February 2023 Changelog

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February 2023 Changelog


Invoicing & Payments 

Regression has been introduced earlier where an incorrect exchange rate related adjustment amount would be added to the invoice in non-base currency when posting it. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46681


Invoicing & Payments 

Cargo Revenue/Expenses-linked invoices with Basis set to CP or BL Qty will now round the values consistently between the contract and invoice to an integer values.

Bug EN-45453


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, an off hire with a hire rate override could have resulted the amount to double if the TC contract was in multiple currencies. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46373



Previously, having a COA with only one planning period would cause issues with advanced pricing for the COA. This is now fixed. Also, previously pricing for COAs with planning periods either had to all have advanced pricing or have no planning periods with advanced pricing. Now, advanced pricing is optional on a per planning period level.

Bug EN-46149


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

Webhook cards have been consolidated from individual cards per message response into a combined card for all items within a response per Task and Alerts rule. This view is only available with CFGEnableAgGridInNotificationsPanel or CFGAgGridInVoyage and only applies to the webhooks section of the notifications panel.

Story EN-46080



New ECA zone while in port added for all Israel ports named ECA - Israel

Story EN-46079


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, routes using nested formulas and multiple markets could have generated an incorrect market data. This has been fixed. Market for a route can be specified with a prefix before the route followed by a period ".".

Bug EN-45918



Updated configuration flag, CFGCommodityMarketCurr, to add a field for 'Market Currency' to the Trade Details List and Report Designer.

Story EN-45559


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, address commission for an offhire delay could have been shown in the voyage P&L even if the delay does not fall within the broker period. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45476


Platform UI VIP Only

Previously, entering a date time in the users local timezone at the hour DST starts the datetime would be automatically adjusted. This has been corrected and the users entered datetime will not be adjusted.

Bug EN-42253


Invoicing & Payments 

Cargo selection in the Voyage Other Revenue/Expenses form now includes purchase cargos in addition to sale ones. Tooltip has been added to the Cargo field with extended selection info.

Story EN-46461


Voyage P&L 

New config flag has been added: CFGUseCargoDaysForDailyFreight
When enabled, freight contracts with the freight type of Daily Rate (D) will be priced out only for those days that the cargo is on a vessel instead of the total number of voyage days.

Story EN-46275



Incorrect description that would sometimes appear on bareboat voyage period journal line items has been fixed.

Bug EN-45428


Invoicing & Payments 

In the Financials Invoice, Exchange rate conversion of the individual tax amounts in non-base currency, would sometimes result in a total base currency amount variance. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43631



The counterparty column in the voyage list now shows the full counterparty list for all RELT voyages

Bug EN-40771


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

Cargo revenue and expense data can now be deleted through the messaging interface.

Story EN-45585



Additional 1-many join to the Alerts table has been added to the Financials Invoice table of the Report Designer.

Story EN-46547


Operations VIP Only

The load line routing field now displays in the correct layout when CFGExpandVoyageManagerRowsets is enabled.

Bug EN-46531


Invoicing & Payments 

Modified the ledger selection rule for CFGEnableCompanyBasedBusinessRules set to N.

Bug EN-46432


Invoicing & Payments 

When changing an invoice detail line's exchange rate date, the amount and base amount would be calculated wrong. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46276

2-22-2023, imos-gateway-svc-1.0.68825

Ops API VIP Only

Added primaryCargoSeq to the applyUpdateEstimate mutation, allowing cargoes to be added as relets in the GraphQL API.

Bug EN-45938


Trading VIP & IMOS

Added a new way for handling unavailable days on a TC contract in exposure that goes further than just specifying number of days in a month. When the new configuration flag (CFGUnavailableStartAndEndDaysOnTC) is enabled, two new columns are visible on the Unavailable Days grid in the Exposure tab on the Time Charter Contract form. These two fields are used to capture specific start and end dates for the unavailable days.

A new flag has been added to the Trading Profile as well called "Deduct TC Unavailable Days from Exposure Days". When this is checked on the profile, the Trading P&L will take into account the available days on the Time Charter contract and deduct them from the Exposure Days in the period(s) that they overlap.

Will require a schema update to enable, and when enabled contracts that already have unavailable days defined using the Month and Year will be updated automatically to the new format.

Story EN-45639



Average freight calculation in multi-parcel voyage estimate P&L is fixed

Bug EN-36088

distances-svc-1.0.68650, 2-22-2023


Routing port Bashi Channel has been update to be a full region

Story EN-46498

distances-svc-1.0.68650, 2-22-2023


New port added: Cape Carbonara (Italy)

Story EN-46460


Tasks & Alerts 

Task and Alerts now supports joins on a vessel owner's Address Book from Vessel, Estimate, and Voyage rules.

Story EN-46351


Voyage P&L 

The fix provides a way to relink the PDA/FDA which has mismatched vendor to the corresponding port expenses.

Bug EN-43807


Invoicing & Payments 

Monthly Accruals related Business Rules would sometimes duplicate without regard to the user prompt's response to auto-generate the rules.

