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May 2023 Changelog
Analytics VIP Only
The Report Designer now includes a new dataset called Paper Trade Exposure Periods.
Story EN-47169
Chartering VIP Only
With interservice cargo enabled, when scheduling a cargo by specifying Voy No. on the cargo itinerary, cargoSaleExport/voyageNo in the cargo XML notification will now be populated basis the Voyage No. assigned to the itinerary, regardless of whether or not the given cargo is an interservice cargo.
Bug EN-48126
A voyage's Company, LOB, and Trade Area will now only be initialized when new cargoes are imported. Prior to this, uninitialized data would be defaulted from existing cargoes when the voyage was reloaded.
Bug EN-48106
Chartering N/A
Story EN-47994
Tasks & Alerts VIP & IMOS
An issue related to unnecessary logging and Webhook evaluation in the Voyage Estimator has been resolved.
Bug EN-47953
Previously, there was an error when the Auto-Update From Itinerary checkbox was enabled that could cause a small discrepancy between Estimated Demurrage and the amount displayed in the P&L. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-47828
AER calculations now use the same distance calculation as the Sustainability Panel Distance Card.
Bug EN-47559
Operations VIP Only
The Voyage Fixture now has validation preventing the save of Fixtures with empty itineraries.
Bug EN-47540
Fixed an issue that user was not able to delete the worksheets properly when they are on certain database schema versions.
Bug EN-47297
Invoicing & Payments
When payment currency is not the contract currency, the off-hire bunker was calculated wrong. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47145
Operations VIP Only
Previously, in TC Voyage Mirroring, changes to the last TCI Voyage's complete date (i.e. the redelivery date) could leave the TCO voyage's complete date and repositioning leg's dates out of sync with the updated redelivery date. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46411
Bunker Management
Fixed an issue where creating a bunker invoice from a bunker purchase may not properly set barging costs on the new invoice.
Story EN-47845
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-48072
Data Center Settings VIP Only
Fixes a bug within cards that was displaying certain characters in their XML-escaped form instead of the actual character.
Bug EN-41046
Broker field dropdowns now include the bank's IBAN number.
Story EN-37864
Messaging Service
Fixes bug with scheduled tasks affecting message processing
Bug EN-48096
Trade Hub VIP & IMOS
Removed CFGCaptureVesselTypeDWTRanges. Users can define min and max dwt ranges on the vessel types page.
Story EN-47920
Data Center Settings VIP & IMOS
When CFGMultipleVslFleets is enabled, the fleet field in the Vessel Details form is now a dropdown instead of a text field.
Story EN-47870
Chartering VIP & IMOS
The config flag CFGEnableVoyestCustomItinGrid now supports a third option 'X', which makes the Voyage Estimate Itinerary Custom grid visible, but not selected by default.
Story EN-47851
Previously invoiced rebill TC expense would be accrued on rebill invoice date if "Apply TC Rebill to Period" is checked. Now rebillable items associated with my Time Charter Contracts are accrued in the same period that the original expenses are accrued even if rebill is invoiced.
Story EN-47142
Chartering VIP Only
Previously, when scheduling interservice cargo, the voyageNo tag in the cargoSalesExport xml was not being updated upon first save. The tag is now populated with the expected value.
Bug EN-44786
Messaging Service VIP Only
Updates the messaging service to use a new scheduled task timer. This timer will improve scheduled task run time by decoupling message processing from scheduled tasks.
Story EN-47793
Data Center Settings
Previously, users were unable to delete the files in the File Management setup form. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47987
distances-svc-1.0.80571, 5-23-2023
Fixed routing to port Timika
Bug EN-48052
Story EN-47773
Technical Infrastructure VIP Only
Password updates apply to all linked parent and child sites. A new dialog will display on password update/creation of users. An update to suppress this dialog for non-parent/child setups will be released in the next few days.
Bug EN-47680
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, weighted days for cargo's TC exposure in the trade details lists could have shown incorrect days. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46921
Chartering N/A
Story EN-46526
Capitalization and amortization (IFRS15) logic has been updated.
If Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period“ flag is enabled in the Monthly Accruals form and the equivalent "Apply X To Period“ flag is not enabled for a given expense, and an expense is incurred during the performing period of a voyage, that expense should be prorated over the performing period and not over the total voyage days
Expenses incurred following commencement, but prior to the nomination date, will be accrued fully in the period where they are incurred with this Monthly Accruals configuration and the change as well (see example 2)
Expenses incurred during the capitalization window, the period between the nomination date and the start of first load, will be capitalized full in the period and then amortized over the performing period.
Story EN-46211
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, invoice due date was not calculated correctly when its payment term's period basis is based on the ETA or ETD of the cargoes' loading or discharging port. This has been fixed. This fix only applies to freight and claim invoices, TDE, and Receivables Summary.
Bug EN-45721
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
New port: Repauno (United States)
Story EN-47829
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
New port: Amenam (Nigeria)
Story EN-47750
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
New port: Leizhou Datang Powerplant Terminal (China)
Story EN-47683
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
Corrected time zone info for ports in Cuba and Fiji as well as for ports Bronka and Zarubino in Russia
Story EN-47636
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
New port: Yan (Malaysia)
Story EN-47512
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
New port: Gotland OPL (Sweden)
Story EN-47428
distances-svc-1.0.80505, 5-22-2023
2 new ports added to Distances: Halley and Neumayer (Antarctica)
Story EN-47424
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, trade settlement invoice could have shown an incorrect amount if the underlying bunker swap trade had a period average settlement type. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47865
Bunker Management IMOS Only
Inactive fuels are now hidden from the Activity Reports Extra Information voyage form.
Story EN-47777
Voyage P&L VIP Only
Added Voyage P&L actual column support for carbon emissions from the voyage carbon emissions calculator. The ETS carbon cost from the calculator will now show up in the Voyage P&L if the "Include in PnL" is checked from the calculator.
Story EN-47379
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, when multiple Time Charter incremental invoices were created, some TC hires and Victualling fees were paired up incorrectly if there were multiple hires and fees with the same amount and voyage number. A fix has been added to pair hires and fees with the same invoice period together in the invoice XML, which fixes the information in the periodStartDate and periodEndDate XML tags in the invoice XML for these items.
Bug EN-46786
Operations VIP Only
When using the Lock Voyage Itinerary ETA/ETD Voyage template setting, the ETD of cargo-handling ports will now be automatically updated when ETA changes are made. The automatic calculation is done using the Port Days value of the itinerary line.
Story EN-45734
tradehub-app-1.0.80463, tradehub-api-1.0.80463, vessel-data-svc-1.0.80463
Trade Hub
Destination work flow fixed in Market Insight as destination and destinationTidied field now showing corresponding ports.
Bug EN-47319
Alerts are now grouped by their types and displayed in combo cards in the notification panel.
Story EN-47702
Invoicing & Payments
When a parent invoice is being posted and configuration flag CFGAutoPostMirroredInvoiceByType is configured for that invoice type, VIP will now correctly copy chart of accounts-required fields (e.g. Port, LOB and Department) from such posted parent invoice to an auto-posted mirror invoice.
Bug EN-47543
Chartering VIP Only
Previously, a bug in the Estimate workspace's Portlog integration could result in workspace errors requiring a page refresh to resolve. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47241
Chartering N/A
Autotu will no longer incorrectly flag non-interservice cargo as interservice when the interservice functionality is enabled.
Bug EN-46449
Previously, there was an issue where old, inaccurate, records from the Tank Information form for Cargo Bookings could be reported on in Report Designer. Now, saving the Tank Information form will remove all previously existing records that are no longer relevant to that Booking.
Bug EN-44974
Security & User Mgmt VIP Only
Fixes an issue with permissions between parent and child sites which caused administrators to not be able to modify users in the child site.
Bug EN-47922
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, Trade Details was missing some entries associated with cargo when the Part Cargo check box was selected and the factor was left as the default value. This has been fixed now.
