April 2023 Changelog

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April 2023 Changelog


Invoicing & Payments 

For multi-currency TC, when refresh an invoice, the amount of the rebill item in it would change unexpectedly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47095


Invoicing & Payments 

Some user error messages on saving/posting an invoice created in the TDE form have been made more detailed.

Story EN-43526


Invoicing & Payments 

When Allocate Freight to Discharge Voyage checkbox was enabled in an interservice cargo, it was not possible to make broker commission payments for broker(s) in this cargo in its discharge voyage; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-47625


Invoicing & Payments 

In Time Charter contracts having index-linked hire, making a Period invoice after an incremental invoice was pulling in past invoice period adjustments even when those periods were already adjusted in the incremental invoice. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47564


Trading IMOS Only

Removed CFGVesselValuationForwardAnalysis. Forward Analysis is now available for all Vessel Valuation users, client environments must be on a minimum of schema 408

Story EN-47356


Platform UI VIP Only

Resolves issue where "is in the list" filter option was not present on Transaction No, Approval Status, and Status columns in the transactions, payables & receivables list.

Bug EN-47147


Operations VIP Only

Previously, rescheduling a scheduled voyage from the Voyage Fixture form was not possible if there was an Estimated Demurrage on the voyage. This is no longer the case.

Bug EN-41562


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

 "Improvements have been made to webhooks to ensure that the responses are display in the UI in the order they are recieved"

Bug EN-47525



There was an issue where the TCE values for deviation estimates could differ between column view and details view with estimates that include delays. This is now fixed.

Story EN-45910


Invoicing & Payments 

New section "invoiceUserProperties" has been added to the "invoice" notification XML when posting an invoice. It contains values for user-defined fields set on the Properties tab in Transaction Data Entry form.

Bug EN-47537


Onboard VIP Only

SRE needs to run the script on prod when this gets released.

Bug EN-47530


Invoicing & Payments 

When document numbering and invoice mirroring were enabled, and a mirror freight invoice was created by creating the relet freight invoice, approving the relet invoice used to change the charterer freight invoice number to be different from its document number. This has been fixed, and the invoice number now matches the document number. This fixes the issue of duplicate invoice numbers for freight invoices.

Bug EN-47460



Previously, Carbon Allowances were not being stored with snapshots. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47457



Added 8 existing CO2 fields to the Trade Pnl Details data set stored in snapshots. This enhancement enables access to these fields from the Normal View of the Trade Details List and from the Report Designer.

Story EN-47133


Tasks & Alerts 

Additional voyage-related joins have been made available for selection in Tasks and Alerts rules sets for the Financials Invoice.

Story EN-45040


Chartering VIP Only

COAs with '%' characters in their contract names can now be opened.

Bug EN-40944


Platform UI VIP Only

Resolves errors when importing an OceanSMART vessel due to missing dwt and/or other values from the response.

Bug EN-47529



Previously, taking snapshots for CO2 categorized trade details saved the wrong market name. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47456


Invoicing & Payments 

Potential timeout that could happen when creating broker commission payments has been fixed.

Bug EN-47427


Bunker Management 

With schema 408 and above, the Survey Costs Form now includes fields for recording survey date, survey type, incident type, incident reporting information, and vendor info.

Story EN-45663



Previously, market rate was not looking at the forward rate for the next month based on the latest pricing data. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47299


Demurrage & Claims 

Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list would sometimes time out when CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge config option is set to "N“. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47267


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, "invoice" type notification XML would contain erroneous Cargo ID for Other Revenue/Expense invoices when no cargo was selected on the invoice itself. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45899


Operations VIP Only

In Estimated Demurrage, fixed an issue where the defaulted "Daily Rate" would be inaccurate if the associated cargo contract had its demurrage rates specified as hourly rates.

Bug EN-47418


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, rejected account variance journals were also being included in the P&L. This has been fixed.
Account variance journal's application to the P&L has also been moved to a new configuration flag CFGApplyAcctVarianceToPnL.

