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July 2023 Changelog
Previously, delays with zero length would not be included in the Off Hire Statement Report. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-49900
Journals VIP & IMOS
A new P&L Calculation option has been created called "Apply Carbon Expense to Period". When enabled this will look at the actualized emissions recorded on the voyage based on the bunker consumption details actualized on the voyage and accrue based on that information instead of prorating across the voyage. When enabled along with the Capitalize / Amortize Costs Prior to the Performing Period flag profile flag on the accruals form then the emissions during the N-L window of the voyage will be capitalized and then amortized over the performing (L-D) period of the voyage. Requires business rules to be created to support the new expense type.
Story EN-47380
Voyage P&L
Previously, hire commission amount could have been inflated from the original amount with the CFGItemizeHireCommMultiCurrency flag turned on. This has been fixed
Bug EN-48702
Invoicing & Payments
The issue where rate breakdown report for Index-linked hire rows in Time Charter contracts could be inaccurate has been fixed.
Bug EN-47974
Previously vessel's Bunker Percentage in the Monthly Accruals was calculated incorrectly when using 'Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period' option. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47518
webhook-proxy-svc-1.0.121, 7-28-2023
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
A new standard webhook is available in the estimator for VesselsValue CII data. This webhook will require an API key in the new CFGVesselsValueKey config flag, and when added to a tasks and alerts rule set, will display the CII Rating, Current AER, Previous Distance, and Previous CO2 Emissions for a vessel.
Story EN-48943
distances-svc-1.0.84030, 7-28-2023
Time zone corrected for port Futong
Bug EN-49926
distances-svc-1.0.84030, 7-28-2023
New port added: Tual (Indonesia)
Story EN-49107
distances-svc-1.0.84030, 7-28-2023
New port added: Krammersluizen (Netherlands)
Story EN-48957
Lightering VIP Only
In Lightering Job and Lightering Support Job, fixed an issue where inactive lightering ports could be selected in new contracts. Additionally, a warning has been added on save if a new lightering operation is being created for which no default pricing has been specified.
Bug EN-49726
Chartering VIP Only
When multi-grade cargoes are enabled, the Voyage Fixture Report XML now includes the Description and "Dangerous" flag state for each individual cargo grade.
Story EN-48663
Trading VIP & IMOS
In the Freight Matrix, users can now add Estimates by searching for their Worksheet Name.
Story EN-48637
Platform UI VIP Only
Warning dialog for multisite password updates is only shown on sites that have multisite relationships
Story EN-48059
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, users were unable to post payments for invoices that are issued in currencies other than USD. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-49907
Chartering VIP Only
In the Cargo contract form, fixed an issue where "Link to New VC In" action may inadvertently overwrite properties of the new VC In with system default values for new contracts.
Bug EN-49109
Entry Date Gmt field has been added to the Payment table in the Report Designer.
Story EN-48630
Trade Hub
Heading direction now displaying correct values matching with input.
Distance from port are shown in destination work flow.
Bug EN-49863
Operations VIP Only
In the Voyage Freight Summary report, fixed an issue where the displayed "Loading Port" and "Discharge Port" may be inaccurate in multi-cargo voyages.
Bug EN-49859
Chartering VIP Only
Fixed an issue where "ECA - ICELAND 12NM" fuel zone would be inconsistently applied to itinerary if "ECA - ICELAND" fuel zone was simultaneously enabled.
Bug EN-49810
The Estimator's Column view now includes an option to Include TCO emission expenses in the PnL.
Story EN-49026
Operations VIP Only
Introduced new configuration setting CFGDefaultIncludeCarbonExpInPnl. When this setting is enabled, the Carbon Calculator Include in PnL setting will be checked by default for new estimates.
Story EN-48517
Previously CM checkbox was only visible when CFGVoyaccAccrualType flag was set to Act value. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-49767
Invoicing & Payments
When configuration flag CFGActEnableSaveOnly was enabled, it was not possible to post journal entries without approving them; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-49130
Demurrage & Claims
Estimated Demurrage now updates the Days Allowed when the Auto-update from itinerary checkbox is enabled.