Bug EN-41268



New Configuration flag:
Name: Enable Carbon View
Flag: CFGEnableCarbonView
Description: When enabled, the Voyage Estimation module will support a Carbon View option.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Story EN-46480


Tasks & Alerts 

Previously, a bug was introduced that resulted in status icons not being shown for items with attachments in the Tasks & Alerts / Notifications side panels. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46473


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Added a COA/CVC Analysis tool to the Chartering Module under the Trade Hub group. This tool provides the ability to quickly run different scenarios on a specific estimate over forward periods, using future pricing. It is made up of an input section and an output section. The input section includes the selection of the estimate ID, the time frame to be analyzed, the market data routes and symbols to use as well as a selection of other high level fields. The output section will provide the results of running the estimate across the market rates for the forward periods, as well as showing the value of the trade against the market in those forward periods.

The tool is helpful when analyzing how a freight trade is valued over different periods and also when assessing a COA or CVC contract. Additional licensing is required to access this functionality.

Story EN-45761


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, XREV invoices from Transaction Data Entry screen were not able to be copied and saved. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-46183


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, if company base currency was other than USD, Commission Payment form sometimes mislabeled the columns in the details grid. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46112


Invoicing & Payments 

For certain payment terms, sometimes the default due date is incorrect. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45872


Invoicing & Payments 

With specific configuration and contract attributes, it was possible for off hire lumpsum and its commission to be calculated incorrectly on TC invoice, P&L, and hire statement. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45533


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Market Insights and Action Cargoes functionality is available under a new flag titled CFGNewChartering.

Description: When Enabled, users can access Market Insights and Action Cargoes as features within the Chartering Module without any additional licensing.

Market Insights will provide the ability to search through vessel positions in the market using operational data and the latest AIS positions that a vessel reports, and narrow your search to find matching vessels that can meet theoretical laycan windows.

Action Cargoes will use your existing Cargo Book and allow you to find vessels that could meet the specific demand. The tool will use aspects of the cargo as filters as well as the laycan window to narrow the search for matching vessels.

Story EN-46166



Previously, TCO voyages would only show closing bunker inventory in the Voyage Bunker Period Report if the vessel was redelivered and the voyage was completed. Now, the the report will also show the closing inventory for closed voyages if the vessel was redelivered.

Bug EN-45966


Operations VIP Only

In Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where a passing point could be inserted as a completed portcall with linked Port Activities.

Bug EN-46415


Distances VIP Only

Load line routing has been added to the Voyage and Estimate form. A new field titled Load Line Routing is now available in the Voyage and Estimate forms for selecting load line zones to avoid in routing.

Story EN-39569


Ops API VIP Only

Added a new config flag: CFGAutoNumberCOAParallel. Set to Y to change the way COA Contract IDs are generated. The new ID generation approach avoids issues in the old algorithm that could lead to failures when multiple users or APIs were simultaneously saving COAs.

Bug EN-46387


Trading VIP & IMOS

Added support for non-base (USD) currency commodity trade contracts and market data prices. This functionality is behind the newly created CFGCommodityMarketCurr configuration flag which adds the currency to the Commodity Symbol and Market Data form and correctly accounts for the exchange rate conversion when calculating exposure on both the Commodity Trade form and in the Trade Details List and Trading P&L Summary.

While this can be used for any paper commodity contracts that would be captured in the system, the primary intent is to support capturing EUA Futures in support of the coming EU ETS regulation.

Story EN-45887



Previously, for cargo contracts with multi-grade cargoes, changing the Qty or the Grade in an itinerary line would not automatically update the Alt Qty. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-44432


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where invalid Create TC Commission invoice rows could be displayed in the Create TC invoices list has been fixed.

Bug EN-40281



"Action" field has been added to the Laytime table in the Report Designer. It will have "Edit" hyperlink which can be used to open the calculation.
Existing "Action" field has been hidden in the Voyage Estimate table as it is not functional.

Story EN-46361



Previously, additional Bunker Swap Allocation Journals could unexpectedly be generated when associated linked bunker swaps are split. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46224


Data Center Settings VIP Only

This change completes support for Default Site selection. Users may now select a default site from their User Profile and be automatically switched to that site at login. This option is available for clients with one or more child sites available.

Story EN-45907


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Emails sent for voyage instructions will now include the form attachments as attachments in the email itself

Story EN-45724


Analytics VIP Only

CVEs in Voyage Estimates are now available in Report Designer, through the Voyage Estimate Time Charter Expenses table.

Story EN-44163



Cargo units are now converted to MT when they are displayed in the Sustainability tab and the Emissions Data form.

Bug EN-40816

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


New port: Maharani Muar (Malaysia)

Story EN-46343

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


Added additional routing points in distances

Bug EN-46047

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


New port: FPSO P-71 (Brazil)

Story EN-45926

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


New port: Kansas City, MO (United States)

Story EN-45898

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


New port: Kukup (Malaysia)

Story EN-45813

distances-svc-1.0.66353, 2-10-2023


Corrected coordinates of port Cigading

Bug EN-45708

tradehub-app-1.0.66496, fleetmap-app-1.0.66393

Trade Hub VIP Only

Improved map zoom behavior when performing searches in the veson map.

