November 2023 Changelog

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November 2023 Changelog



Coordinates corrected for PORT ALFRED to match official documentation by UN

Story EN-53176



New port: PORTO DE MOS (Portugal)

Story EN-53116



UN code for port "Progreso" corrected to be MXPGO

Story EN-53115



New port: ILIJAN, BATANGAS FSRU (Philippines)

Story EN-53020



2 new ports added in Brazil

Story EN-52958



New port: Nembe Crude Terminal (Nigeria)

Story EN-52866



New port: Hidaka (Japan)

Story EN-52818



7 new ports added

Story EN-52729



New port: Dong Xuyen Port (Vietnam)

Story EN-52701



Routing updated around Providence and Nantucket area

Bug EN-52665



New port: Espadarte Pilot Station (Brazil)

Story EN-52656


Operations VIP Only

When changes are made to the planned/actual received bunker quantity on the voyage itinerary, this will now automatically update the "Opr Qty" saved on linked Bunker Requirements.

Bug EN-52411


Trading VIP & IMOS

Certain formulas using bunker symbols did not show calculation values. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52220


Messaging Service VIP & IMOS

Previously, trade import was not setting the status correctly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51848


Focus API 

Resolved an issue where activities imported with the UpdateActivityLog message were not properly associated with the voyage cargo handling, resulting in the activities not properly importing into the Laytime Calculator. Additionally, added a new optional "cargoHandlingSeqNo" field to the message to support scenarios where providing just cargoId or cargoShortName is not enough to match to a single voyage cargo handling.

Bug EN-51135



Freight matrix recalculation bug is fixed.
If recalculation fails due to worksheet data, message will pop up and inform that data is outdated.
If data is replicated, Freight matrix will conduct recalculation for numeric grids.

Bug EN-52966


Security & User Mgmt IMOS Only

Fixes a bug within IMOS that was causing Auth service disconnects.

Bug EN-52434


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Fixed bug that was preventing the Agent Portal port calls table from loading when it included more than 2100 unique vessels

Bug EN-51990



The Scheduling Open Position list now no longer contains rows for vessels which are only associated with TCs within the specified date filters, if the TC delivery date is more than 90 days before the filter From Date. This is fix an issue where an incorrect Open Date was sometimes displayed TCs much earlier than the filter date range.

Bug EN-51473


Journals VIP & IMOS

Monthly Accrual failed to take into account dates on and after the Discharge port date in calculations, with "Apply Carbon Expenses To Period" on. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51393



Estimate Only vessels are now available in Freight Matrix.

Story EN-52984


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

In the TC Billing Schedule and TC Payment Schedule, fixed an issue where the schedule would not load if any contract had a malformed billing period.

Bug EN-52978


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where XADDCOM commission invoice was auto-generated when XADDCOM was set up to be deducted from a relet freight invoice and the freight invoice was posted (applicable when CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms was enabled) has been fixed.

Bug EN-52672


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Users can now edit the weight of estimates in VIP Freight Matrix calculations. A given weight must be between 0 and 100, and the total weight across estimates must add up to 100%.

In order to save these edited weight values, the schema must be at least version 438.

Story EN-52313



Previously, Carbon Allowance trade showed a pre-allocated quantity even if it was transferred fully. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52844


Distances VIP & IMOS

'Parent Country' field has been added to the New Port form for Imos DB schemas >= 437

Story EN-52658


Operations VIP Only

Previously, emissions expenses were not being properly split in the Carbon Calculator when the itinerary contained passing points with delivery and redelivery dates spanning the New Years date between 2023 and 2024. This was remedied by shifting all existing passing point emissions to the next non-passing port and removing passing points from the UI.

Bug EN-52424



Added new configuration flag CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation. When this flag is enabled, the Emissions tab will become visible on the Cargo and VC In contracts. This emissions tab will provide the ability to capture the Allowance Settlement details on the freight contract for handling the new EU ETS regulation. The contracts can have no settlement (N/A), be settled with Cash, Allowances or a hybrid of both. Additionally the billing period for the Allowance Settlement as well as the payment terms can be specified.

