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October 2023 Changelog
Invoicing & Payments
The issue where Admin Fee was not being calculated for TC rebillable invoices in Time Charter payments/bills has been fixed.
Bug EN-52391
Previously, users would get an error when including VoyagePnlDrilldown.AccountName column in the Report Designer reports. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-52355
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, if the financials invoice was saved with attachments, then rejected and re-posted - users would get attachments-related error on posting. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50621
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, the initialization of TC Payment module sometimes resulted in a crash. This has been fixed.
Story EN-52217
Chartering VIP Only
When multiple Voyage Estimate Worksheets are open at the same time and Estimates are newly copied in each of them, the Estimates may share the same Estimate Id. Upon saving, one of the Estimates receives a unique Id. This unique Id is saved on the Estimate but is not saved on the Worksheet containing it, causing incorrect Estimates to load upon refresh. The correct Id is now saved to the Worksheet, which now loads the correct Estimates.
Bug EN-51242
Invoicing & Payments
When post multiple freight invoices, lumpsum commission would be mistakenly created multiple times. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50787
Invoicing & Payments
When creating a receipt (or a payment), the system used to fetch invoices for the same vendor who could have different address types in the Data Center. This has been fixed and we now fetch invoices with an outstanding amount for the vendor using the same vendor short name and type combination.
Bug EN-50812
distances-svc-1.0.87992, 10-27-2023
New port: Nishinoomote (Japan)
Story EN-52311
distances-svc-1.0.87992, 10-27-2023
New port: Konta (Guinea)
Story EN-52278
distances-svc-1.0.87992, 10-27-2023
New port: Saraylar (Turkey)
Story EN-52094
distances-svc-1.0.87992, 10-27-2023
New port: Soldarfjordur (Faroe Islands)
Story EN-51973
Analytics VIP & IMOS
Error with using the 'not in list' filter has been fixed.
Bug EN-50049
distances-svc-1.0.87853, 10-24-2023
Improved routing in the Atlantic near Chesapeake and Inagua Islands
Bug EN-51906
Previously, Days Used for automatically created/updated estimated demurrage would be calculated incorrectly if turn time was included along with a Terms Factor other than 1. This is now fixed.
Story EN-51693
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, voyage rebillables that have been invoiced in full were able to incorrectly be included in another TC payment/bill. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50588
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, Bunker Basis tons and exposure was pushed forward along with regular bunkers when "Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month“ trading profile flag is enabled. Also, it's trading details tons were not maintained as short when the associated voyage has been commenced and is within the bunker lifting is planned. These have been fixed.
Bug EN-49820
When Port Activities include ROBs, the difference in ROB's between the first All Fast and last Last Line Port Activity will be used to calculate berth consumption. This value will update the Port consumption in the Carbon Calculator. The consumption prior to Berth arrival will be added to the previous Sea Leg, and the consumption after leaving the Berth will be added to the subsequent Sea Leg. This update reflects the EU ETS logic that defines Sea Leg's as Berth-To-Berth.
Story EN-48419
Invoicing & Payments
An invoice tree has been added in the Physical Commodity Contract form. Provisional and final invoices are displayed in the tree, and they can be opened by double-clicking on them. This functionality only applies to environments having Physical Commodity license enabled.
Story EN-51807
Connect VIP & IMOS
An issue related to Alerts not replicating to the Connect app has been fixed. Note that Alerts must be newly saved for them to replicate.
Bug EN-51440
Security & User Mgmt VIP Only
Imos group membership will now synchronize to Veslink when a user logs in with SSO.
Story EN-51409
A new field for Payment Term is now available in Physical Commodity Contracts. It is editable when the "Edit General Fields on Physical Commodity Trade" access rights is given in Security rights. When this field is populated, this data flows into linked Physical Commodity invoices.
Story EN-51206
Invoicing & Payments
Validation has been added when trying to delete Other Revenue/Expense invoice that has a dependent invoice - to prevent accidental invoice un-linking.
Bug EN-50592
Invoicing & Payments
Extra Freight Term precision has been increased from three decimal places to four decimal places.
Bug EN-50396
Previously Net P&L Less Commission value in trade details list (and trading P&L summary) was not calculated correctly if time charter hire was specified as "Per Month".... the issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-50132
distances-svc-1.0.87686, 10-20-2023
Minor routing improvements for a few locations in the Caribbean and near Novia Scotia and New York
Story EN-52208
distances-svc-1.0.87686, 10-20-2023
New port added: Pasacao (Philippines)
Story EN-51662
distances-svc-1.0.87686, 10-20-2023
Port La Nouvelle renamed to "Port-La-Nouvelle" to match official port name according to UNECE documentation
Story EN-51589
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
The previous warning "End of Sea Passage activity on {0} falls before the previous leg's departure from port {1} ({2}), which has a reported departure date of {3}" will now conditionally be a warning or error depending on if the previous leg's port is the same as the current leg's port.
Story EN-51721
A new 'Matrix' may now be created when editing a Freight Matrix in VIP, and this field is now required to be populated when saving.