Bug EN-46955
When using templates to default port activities, PS (Port Start) and PE (Port End) port activities were not handled properly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40687
The Carbon Calculator now includes a field representing the total EU ETS emissions in MT.
Story EN-46940
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, in some cases, accessing existing Time Charter invoices displayed a false error message about hire rate discrepancy when the invoice currency was different from the base currency. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41854
vessel-data-svc-1.0.80076, tradehub-api-1.0.79751
Improvements have been made in Market Insights Filtering logic. To ensure the vessel data powered by Oceanbolt is best represented in the vessel type filter, validate vessel types in the data center have Type Codes assigned to each of the Vessel type rows. This will ensure a narrow view of vessels while filtering the map. While reviewing Veson Vessel Types in the data center it is also worth noting the same benefit occurs for the map filters when assigning DWT ranges (CFGCaptureVesselTypeDWTRanges) to each vessel type.
Bug EN-47062
tradehub-app-1.0.80076, vessel-data-svc-1.0.80076
Trade Hub
Story EN-47883
tradehub-app-1.0.80076, vessel-data-svc-1.0.80076
Trade Hub
New move statuses are now available in the Move Status filter within Market Insights: "Unknown," "Towing astern," and "Pushing ahead or towing alongside."
Story EN-47638
distances-svc-1.0.79947, 5-15-2023
Distances VIP Only
Deactivating old piracy regions, renaming HIGH RISK AREA piracy region to UKMTO-HIGH RISK AREA
Story EN-35470
With schema version 411 and greater, the Voyage Manger can now launch the Carbon Calculator Form to expose the itinerary level ETS emission calculation. With the same schema requirements, these values can be accessed via Report Designer.
Story EN-47766
The Voyage Fixture Report xml now includes information on a cargo's description and the state of its "Dangerous" flag as the "Description" and "IsDangerous" tags respectively.
Story EN-46154
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, Laytime Calculation reports did not display the CP Date correctly in case where VC In involved. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45456
Messaging Service VIP Only
In the voyage bunker inventory update, fixed a potential crash that could occur as a result of database read errors.
Bug EN-42744
Invoicing & Payments
When a Cargo was not explicitly linked in a Voyage Other Revenue/Expense invoice, the resulting invoice XML was not displaying any cargo details. A new configuration flag has been introduced to change this behavior:
Configuration Flag: CFGEnableCargoLinkingForRevExpWhenNoCargoSelected
Description: When enabled, Voyage Other Rev/Exp invoices with no specific cargo selected will automatically default the first loaded cargo at the given port in the posted invoice notification XML. Otherwise, the invoice XML will use the cargo selected for it in the invoice.
Hidden: True
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Bug EN-47679
Security & User Mgmt VIP Only
Fixes a bug where Authentication Only users were incorrectly counting towards licensing purposes.
Bug EN-47589
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, the Contract ID of Bareboat Payment was not displayed in the Transaction Summary List. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46691
Bunker Management VIP Only
Fixed an issue where modifications to Bunker Requirements may not mark the requirement as being updated, and therefore the updated requirement would not be properly displayed in the Bunker Alerts list.
Bug EN-47665
Operations VIP Only
In the Voyage P&L Report, fixed an issue where the displayed voyage duration could be incorrect if the GMT offset of the first or last port of the voyage is a fractional GMT offset (e.g. +5.5).
Bug EN-47510
5-10-2023, tradehub-app-1.0.80061
Vessel Valuation has been renamed to Freight Matrix. Removed config flag CFGEnableVesselValuation. Now users with trading or tradehub license will have access to the freight matrix automatically. Security rights may need to be granted to the module users by admins.
Story EN-47158
Operations VIP Only
When CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled, the Vessel form will display an Inactive column in the In Port Consumption table that can be used to mark fuels as inactive. When a fuel type is marked as inactive for a vessel, new Voyages, Estimates, and Time Charters for the vessel will no longer display the inactive fuel type in bunker-related grids or consume it.