When Cash settlement is selected, the Cash Invoice grid will be visible in the tab. On a VC In contract, this is where invoices received from the Owner can be recorded for the voyage. These invoices will follow a standard invoicing workflow and can be pending, invoiced and posted. On a Cargo contract, this is where the invoices can be generated to the charterer on the contract to cover the emissions expense.

When Allowance settlement is selected, the Allowance Invoice and the Allowance Transfer grid will be visible. The Allowance Invoice grid will be used on the VC In contract to capture the invoices received from the owner for a given Allowance quantity. The Allowance Transfer grid will be where the designated allowances (Carbon Allowance Trades) can be selected and marked as transferred to the owner. The allowances can only be transferred on an invoice that has been posted (similar to a cash payment). Once the allowances have been transferred, the available balance on the selected Carbon Allowance trade will be reduced, which will be reflected in the Trading module. On a Cargo contract, this will be used to track the invoices for allowances being sent to the charterer. Allowances that are marked as transferred will be for reference purposes only, the Carbon Allowance trade with the given quantity received from the counterparty will still need to be captured in the system.

When Hybrid is selected then all three tables will be visible and a combination of cash and allowance invoices can be generated for given periods of the Cargo / VC In contracts.

Requires the Trading Module license and a min schema version of 434.

Story EN-52336


Trading VIP & IMOS

Improved the logic behind CFGAutoUpdateCarbonExposureOnVoyages to also draw down the exposure for a trade when the emissions are invoiced on the voyage to only show the un-invoiced emissions as remaining in exposure from the voyage. This will help to provide a more accurate picture of CO2 exposure in the Trading P&L and Trade Details List, reflecting the latest operational changes on the voyage. Will also require CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation to have the emissions on the voyage update.

Story EN-51842

distances-svc-1.0.89161, 11-20-2023


Iran time zone info has been accurately updated to reflect that daylight savings time is no longer observed

Story EN-52607

distances-svc-1.0.89161, 11-20-2023


New port: Rondo Island (Indonesia)

Story EN-52529

distances-svc-1.0.89161, 11-20-2023


Ports Mamoudzou and Mayotte updated to correctly have a country value = Mayotte

Story EN-52453

distances-svc-1.0.89161, 11-20-2023


3 new ports added in Antarctica

Story EN-47628


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, revenue/expense type value could not be changed for the non-posted invoices in the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses form available in the Voyage Manager. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52912


Operations VIP & IMOS

Previously, the CO2 Quantity field in a Cargo form would reset if the value, 0.00, was entered. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-52848


Invoicing & Payments 

When configuration flags CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms and CFGAutoGenerateDemComms were enabled and a broker commission in a contract was set up to be paid separately for freight and was not applicable to demurrage, demurrage commission invoice was still being auto-generated if the demurrage invoice was included in a freight invoice and the freight invoice was posted in the voyage. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52847


Invoicing & Payments 

Final Freight Statement was wrong for a voyage if it had a Charterer and Owner with the same name assigned to the Cargo and VC In contracts in the voyage; this has been fixed. Also, a Type column has been added to the top grid in the Final Freight Statement to indicate the type of the counterparty displayed in this grid.

Bug EN-52807


Platform UI VIP & IMOS

Lists with Boolean filters now export correctly to PDF and Word

Story EN-52610



"Is Commissionable" field is added to the of Unpriced Element table in the Report Designer. It reflects the value of the Commissionable checkbox in the Unpriced Components form - for BAF components on various contract forms in VIP.

Story EN-51754



Commission values with broker commission type "R" were not calculating on the Carbon Allowance form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51603



Previously, bunker requirement's bunker info could have been reflected incorrectly in the trade details list when the bunker requirement was added solely. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50844


Voyage P&L 

Fixed an issue where the emissions expense on the Voyage P&L was wiped out if the new CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation was disabled. This impacted all clients who were tracking emissions expense on the voyage and have not enabled the new flag. Now, if there are emissions expenses applied to the voyage P&L using the Carbon Calculator and the CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation flag is disabled, then the expenses will still be displayed and included in the P&L calculation.