Story EN-51522
Invoicing & Payments
A new Provisional checkbox has been added to Physical commodity invoice forms. A Commodity Physical trade contract can have one provisional invoice and in that case, only one more invoice can be created in the contract which is considered Final. The provisional invoice amount is then deducted in the Final invoice.
Provisional invoices follow the traditional invoice approval workflow. Source codes PPPY (provisional purchase payment) and PSNV (provisional sale invoice) have been created for this purpose and need to be setup in Business Rules.
Also, a fix has been made such that when Physical Commodity invoices are posted, Vessel Code, Vessel Name, LOB and Voyage number are populated automatically for all detail lines in the Transaction Data Entry form (coming from the Trade Unit and contract).
In addition, Vessel and Voyage No. columns in Financials lists will show correct values for Physical Commodity invoices.
All the above changes only apply to environments where Physical commodity license is enabled.
Story EN-51199
Previously, portion percent could have been incorrect on the offhire bunkers when using "Apply Off Hire/Waiting to Period“. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50943
Bunker Management VIP Only
AT SEA waypoints with manually specified latitudes and longitudes will now have their ECA zones set correctly in the Voyage form.
Bug EN-50719
Voyage P&L
New config flag CFGAdjEquipHireInVoyPnL has been introduced.
When enabled, Equipment Hire invoiced in arrears will correctly be accounted for on the the voyage P&L by utilizing Equipment Hire costs with Journal information instead of Invoice
Bug EN-49946
Previously Report Designer would incorrectly display multiple lines for market where should be only one line.
This issue has been addressed,
Bug EN-47511
Trading IMOS Only
New actions have been added to IMOS user and user group security rights.
Administrator can now configure an IMOS user or user group to have edit access to LC Id, LC Expiration, LC Issued, Issuing Bank, Advising Bank but not the rest of the fields on the Commodity Physical Trade. Administrator can also configure an IMOS user or user group to have edit access to all fields on the Commodity Physical Trade except for the Letter of Credit fields (same list as above)
Story EN-51319
Additional 1-many joins have been added to Commodity Contract and Cargo tables in the Report Designer. Also, Net Margin field has been added to the Trade Unit table.
Story EN-51033
Trading VIP & IMOS
When CFGEnableCO2Exposure is enabled and a Cargo/VC-In is using the Benchmark Estimate exposure method, the CO2 exposure values will now update automatically following CO2 changes in the estimate.
Story EN-50825
Disbursement Interface
Laytime terms are now provided to DA-Desk's API when they are nominated for a port call
Story EN-51689
Previously, Voyage Estimate Bunker fields could only be requested in applyUpdateEstimate mutations when commit was set to true. These fields are now available when commit is set to false as well.
Voyage Estimate Bunkers are now available within Estimate Tasks and Alerts rule sets.
Story EN-51338
Chartering VIP Only
The TCI and TCO code fields in the Voyage Estimator and the Create New Voyage dialog no longer allow selection of TC contracts with "Closed" status.
Story EN-50533
Operations VIP Only
In the Voyage Manager "Operations Overview" form, fixed an issue where certain port remarks could prevent the form from opening correctly.
Bug EN-51984
Chartering VIP Only
In the Voyage Estimator's Carbon View, the formula to calculate the Trajectory Alignment Percentage has been updated from [(midpointC – AER)/AER] to [(AER – midpointC)/midpointC].
Story EN-51228
Previously, TC commission could have been added incorrectly into the monthly accruals snapshot run when using CFGItemizeHireCommMultiCurrency flag. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50757
Invoicing & Payments
The issue where it was no longer possible to edit the amount for Hire adjustment rows in Time Charter invoices/bills has been fixed.
Bug EN-51928
Chartering VIP Only
When copying a Voyage Estimate and clearing the cargo links for imported contracts, users were unable to edit the freight rate if the original cargo contract had unpriced freight. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-51804
Fixed a bug with loading Voyage bunkers in the Cargo Emission Virtual Data Form.
Bug EN-51977
Chartering VIP Only
When using the "Add Cargo to New Estimate from Benchmark" workflow in the Cargo form, if no nominated vessel has been set on the Cargo, the new estimate will now preserve the vessel from the benchmark estimate and saving the new estimate will no longer indicate that the given vessel does not exist in the environment.
Bug EN-51802
Invoicing & Payments
A <CommodityContract> section has been added to the invoice XML for physical trade invoices (relevant when Commodity Trade license is enabled). This displays information about the linked commodity contract and trade unit associated with that contract. ImosAct.xsd schema has been updated accordingly.
Story EN-50830
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, offhire lumpsum commission amounts were being double counted when the TC Commission payment involves an incremental invoice and a lumpsum offhire. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-48412
Invoicing & Payments
Commodity Name (Cargo Short Name) is added as a column to Post Invoices List, Edit Invoices List, and Approve Invoices List. The new column is available only when Commodity Trade license is enabled.
