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October 2022 Changelog
Operations VIP & IMOS
added additional fields to port call API
Story EN-44297
Trade Hub
Story EN-42781
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, freight commission invoices incorrectly included CP date instead of COA date. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42501
Trade Hub
The tooltip for "Import Vessel" in Trade Hub now displays the data source of the import.
Story EN-43966
Previously, the voyRef field was not populated for the voyage XML notifications during the first save of the voyage. This issue is now fixed.
Bug EN-44493
Demurrage & Claims
When changing a laytime calculation status to Settled, saving the calculation, closing it, and re-opening it, the Cargo column in the Cargo Handling Grid in the calculation was displaying cargo group instead of cargo grade; this has been modified and now the grade is displayed when applicable.
Story EN-42156
Distances & Maps
New port added: Ueckermunde (Germany)
Story EN-44862
Distances & Maps
Corrected the UN Code for Tanjung Manis to MYTMP
Bug EN-44818
Distances & Maps
2 new ports added:
Taittung and Tanjung Kluang
Story EN-44713
Bug EN-44837
Stylesheets VIP & IMOS
In the Data Center's File Management section, 'Stylesheet' has been added as a Type option.
Story EN-44569
Fleet Map
Replaced "VIP" with "Activity Reports" in right-side menu and vessel hover over.
Story EN-44685
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
Create Trade Settlements list in VIP load time was not optimal and would sometimes time out. Performance of the list has been improved.
Story EN-44701
Story EN-43840
Tasks & Alerts N/A
Story EN-44190
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, discount rate type market was not displayed correctly when the appropriate market was selected. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43478
Bug EN-42433
Invoicing & Payments
Interservice cargos would sometimes not be properly reflected in the Financials Invoice when posted.
Bug EN-42326
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
The Business Rules grid is now filterable and sortable.
Story EN-44728
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously TC Min/Max Trade would show incorrect exposure if TC contract also had linked Lifting Option. This bug has been fixed.
Bug EN-43741
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Clients can now approve Cargo Handling Forms in which there are 2+ cargo discharge rows with identical Port Function, BL Code and Cargo Type. Previously, they would have gotten an error upon attempted approval.
Bug EN-44443
Settlement for anything other than Spot or Entire Month was incorrectly reflected in Market Data list. This issue has been fixed,
Bug EN-44283
Added a new value to the Voyage Properties, "Ballast Voyage“. This indicates whether a certain type of voyage (TCOV/OVOV) does or does not have any cargoes linked.
Story EN-43590
Voyage P&L
Previously, Freight Invoice's 'Extra Freight Terms' amount was not accurate when determined for daily types. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43561
Platform API VIP Only
Improve error handling on imosmessaging endpoint
Story EN-42935
Operations VIP Only
Fixed an issue where users with the "Schedule a Fixture" access right with read-only access to Voyage Manager were unable to schedule a fixture with CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage enabled.
Bug EN-44697
Distances & Maps VIP Only
Resolves an issue with the "Show ECA over Land" option in the Distances map.
Bug EN-44641
With this fix, we made our Simulated InvoiceExport message compliant with our published schema. As an important note, XML file must be updated within the location it is used from when CFGCreateSimulatedAccrualNotifications config flag is enabled.
Bug EN-44581
New configuration flag has been added, CFGApplyZeroDaystoIndexLinkedTrades. When enabled, index-linked contracts will show 0 unrealized exposure when the "No Days Exposure on Index-Linked Trades" trading profile flag is also enabled. If the TC contract open date falls into the past and no voyages are scheduled, then the position will show a realized and sailed value of 0 as well.
Bug EN-44526
With this change, when CFGEnableAdhocVoyageJournals config flag is enabled, and when a user creates an Ad Hoc journal that has a detail item populated with a voyage number and a balance sheet account, this detail item will not show up on the Voyage P&L.
Story EN-44413
System Performance VIP Only
Previously, creating a filter on an Enum field in lists could result in an empty list. The issue with filtering on Enum fields has been fixed.
Bug EN-41269
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
A bug involving the "Estimate Only Vessel" field on the Vessel list has been corrected.
Bug EN-44222
The Supplier/Receiver field for Estimate Cargo Itineraries now appears on Reports and in Tasks & Alerts.
Story EN-43695
Chartering VIP Only
Previously, TCIs mirrored with TCOs with the "Bunkers on Consumption" setting enabled would display a misleading error message when users tried to edit their Bunker Breakdown. That error message has been amended for clarity.
Additionally, such TCIs would incorrectly continue to issue an error message when users tried to edit their Bunker Breakdown even after being unlinked from their mirrored twin. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-36973
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
Display error message on form for when the berth is removed from the voyage leg
Bug EN-43820
Previously, bookings which used a commingled quantity with scale table pricing would price cargoes with no commingle codes as a single commingled quantity. Now, if cargoes have blank commingle codes they are priced individually.