Bug EN-47413


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, cpDate would not appear in the XML of reversed invoices. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45825


Invoicing & Payments 

When posting an invoice manually in a closed accounting period, user was no longer getting a prompt to automatically adjust the Accounting Date to be in the next open period; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-45471


Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-47288


Data Center Settings IMOS Only

Before, fuel types of copied vessels could not be reassigned if they were used by the original vessel. They are now editable as expected.

Bug EN-47265


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, negative ILOHC was not included in the hire statement. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47080


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Fixed an issue where a manually-constructed URL could be used to create a new vessel with a specific vessel code, thus circumventing configuration around auto-generation of vessel code for new vessels.

Bug EN-45370

distances-svc-1.0.78125, 4-13-2023


New port added: Setana (Japan)

Story EN-47250

distances-svc-1.0.78125, 4-13-2023


New port: Nesna (Norway)

Story EN-47144

distances-svc-1.0.78125, 4-13-2023


Port name corrected to: Portland Bight (Jamaica)

Story EN-47101

distances-svc-1.0.78125, 4-13-2023


New port: Labota (Indonesia)

Story EN-47007

distances-svc-1.0.78125, 4-13-2023


2 new ports: Darong and Darong Pilot Station (Philippines)

Story EN-47006



Previously, the month including the pool entry date was not considered when calculating the monthly adjustment for the pooling distribution. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46706


Analytics VIP Only

Correct highlight color on grid rows.

Bug EN-47361


Messaging Service VIP Only

When a new vessel is created via the interface, fixed an issue where the "vesselExportFull" outbound notification would have incomplete data.

Bug EN-46231


Chartering VIP Only

In the Voyage Estimator "Ballasting Cost Details" form, fixed an issue where in-port time on a TCO delivery port could incorrectly be displayed as occurring during the ballasting leg.

Bug EN-43131


Chartering VIP Only

Fixed an issue in Market Insights where no results were returned if a vessel has an invalid imo number.

Bug EN-47266


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, if we had two Rebillable line items in the original invoice and if one of them was rebilled, Voyage PnL was not reflecting one of the Rebillable line items. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46659



Previously, bunker descriptions in Monthly Accruals with 'Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period' could be incorrect when ran with off-hires consumption being in the same period. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46545


Trading VIP & IMOS

When CFGEnableCO2Exposure is enabled, and Carbon Allowances are captured in VIP, they will now show up in exposure in the Trading Module in VIP. These trades will always show in exposure in the current period given until they are either surrendered or the position is closed.

Story EN-46467


Chartering VIP Only

The TimeCharterContract -> TimeCharterBunkerDeliveries join is now available to use in Time Charter Tasks & Alerts rules.

Bug EN-45624


Bunker Management 

With schema 408 and above, the Survey Bunker Cost Form can now record quantities prior to resurveying, a price for that quantity, and associated information such as fuel grade, supplier and barge name. These fields are not yet accessible via Report Designer.

Story EN-26379

distances-svc-1.0.77589, 4-10-2023


2 new ports added: Tudela and Caparroso (Spain)

Story EN-46374


Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-47037


Chartering VIP & IMOS

A few minor UI issues in the Vessel Valuation have been resolved.

Bug EN-47274


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Adds OceanSMART as a Vessel Search/Import source with new config settings CFGAllowOceanSMARTSearch, CFGOceanSMARTUsername, and CFGOceanSMARTPassword

Story EN-47177


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

When a form with a string field is changed to a decimal field, the form will not throw an error.

Bug EN-46990



The Account Variances workflow and journals have been updated to support accounts that are changed from Balance Sheet to Expense accounts. This change will correctly journal the balances to the new account type, and will also ensure that the variance journals are reflected in the Voyage P&L in both the Posted and Actual columns.

Bug EN-46958


Tasks & Alerts VIP & IMOS

The enumerated 'Hook Source Type' field for Audit Actions is being retired and replaced with the text 'Hook Source' field (with a schema upgrade), and now populates with the name of a Task or Alert when a user action is captured for Webhooks or PortLog cards in the Voyage Estimate.

Story EN-46876


Chartering VIP Only

Fixes an issue where changing filters in the Cargo Book Module would result in "No Rows To Show" being displayed.