Story EN-51210
Voyage P&L
Previously, Transaction Data Entry could have utilized a incorrect business rule when the source/billcode had an intercompany rule set up. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-51172
When 'CFGDefaultDataSubmissionAgent' and 'CFGAutoActivateVeslinkVessel' are enabled, Fixtures and Voyages with Inactive vessels will still default Agent information on port calls originally created on the Estimate.
Bug EN-50916
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
Fixed an issue preventing row detail data from loading correctly in Veslink forms.
Bug EN-50778
Messaging Service
Previously, error codes returned from payment batch imports were inconsistent. With this fix, the program has been modified to return clear and meaningful error codes and more insightful log entries during batch import failures.
Bug EN-50395
Previously, updating the delivery or redelivery date on a voyage would only update the hire and lifting options for the directly linked time charter contract but not any intercompany time charter contracts. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-49993
Demurrage & Claims
The title of the existing "Demurrage Summary (Bookings)" list has been changed to "Demurrage Summary (Bookings) - Legacy" to indicate that a new - data forms based - version of this list is now available per configuration flag.
New and related configuration flags have been added as below. When accessing the new list, please click on the Revert to Default button available on top of the list to apply default filters to improve performance.
Flag Name: CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList
Description: When enabled, a new, Data Forms-based version of Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list will be used - with both projected ("Create" hyperlink in the Action column) - and actual laytime calculations ("Edit" hyperlink) rows. Actual Laytime Calculation can be filtered by using "Is Existing Laytime Calc" list column. Access rights for the list can be found in user settings under Access Rights -> Module Rights -> Operations -> Quick Links section. The logic for the projected laytime in the list is controlled by CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge config flag.
Possible Values: Y, N
Default Value: N
Hidden: False.
Flag Name: CFGEnableLegacyDemurrageSummaryBookingsList
Description: When enabled, a link to the legacy version of Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list in the Operations console will be displayed alongside a link to the new version of the Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list (if CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList is enabled). Access rights for both lists can be found in user settings under Access Rights -> Module Rights -> Operations -> Quick Links section.
Possible Values: Y, N
Default Value: N
Hidden: True.
Configuration flag CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge has been modified to work with the new flag CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList mentioned above. When both flags are enabled, projected demurrage ("Create") lines are displayed in the new list only for the bookings where all cargos have been discharged in a corresponding voyage.
When CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge is disabled and CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList is enabled, the new list will show projected demurrage ("Create") lines for all bookings regardless of their cargos' statuses. Bookings where not all cargos have been discharged on a voyage are also shown in the list.
Story EN-48438
distances-svc-1.0.86983, 10-06-2023
Improved routing between Mar del Plata and Singapore
Bug EN-51784
distances-svc-1.0.86983, 10-06-2023
Added 23 new ports for Indonesia
Story EN-51241
distances-svc-1.0.86951, 10-06-2023
New port added: Russe (Canada)
Story EN-51372
Invoicing & Payments
The issue where the Customer field (and related information through address book) in Third Party transactions (created when Third party receipts were imported through autopay.exe) was not being populated has been fixed.
Bug EN-51552
Performance of the Report Designer reports using COA Period Pricing Lines table and Load/Discharge Ports fields in this table has been improved.
Additionally, Invoice Actions field in the Operations Invoice table has been hidden from reporting as it has no usable data and affects performance.
Bug EN-50750
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Resolved an issue where the legacy Veslink "Export Reports" functionality sometimes did not work correctly. Also improved performance generating reports when filtered to a subset of voyages or forms.
For IMOS Platform clients we still recommend using Report Designer to report on Veslink Form data.
Bug EN-50566
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, offhire related items' fields in Time Charter payments and bills were incorrectly set to allow user to overwrite default values. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50226
Analytics VIP & IMOS
Previously, Ballast Days from the Estimate PnL were not reflected correctly in Report Designer once the new snapshot is taken. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-49115
Previously, hire rate in the TC lease accounting billing schedule could have used an incorrect hire rate when CFGEnableGeneralUnpricedComponent was turned on. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-49035
Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS
Previously, using 'Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period' option in Monthly Accruals behaved differently on some expenses when a voyage's 'Nomination Date' differed from it's 'Commencing Date'. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-49011
Updating port information on a Voyage now propagates to the Carbon Calculator and re-defaults the ETS Sea/Port Percentages.
Bug EN-51416
Platform UI VIP Only
Changes the way that the popups work when notifying users about their session expiring.
Story EN-51454
When creating a Voyage from an Estimate, the manual overrides to ETS Sea, Port, and Phase In percentages set on the Estimator's Carbon Calculator will be applied to the corresponding lines on the Voyage's Carbon Calculator.
Story EN-50241
Invoicing & Payments
We now block the delete of a freight invoice if it has been used by other invoices.
Bug EN-50131
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
Previously, COA Tasks & Alerts rules dependent on the Unpriced Elements join would not be evaluated until changes to a COA's Unpriced Elements were saved. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50926
Chartering VIP Only
Previously, the Estimate Column View TCE calculation was incorrectly incorporating hire commission. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-50513
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