Additionally, when the CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation flag is enabled, it has been clarified so that when a TC Contract or a Head Fixture contract on a voyage has an Allowance Settlement type of N/A then the emissions expense will go to 0. These expenses will remain on the voyage when the settlement is set to any other option. The intention here is that if there is no explicit settlement with the counterparty then the expense will not be settled and would continue to accrue in perpetuity which we are preventing with this change.

Bug EN-52756



New billing periods have been added to emissions settlements
Per Laden Leg

Story EN-52469


Trading IMOS Only

Previously, carbon allowance trades were not being filtered by its strategy correctly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52167



The trading configuration flag, CFGDisableAddcommDeductionForCargoWithBenchmarkExposure, was not consistently disabling the deduction of Address Commission in the Net Contract Rate in the Trade Details List for a Cargo. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-51442



'Exclude Running Costs for Long term TCI/OV' now correctly excludes off hire running costs when 'Capitalize/Amortize Costs prior to Performing Period' is also selected.

Bug EN-51333



When CFGIncludeGibraltarInEts is enabled, Gibraltar will be considered part of the EU for ETS calculations.

Story EN-52856



When scheduling a voyage from an estimate, the Estimate’s Carbon Calculator Exchange Rate, Currency, and Price are now copied to the Voyage's Carbon Calculator.

Story EN-52124


Invoicing & Payments 

The fix is to handle the data created before we introduced a control parameter for operation's invoice detail table.

Bug EN-51046



Previously, in the Carbon Calculator, the ETS CO2 exchange rate would not update if a Voyage Estimate's base currency changed. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-52432


Data Center Settings 

Added validation to the importing of exchange rates to prevent inaccurate database entries.

Bug EN-51396



Previously, 'Carbon Allowance' and 'Commodity' trades weren't viewable in detail directly through 'Trading Details List' when selected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47666


Platform API VIP Only

Previously, an agent wasn't able to retrieve a non-standard client's port using the Veslink API v1/ports/<company>/<port> endpoint. The issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-51690


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, when posting freight invoice with invoiced demurrage/despatch included - business rules for those included invoices were not applied correctly in the posted invoice. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51479


Messaging Service VIP & IMOS

Berth updates will update berthShort when provided a portNo and externalRef matching an existing record.

Bug EN-52741


Operations VIP Only

Previously, during TC voyage mirroring, incorrect Miles values could be associated with TCO redelivery ports, which couldn't be easily corrected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52740



Changes to Cargo Names now appear in the Audit Trail.

Story EN-52647


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, auto-generated commission invoice was blocked from being reversed independently without the reversal of its parent's invoice. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52274



Previously, TCO brokerage/address commissions could be incorrectly accrued in Monthly Accruals when Snapshot-basis calculations were run. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-52111


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue with Onboard that prevented forms approved during the replication window to sync with proper status.

Bug EN-51578

tradehub-api-1.0.88751, vessel-data-svc-1.0.88751

Trade Hub 

Tradehub now uses OB distance calculator to fetch distance from port data.
In our previous work flow, Tradehub receives all the positions within Greater circle area with radius of distance from port we pass in request. Then, it calculates distance from port to each position by straight lines.
By using OB distance calculator, although we have the same positions returned from Greater circle area, distances calculated by shortest path of itinerary. Those positions within the circle, but over distance limit will be filtered out.

Story EN-51729

fleetmap-api-1.0.88699, fleetmap-app-1.0.88699

Fleet Map VIP Only

Vessels with upcoming scheduled voyages will now appear on the Fleetmap. Additionally, the next port and arrival time for the next port are shown on the position details, when available.

Story EN-48102


Operations VIP Only

Gibraltar no longer generates EU ETS applicable emission by default.