Story EN-45988


Trade Hub 

The Market Insights Map now requires a port or region filter value before searching is enabled, and the default setting is now a port filter of singapore. Users can override the default by saving a view but will be required to have a value in one of the two values when leveraging the location workflow.

Story EN-45944


Chartering VIP Only

In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where triggering a P&L-clearing validation error with the estimate profit locked would inadvertently keep the profit locked to 0 when the validation issue is corrected.

Bug EN-46354



Trajectory alignment percentages for CII Calculations now use the yearly adjusted CII as a reference point.

Story EN-46284



When CFGUseCompleteDateAsCIIReferenceDate is enabled with a minimum schema of 391, AER based CII calculations will use the completed date instead of the commenced date when calculating yearly adjustments.

Story EN-46215


Chartering VIP Only

Improved behaviors around editing estimated redelivery bunker prices in mirrored TCIs when the linked TCO has "Bunkers on Consumption" enabled.

Story EN-46160


Voyage P&L 

Prioritization of of business rules will now select Vendor-based rules over I/C flagged business rules when both address book records are set to Internal.

Story EN-45989



The Carbon View now includes Transport Work and EEOI calcualtions for estimates.

Story EN-45920


Data Center Settings 

Previously, deleting items in the Agreed Transit Times & Bunkers form in the Data Center did not work as expected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-44030



Added a new configuration flag: CFGUsePnlAccountTypeForRebills. When enabled, rebills and rebillable items will be excluded from the Voyage P&L if corresponding business rules point to non-P&L accounts. We will determine what a rebill and rebillable items is using the business rule mapping for the line items and the sub-codes if applicable.

Story EN-46019


Platform UI VIP Only

Embedded logos no longer cause blank invoice.

Bug EN-45933


Operations VIP & IMOS

SIRE Report button will return the appropriate information when clicked for a vessel if the vessel is found in Q88.

Story EN-45786


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Made improvements to the hire price structure for multi-currency TC contracts. Now different hire period pricing structures can be used for each currency-hire line item and the hire cost will correctly be reflected on the Voyage P&L. This improvement is tied to the CFGEnableMultiCurrencyTCContracts flag.

Bug EN-45771


Invoicing & Payments 

VC In contracts can now be associated with Voyage Other Revenue & Expense invoices using the Cargo field

Story EN-45694


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, lease cost interest and depreciation amounts were being incorrectly calculated in some voyages. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46255


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Resolved an issue where inserting columns in the middle of a table in Form Designer resulted in display issues on previously submitted forms.

Bug EN-46138


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, the title of invoices in Transaction Data Entry form and respective invoice reports were not reflecting the invoice currency correctly; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-45755



Previously, fixing estimates with an associated bareboat cost would incorrectly prompt a “Daily Hire Mismatch” error message. This issue is now fixed.

Bug EN-45403


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, Laytime Calculation and Calculation Report was reporting inconsistent Allowed Time and Used Time numbers. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45279



Previously, interservice cargo handling lines were allowed to be split, causing the creation of erroneous cargo handling lines that could then not be deleted. Now, interservice cargo handling lines are no longer able to be split.

Bug EN-44445


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

The "Current Port" and "Next Port" joins are now available for use in Voyage Tasks & Alerts rules.

Story EN-46235


Operations VIP & IMOS

SIRE Report button has been added to Vessel Details page behind config flag, returns empty list.

Story EN-45781


Invoicing & Payments 

When CFGAccessTDEFormFromOpsInvoice config flag enabled, toolbar in operations invoices forms (like Freight, Rebills, Voyage Other Rev/Exp etc.) have a "Financials Invoice" button, which now allows users to either create or view and existing financials invoice.

Bug EN-42991


Ops API VIP Only

The Focus API endpoint did not always respect the "limit" parameter defined in the query. This has been fixed, and the Focus API now returns no more messages than the assigned limit.

Bug EN-46220



An issue related to calculated fields not showing in the body of webhook requests has been fixed.

Bug EN-46272


Operations VIP Only

In the Report Emissions Data form of Voyage Manager, removed the calculated totals from the Cargo ROB columns because the values were not meaningful.

Story EN-46265


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, attempts to post a large Incremental invoice were timing out. With the new fix, this issue is mitigated, and system allows for posting large incremental invoices - and displays a progress indicator when posting.

Bug EN-45494


Messaging Service VIP Only

When importing a vessel, fixed an issue where the "userAlert" element would not properly update the "Alert" property of the vessel.

Bug EN-46244



Remittance Instructions field has been added to Address Book Bank table in the Report Designer.

Story EN-44279


Data Center Settings VIP Only

Adds a Default Site dropdown to the User Profile view for a future enhancement to redirect a user, on login, to a preferred child site.

Story EN-45905


Operations VIP Only

On the voyage itinerary, fixed an issue where entering and ETD for a portcall one minute after port arrival may inadvertently set the duration in port to 0 days, and the entered ETD would be revised to equal the existing port arrival.

Bug EN-45769



Adds support for the "@TCE@" variable to the config flag "vesselScheduleSmallBarTemplate".

Story EN-40526

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