Bug EN-46694


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, the "Commingled Qty“ overage was always calculated off of the total overage amount instead of per VC.
A new method of per-cargo overage/deadfreight calculation and validation are added.
The new validation is to ensure that all cargoes of the comingle are added to the freight invoice.
A new config flag, "CFGUseCommingledOverageDeadfrtPerCargoInFrtInvoice", is added to turn on/off the new per-cargo overage/dead freight calculation and validation.

Bug EN-45162


Invoicing & Payments 

New configuration flag has been added CFGUseIndependentInvoiceNoOnReletInvoiceMirror:
Flag: CFGUseIndependentInvoiceNoOnReletInvoiceMirror
Description: When enabled, if the parent invoice is a freight invoice and the mirror invoice is relet, the mirror invoice will use new and auto-generated invoice number. Otherwise, it will use the invoice number from the parent invoice.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Bug EN-44656


Analytics VIP Only

Fixes an issue with filtering in Report Designer on Form GUID

Bug EN-47168



Carbon Exposure has been added to the Trading Module. All of the functionality is behind the CFGEnableCO2Exposure configuration flag. This includes the addition of fields to the Cargo Contract to capture the contract's carbon exposure and base price for both the Benchmark Estimate exposure method and the Manual exposure method. Several fields to display a contracts CO2 exposure in tons as well as unrealized P&L against a market have been added to the Trading P&L Summary and the Trade Details List. The Drilldown mode for the Trade Details List will have a new category called CO2 with this flag turned on as well.

Additional configuration is required for this in the Trading Profile where the CO2 Market has been added to be selected for the applicable contract types. This will allow you to choose from different commodity market types within VIP. New commodity symbols will need to be added to capture the market rates for carbon in the system as well. To capture these in the correct non-USD currency, the CFGCommodityMarketCurr flag will also need to be enabled.

Lastly, turning this flag on will expose the new Carbon Allowance contract in the trading module where allowance purchases and sales can be tracked and added to your inventory. These will also be displayed in the Trade Details List and Trading P&L Summary as a new contract type.

Story EN-46011


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, duplicated banks and an empty line were seen in the Remittance Bank selection in the Laytime Calculator form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44525

tradehub-app-1.0.76814, fleetmap-app-1.0.76814, opshub-app-1.0.76814

Trade Hub 

Filter list bug fixed by modifying callback functions. Verified filter list functionalities: adding/removing/searching work as expected.

Bug EN-47027

tradehub-app-1.0.76677, app-hosting-svc-1.0.76624, imos-gateway-svc-1.0.76624

Trade Hub VIP Only

The Tracked Vessels workflow in Market Insights no longer requires the CFGMultipleVslFleets config flag, and is now available to all Enhanced Chartering users.

Story EN-46756


Bunker Management VIP Only

Bunker requirements created from existing ones are now savable.

Bug EN-47030


Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS

Added new config flag CFGPreserveInvNoOnReversal: When enabled, will preserve Ops Invoice Number when reversing a previously posted financials invoice. This will override the behavior of config flags CFGEnableDocumentNumbers, CFGAppendRToReversalInvoiceNumber, and CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInOps.

Bug EN-45448


Tasks & Alerts 

Tasks cards are grouped up by the task groups they belong to and are displayed in consolidated cards in the notification panel.

Story EN-46323



Previously, the Load and Discharge Options for cargos with the Use Pricing From COA checkbox enabled would not show up in Report Designer. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-42549

focus-messaging-svc-1.0.76219, focus-gateway-svc-1.0.76219

Ops API 


Story EN-46725


Operations VIP Only

When working in the VIP Cargo Handling form for TCO voyages, fixed an issue where the defaulted "CP Unit" upon selecting LNG as the cargo grade for LNG carriers would be set to "M3", even if the cubit meter Unit of Measure in the Data Center was specified as "m3".

Bug EN-47076


Messaging Service VIP Only

In the cargo contract interface, fixed an issue where updates to user-defined fields could sometimes cause the cargo import to fail.

Bug EN-47032


Platform API 

The Load/Discharge Rate field can now be changed using the applyUpdateEstimate mutation.

Bug EN-46696

k8snextrelease, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.79174

Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-47635

k8snextrelease, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.78802

Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-47053

k8snextrelease, focus-messaging-svc-1.0.76219

Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-47035

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