Bug EN-44374
Veslink Voyage Reporting
fixed a bug where status filter was failing for large amounts of data
Bug EN-44193
Distances & Maps
New routing port added: Mindoro Strait (Phillippines)
Story EN-44495
Distances & Maps
New port added: FPSO MIAMTE MV34 (Mexico)
Story EN-44168
Distances & Maps
New ECA region created in Distances: ECA - Iceland 12NM
Story EN-41083
Distances & Maps
Updated Socotra (Passage), Kangaroo Island and Lowdraft - Bali Strait to be routing ports
Story EN-38905
Time Charter Bunkers now contains columns for entering LNG MMBTU and calorific value information for LNG carrier ships. Time charter payments and the hire statement will display LNG bunker units in MMBTU. The configuration flag CFGEnableTimeCharterLNGPricingInMMBTU must be enabled to use this feature. Requires database schema version 381.
Story EN-44435
Operations VIP Only
In the Estimated Demurrage form, fixed an issue where recalculating the estimated demurrage/despatch amount within the form was inadvertently rounding the applicable dem/des days to a whole number.
Bug EN-44603
Berth Scheduling
Resolved an issue where the To Date field in the Berth Scheduling filter panel could sometimes show an incorrect error.
Bug EN-44586
Previously, Vessel Position Report showed a general unspecific error message in case of a timeout. Now "Report timed out" message is shown.
Story EN-44182
Added a new configuration flag, CFGRollBunkerExposureWhenInThePast. When enabled, physical bunker exposure, in the form of bunker purchases marked as ‘future’ and TC delivery bunkers, that falls in the past will move to the current period until it is updated by operations.
Additionally, logic to the CFGRollBunkerExposureWhenInThePast flag for Time Charter contracts that have a delivery date that falls in the past but have not been delivered or scheduled out on a voyage. When enabled, any delivery bunkers associated with the contract will remain in exposure and the exposure will roll to the current period.
Story EN-43440
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Data Center -> Settings -> Profile no longer shows a region field.
Story EN-38240
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, it has been reported that new XML tag Simulated disrupted the invoice interface. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44570
Voyage P&L
Previously, rebill items could recalculate to an exorbitant amount based on configuration setup. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44444
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, various amounts added to time charter payments and bills unexpectedly changed as a result of modification of other line items. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44376
Child voyage in Model B TC mirroring now has ETA/ETD in Y port upon scheduling
Bug EN-44097
Chartering VIP Only
Estimate cargo Laycan From and Laycan To fields are now used for calculations in PortLog integration.
Story EN-44093
Journals VIP & IMOS
Added a new configuration flag, CFGCreateSimulatedAccrualNotifications. When this flag is enabled, a new button will be added to the Monthly Accruals program called "Create Simulated Notifications“. When pressed, a user can generate the journal notification messages without actually posting them down to the general ledger in IMOS. This allows organizations to extract data out of the system for different Accrual configurations and report on the data without impacting the general ledger in IMOS.
Story EN-43765
Tasks & Alerts
Exposed bareboat contract data in timecharter tasks and alerts rules.
Story EN-44433
Demurrage & Claims
A field for Remarks and a field for Deduction From Days Used were added to the Estimated Demurrage form.
Requires database schema version 385.
Story EN-43983
Chartering VIP & IMOS
Fixed an issue where some dropdown lists would not be wide enough to show the full text of the options.
Bug EN-43329
Distances & Maps
Routing between Natal and Georgetown (Ascension) has been updated to be more direct
Bug EN-44468
Distances & Maps
New port added: Posorja (Ecuador)
Story EN-44405
Distances & Maps
3 new ports added to Distances
Story EN-44272
Distances & Maps
New port added: Batuputih Terminal (Indonesia)
Story EN-44173
Distances & Maps
New port added: Kolvereid Bay (Norway)
Story EN-44166
Distances & Maps
New port added: Anadolukavagi (Turkey)
Story EN-44024
Voyage P&L VIP Only
Fixed an issue where "current" Voyage P&L Snapshots updated with the "deltaOnly" could cause voyages to be excluded when using the "Voyage Pnl Summary" table in Report Designer.
Bug EN-44355
Distances & Maps VIP & IMOS
A new Distances preference, useBargeRouting is used when a Tow vessel is added to an Estimate or Voyage.
Story EN-44149
Deviation Estimate default fuel price is now correctly applied when opening inventory is 0
Bug EN-44051
Tasks & Alerts
Exposed estimate bunker information in tasks and alerts.
Story EN-25388
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, when using some filters in the Create Trade Settlement Invoices list, users would encounter error trying to load the list. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-44396
Security & User Mgmt VIP Only
Previously, when attempting to save a Read Only permission to certain Module Actions the permission would not be saved. This has now been corrected.
Bug EN-43584
Trading VIP & IMOS
The Trade Details List data for an FFA with a single day trading period using Period Average settlement calculation displayed the trading period + 1 day as the market value in the list, resulting in an incorrect Market Rate display for the trade. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-43163
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