Story EN-52602


Operations VIP Only

In the Port Activities form, for commence ports only, fixed an issue where switching field focus in the bunker information grid could incorrectly reset departure ROBs to zero.

Bug EN-52514


Invoicing & Payments 

When CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms is enabled and a broker in a Cargo contract was set to be of type Rate, multiple commission payments were created for that broker when multiple freight invoices were posted in the voyage. This has been fixed and now only one commission invoice is created per broker in the contract.

Bug EN-52284


Operations VIP Only

A crash that could occur in the Voyage Ops Overview form has been fixed.

Story EN-51652


Chartering VIP Only

In the Voyage Estimator's Carbon View, the EOV CII metrics column now displays values that are calculated from the beginning of the year that the estimate ends in, such that they're now YTD values as of voyage completion. The column also now displays EOY data when an estimate crosses the New Year's mark with EOV data in a tooltip.

Story EN-50443


Tasks & Alerts 

Exposure tab fields, including Benchmark Estimates, Cargo Exposure Bunkers, Exposure Method, and Benchmark M2M Basis, are now available in Cargo Task and Alert Rule Sets.

Story EN-51778


Operations VIP Only

The exception that displayed in the Vessel Schedule validation has been fixed and removed.

Bug EN-51587


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Fixed an issue where creating Voyage Instructions could timeout.

Bug EN-52675


Messaging Service VIP & IMOS

Berth update requests without a berthShort will succeed if they include a portNo and externalRef matching an existing record.

Story EN-52033



Added new configuration flag CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation. When this flag is enabled, the Emissions tab will become visible on the Time Charter In and Time Charter Out contracts. This emissions tab will provide the ability to capture the Allowance Settlement details on the Time Charter contract for handling the new EU ETS regulation. The contracts can have no settlement (N/A), be settled with Cash, Allowances or a hybrid of both. Additionally the billing period for the Allowance Settlement as well as the payment terms can be specified. These are separate from the billing period and payment terms for Hire on the contract.

When Cash settlement is selected, the Cash Invoice grid will be visible in the tab. On a Time Charter In contract, this is where invoices received from the TC Owner can be recorded for certain periods of the contract. The voyages that are in the period selected will be updated and the emissions expense will be realized for the period, while the uncovered period on the voyage will still reflect the remaining estimated emissions expense. These invoices will follow a standard invoicing workflow and can be pending, invoiced and posted. On a Time Charter Out contract, this is where the invoices can be generated to the charterer on the contract to cover the emissions expense.

When Allowance settlement is selected, the Allowance Invoice and the Allowance Transfer grid will be visible. The Allowance Invoice grid will be used on the Time Charter In contract to capture the invoices received from the owner for a given Allowance quantity. The Allowance Transfer grid will be where the designated allowances (Carbon Allowance Trades) can be selected and marked as transferred to the owner. The allowances can only be transferred on an invoice that has been posted (similar to a cash payment). Once the allowances have been transferred, the available balance on the selected Carbon Allowance trade will be reduced, which will be reflected in the Trading module. On a Time Charter Out contract, this will be used to track the invoices for allowances being sent to the charterer. Allowances that are marked as transferred will be for reference purposes only, the Carbon Allowance trade with the given quantity received from the counterparty will still need to be captured in the system.

When Hybrid is selected then all three tables will be visible and a combination of cash and allowance invoices can be generated for given periods of the Time Charter contracts.

Requires the Trading Module license and a min schema version of 433.

Story EN-51854


Messaging Service 

Adds a new Config Flag CFGEnforceUniqueVesselImo which, when enabled along with CFGAutoVesselCode, restricts vessel import via the messaging service from creating a new vessel if multiple existing vessels share the same IMO number. Will log the failure in the IML with an error message.

