAdvanceCredit=N.

Story EN-43995


Analytics VIP Only

A few improvements have been made to filtering in Report Designer: 1) search results will not include fieldID in addition to friendly name, 2) clicking into the search box will show all available fields, and 3) when searching for filters the whole highlighted space around the filter is clickable to add it as a filter, instead of just the filter icon.

Story EN-42937


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, XDIFF line showed up in a non-base currency FDA even if we applied the same FX rate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43693


Trading VIP & IMOS

The calculation used to derive the Market Result In and Market Result Out values on the Voyage Manager has been updated to take into account total revenue (Market Result Out) and total expenses (Market Result In) instead of just specific categories. Functionality still remains behind the CFGEnableVoyageMarketValue flag.

Story EN-43505


System Performance 

Voyage Bunker Period Report will no longer timeout for multi-year timeframe

Bug EN-43393


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Display a warning if one form is overwriting another form with the same form type and date.

Story EN-43084

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

New port OPL Gytheio (Greece)

Story EN-43959

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

New port Bautino (Kazakhstan)

Story EN-43957

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

The time zone info for NA (Namibia) has been updated to always be GMT +2 with no daylight savings time as Namibia follows Central Africa Time

Story EN-43953

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

Port Esperanza has been corrected to be in Country = Antarctica and now has updated coordinates and Time Zone information as well

Story EN-43927

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

Port Havre (France) has been marked as Inactive, use port Le Havre instead

Story EN-43926

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

Updated UN Codes for ports in Bonaire, Sint Maarten and Curacao

Story EN-43925

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

New port added: Gdansk Roads (Poland)

Story EN-43886

distances-svc-1.0.44088, 9-7-2022

Distances & Maps 

New port added: Golden Meadow (United States)

Story EN-43635


Messaging Service IMOS Only

Creating an Address Book entry by sending XML messages now correctly generates a 'Created on' entry

Bug EN-43374


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Fixed an issue with Address Book Remarks where the deletion confirmation menu would display in the upper left corner of the screen. The confirmation menu will now correctly display by the remark that's being deleted.

Bug EN-43159


Data Center Settings VIP Only

In Data Center - Vessels during a vessel import vessel properties weren't shown in the Properties tab in the preview. Also, Scrubber field was cleared during a vessel import. Vessel import issues have been fixed.

Bug EN-42984



Fixed issue with CFGVoyestZeroProfitOnBunkerError where creating a deviation estimate and then resolving the bunker error would result in doubled P&L values.

Also, fixed an issue with CFGVoyestCriteriaForZeroProfit, CFGVoyestZeroProfitOnDWTError, and CFGVoyapiErrorOnDischGreaterThanLoad where estimates with errors, for which P&L was zeroed out in the Voyage Estimator, could yield non-zero estimated P&L values to the Voyage Manager's P&L panel. Such estimates will now yield no estimated P&L values to the Voyage Manager's P&L panel.

Bug EN-34668


Distances & Maps VIP Only

In the Voyage Estimator/Voyage Manager map, fixed an issue where the map could incorrectly display the shortest route for a given sea leg if an alternate, non-shortest route had been previously applied to the itinerary.

Bug EN-28682


Security & User Mgmt 

Previously, if a user tried to access a vessel that they had Access Rights to, but the vessel had the same Vessel Code as a company Short Name they did not have Access Rights to, the user wouldn't be able to access the vessel. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-43445



Estimator Bunker Details Grid now includes Boil Off Prices.

Story EN-41443


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Changed "Save" text in form designer dialogues to say "Apply"

Bug EN-39428


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Fixed discrepancy between the actual Cargo Handling Form xsd schema and what was returned from the API

Bug EN-37442

k8snextrelease, tradehub-api-1.0.47215, tradehub-app-1.0.47215, 9-22-2022

Trade Hub 


Story EN-43969

k8snextrelease, tradehub-app-1.0.47626

Trade Hub 

Support importing vessels with AXS in Trade Hub.

Story EN-43388

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