Bug EN-49008
Demurrage & Claims
Previously users were not able to import activities from the "Select From existing Laytime Calculation" option. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-48479
Chartering VIP Only
When using "M-ports" in Voyage Estimator and Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where importing a cargo contract which updates the ballast vs. laden status of a sea leg may not trigger the automatic update of ballast speed to laden speed on applicable sea legs.
Bug EN-47612
Transport Work calculations for voyages are now initialized with interservice cargo quantities.
Story EN-48692
Invoicing & Payments
Some messages, errors and warnings in the Transaction Data Entry and Payment forms have been modified to be more uniform and informative.
Story EN-47643
Chartering VIP & IMOS
When the CFGEnableAgGridInNotificationsPanel flag is on, users will now see an icon in the Worksheet Estimate Column view to expand a panel that shows Notifications for that Estimate, including Tasks, Alerts, and Webhooks.
Story EN-45942
Previously, when CFGDefaultPnLCalcCapAmortContractFulfillmentCosts was enabled and "Apply Bunker Consumption to Period" was not enabled, bunkers consumed between the nomination date and load date were not capitalized and amortized. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-48213
Previously, CFGExcludePlannedLiftingOnReconcileRobs could have included planned bunkers in Monthly Accruals when enabled along with 'Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages' calculation option. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47778
Operations VIP Only
In Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where voyage attachment storage could inadvertently be shared between voyages based on specific combinations of vessel code and voyage number. This will no longer occur on new voyages created in VIP.
Bug EN-47420
Invoicing & Payments
Previously invoices imported through autoinv.exe messaging program were not processed successfully due to added Financial Invoice Approval checks. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-49036
ETS calculation now excludes Slavbard ports.
Story EN-48942
Invoicing & Payments
Previously Hire Statement was not loading and timing out. With latest SQL index update this has been addressed.
Bug EN-48941
Voyage P&L IMOS Only
Previously, voyage expenses with sub-codes in a Bareboat Payment did not acquire the existing business rule. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47748
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Added new validation to Address Book import that ensures new Address Book short names do not contain control characters or leading and trailing spaces.
Story EN-47704
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Laytime Calculation invoice reports for Owner invoices displayed CP Date from the Cargo contract instead of the VC In contract; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-47296
Invoicing & Payments
When a Freight invoice was made using the Invoice currency specified in the cargo's CP Quantity Details form, posting the invoice could result in the freight rate changing in the invoice, P&L and the cargo contract; this has been fixed.
Bug EN-48841
Trading VIP & IMOS
Expanded the Carbon Exposure functionality to include COA contracts. Requires CFGEnableCO2Exposure to be enabled and the Trading module. With both of these, the CO2 fields will now be available in the COA contract and these contracts, when defined, will show carbon exposure in the Trading P&L.
Story EN-48090
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, some TC contracts with multiple unpriced components could have resulted in a long loading time for the TC contract. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47620
Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS
Previously, Estimated Demurrage for a SPOT voyage was incorrectly displayed as Revenue in the Voyage P&L. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-47616
When calculation options "Apply TC Expenses to Period" and "Apply TC Rebills to Period" were enabled, rebill items associated with a custom subcode were being prorated instead of being applied to the period for which Accruals were run. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-48119
Operations VIP Only
Previously, the Daily Cost field was not being updated when rescheduling a Voyage to a different Vessel. With this fix, the value is now correctly updated with the Daily Cost of the new Vessel.
Bug EN-47889
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Veslink changes to support delay transaction in sealibs.
Story EN-48948
New Port Action DR (Document Remittance) has been added to the list of available actions.
Story EN-48904
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only
Fixes a bug so that the Load/Discharge nomination tables (LoadCargoHandlings and DiscCargoHandlings tables) now match the sequence of the itinerary.
Story EN-47055
Invoicing & Payments
Updates the existing invoicing process to prevent users from circumventing the Financial Control requirements when raising invoices from the TDE directly.