Bug EN-51374


Invoicing & Payments 

The following fixes have been made in Hire Statement/SOA reports in Time Charter contracts:
1. Broker commission and address commission for Offhire and off hire reverse rows could be wrong in some cases, this has been fixed and they now match the offhire data in the report.
2. Off hire address commission lines have been aggregated wherever possible if there are different rows with consecutive time periods.
3. Address Commission rows are now displayed together followed by Offhire address commission rows if applicable.
4. When offhire commission and offhire reverse commission amounts cancel out each other, they are no longer displayed in the Hire Statement.
5. Broker commission and address commission for very small amounts are displayed more accurately in the reports.

Bug EN-50992


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, near-zero invoice detail amounts were not split up correctly in Cargo Itinerary Allocation. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50617



Fixed issue with FOB voyages in Monthly Accruals being accrued in error.

Bug EN-50488



Fixed erroneous red line-items on FOBV Monthly Accruals.

Bug EN-50487


Chartering VIP & IMOS

In Action Cargoes and Market Insights, cargoes that have a fixture will now show the 'Open Estimate' menu option to view the associated estimate.

Bug EN-51661


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, deleting a freight invoice would sometimes encounter an error related to an incorrect invoice dependency validation. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-52377


Voyage P&L 

For the off-hire delays settled as lumpsum off-hire bunkers that are specifically invoiced will now correctly show under P&L Expenses.

Bug EN-50949


Operations VIP Only

Auto Created Estimated Demurrage will now immediately appear in the P&L when a Voyage is created.

Story EN-50726


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Improves security list performance

Bug EN-50546


Invoicing & Payments 

Configuration flags has been added:
Name: CFGEnableFinalFinancialsInvoice
Values: Y,N
Default Value: N
Description: When enabled, a checkbox called "Final" is added to the Transaction Data Entry form (financials invoice). Also, corresponding "isFinalInvoice" tag will be output to the invoice notification XML and can also be imported in the same tag through the interface into VIP. This can be used to denote if financials invoice is a Draft (unchecked) or Final (checked) when saving or posting such invoice.

Configuration flags has been added:
Name: CFGEnableTaxIdentifierOnFinancialsInvoice
Values: Y,N
Default Value: N
Description: When enabled, a new, 64-character long string field is added to the Transaction Data Entry form (financials invoice) to hold Invoice Reference Number (IRN) used for tax purposes. Also, corresponding "invoiceTaxRefNo" tag will be output to the invoice notification XML and can also be imported in the same tag through the interface into VIP.
Required Schema Version: 436 or higher.

Story EN-51747


Trading VIP & IMOS

Added a new configuration flag: CFGAutoUpdateCarbonExposureOnVoyages. When enabled, on Cargoes that have their Exposure Method set to Benchmark Estimate and an estimate chosen, the Carbon Exposure automatically populates with exposure information from the Benchmark Estimate. Once the voyage is scheduled, the Carbon Exposure becomes read-only and will update to use the emissions from the voyage instead of the benchmark estimate.

NOTE: Right now it will use the full exposure for the voyage and will not update throughout the voyage. That logic is to be released shortly.

Story EN-51594


Invoicing & Payments 

New configuration flag has been added:

Name: CFGSelectBankDetailsFromBeneficiaryOnHireStatement
Description: When enabled, and there is a Beneficiary is listed on the TC Contract, this flag displays Banks related to the Beneficiary in the Bank Selection screen for the Hire Statement. If this flag is enabled and there is no Beneficiary listed, Bank Selection defaults to the Counterparty
Possible Values: N, Y
Default Value: N

Bug EN-50925


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, in case of overlapping time charter hire items, period of uncovered hire in voyage P&L would include only one hire item. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-50813



Updated the Exposure calculations for CO2 Qty when Cargoes have "Part Cargo" and a Factor enabled.

Story EN-48271


Analytics VIP Only

Sometimes posting multiple invoices from the Posti Invoices list while having a not-in-the-list filter applied wasn't working, it has been fixed.

A not-in-the-list filter was causing an error in reports and lists if applied to certain Enum fields, it has been fixed.

Bug EN-52368

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