Configuration Flag: CFGUseLegacyTDEApprovalLogic
Description: When enabled, operations invoices created from within the TDE will not enforce financial control requirements for approvals.
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Story EN-44496
Demurrage & Claims VIP Only
A new voyage template setting as been introduced that allows for the creation of per-counterparty, per-port estimated demurrage when both CFGEnableMultiEstDem and CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage are enabled.
Story EN-43984
Platform API
Fixed an issue with field validation in the apply messages endpoint.
Bug EN-48954
Trade Hub
Vessel import bug in market insights is fixed. When vessel import button clicked, now it will pass vessel details directly to mvsl.
It will show corresponding vessel details in vessel lists when imported from tradehub.
Bug EN-47900
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Veslink changes to support focus-side changes for delay transaction processing.
Story EN-48919
Bunker Management
Previously, there was an error that would display the wrong ROBs on the Voyage P&L Report if when invoicing debunkering for a voyage, the invoiced quantity was more negative than the operations quantity. This is now fixed by saving the voyage where this occurs.
Bug EN-46573
The Voyage Manager now calculates Transport Work and EEOI. These values can be viewed from the Sustainability Panel. With schema 419 and above, the Estimate and Voyage's Transport Work and EEOI values can be used in Report Designer and Task and Alerts.
Story EN-42840
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
Previously, there was an issue importing vessels from external sources. This has been corrected.
Bug EN-48867
Platform API
An issue where importing an invoice XML through autoinv.exe could result in other invoices being affected when no invoice number was specified in the incoming XML has been fixed.
Bug EN-48703
Previously, bookings which used commingled quantities would price cargoes with no commingle codes as a single commingled quantity to calculate freight invoices. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-48430
Chartering VIP Only
Before, clients were unable to view and filter the list of COA contracts by Contract Link value. This is now possible.
Story EN-48378
Invoicing & Payments
A new XML tag billVia is now supported in invoiceImport XML messages, this can be used to set the Bill Via information for an invoice when it is imported through autoinv.exe program. For Freight invoices, if billVia field is not specified, it is fetched from the first cargo in the invoice. A fix will be made later to the PublishInvoice JSON file so this information can be also imported through API.
Story EN-46787
Chartering VIP Only
The Open Valuation function in Tradehub is renamed to Open Matrix, and fixed an issue in which the link pointed towards the wrong module. It now correctly points at the trading module.
Bug EN-48606
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
New port: Jieyang Crude Oil Terminal (China)
Story EN-48647
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
Time zone information updated for ports in Chile
Story EN-48629
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
Time zone corrected for port Tanjung Bakau
Story EN-48611
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
2 new ports: Corpus Christi Inner Harbor and Corpus Christi Outer Harbor (United States)
Story EN-48604
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
New port: STS Scapa Flow (United Kingdom)
Story EN-48545
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
New port: Karish North Field (Israel)
Story EN-48537
distances-svc-1.0.82687, 7-7-2023
New port added: Bekkeri (Estonia)
Story EN-47892
Voyage creation via Lightering workflows now respects the voyage numbering configuration of CFGVoyageNoFormat.
Bug EN-48691
Disbursement Interface
Previously, advanced adjustment items, including PRECV code in port expense invoice, failed to be imported through autoinv. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-48607
Distances VIP Only
Restores the ability to view other Load Lines on Estimate and Voyage Manager module Map Views.
Bug EN-48566
Operations VIP Only
Fixed an issue where invoiced delays automatically created by port function could be inadvertently removed by changing the function at the linked port.
Bug EN-47293
Tasks & Alerts
Fixed an issue in webhook card that the messages were displaying double spaced
Bug EN-48800
Voyage P&L
Previously during voyage period journal generation IMOS would create significant amount of duplicated notifications for updated voyage P&L. This issue has been fixed.
Story EN-48729
k8snextrelease, 7-31-2023
Story EN-48743
k8snextrelease, focus-messaging-svc-1.0.83072, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.83072, vvr-form-preview-app-1.0.83072
Story EN-48739
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