In the event that an error correction to a fuel type needs to be made on a Voyage, hidden fuels can be reactivated by selecting the "Re-activate Fuels on Voyage" in the Voyage Bunkers dropdown menu. The Voyage may then be resynced to the Vessel by selecting "Sync Fuel Deactivation From Vessel" in the same dropdown.
This feature requires a minimum schema version of 407.
Story EN-46938
Invoicing & Payments
When there is overlap hires, for unpriced, the hire statement does not show proper hire info. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46568
Platform UI VIP Only
Added additional filtering options of "is in the list" and "is not in the list" to the "Transaction No.", "Approval Status", and "Status" columns on the Payables and Receivables.
Bug EN-47754
Operations VIP Only
The COA and VC In COA modules will now be opened through the unique COA ID identifier. VIP COA and VC In COA URLs will now use the COA ID instead of the contract name.
Bug EN-47550
Demurrage & Claims
The following changes have been made to the Laytime Calculation report when configuration flag CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs is enabled:
- Currency field has been added to display the currency used in the laytime calculation
- An F column to display port function has been added in the cargo handling table in the report
- Deductions are being counted accurately now which also impacts the Net Time Used field in the report
Story EN-47443
Analytics IMOS Only
The Voyage P&L Summary Report now includes "Forecast" as a voyage status filter when the CFGEnableForecastVoyage config flag is enabled. "Forecast" voyages no longer show up under "Scheduled" filter.
Story EN-47410
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, rebill expenses were not being properly imported for TCI/TCO hires when the XML specified the expense as rebillable. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47029
Updated CFGBunkerBasisExposure - Added an additional trading detail for TCOV voyages with planned bunker purchases and included Bunker Basis Tons to the Trade Details List and Trading P&L Summary.
Story EN-46607
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, TC payment invoice output listed vessel names associated with the voyage - and not the vessel name on the TC contract if it was changed since the invoice was created. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46282
Operations VIP Only
In the VIP Cargo Handling form, fixed an issue where editing "Alt Unit" could inadvertently update "CP Unit".
Bug EN-47779
Trading VIP & IMOS
CO2 XML fields (co2Symbol, co2Qty, co2Price, co2Currency and co2CurrencyExchangeRate) have been added to the CargoSaleExport and CargoPurchaseExport type XMLs. These new fields will be added into the XML when the cargo is saved and if the CFGEnableCO2Exposure flag is on.
Story EN-47517
Messaging Service
Story EN-47359
Previously, Create Simulated Notifications workflow created an Interface Message for $0 line items with both CFGActSkipZeroAccruals on or off. With this fix, when CFGActSkipZeroAccruals is enabled, then an Interface Message for $0 line item is not created.
Bug EN-46816
Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS
Previously, the Voyage P&L for off hire was incorrect for certain voyages that had overlapping Off Hire in the Delays tab. Also, bad data had to exist in the Activity field, where "Off Hire“ was associated with "Reverse Off Hire“. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-46815
Bunkers were not incorrectly accrued basis accrual snapshot. The issue has been fixed
Bug EN-46711
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
Previously, when the Status field in the Voyage Manager was changed from Commenced or Completed or Completed to Commenced, the Voyage would be immediately saved, preventing Tasks & Alerts triggered by the status change from being created as expected. Now, when the Status field is changed as described above, Tasks & Alerts will be reevaluated and the Voyage will not be automatically saved.
Bug EN-46051
Trade Hub
Search for Vessels button is no longer available when there is no load port and valid laycan range. Existing functionality on map when filter has invalid condition remains working.
Bug EN-47440
distances-svc-1.0.79679, 5-5-2023
Times Zones for ports in Mexico have been updated to reflect the latest Daylight Savings Time regulations for the country
Story EN-47449
5-4-2023, imos-enterprise-7.11.24140
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
Previously, trying to raise TC commission invoice for a specific incremental invoice would result in a crash. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-47703
Bunker Management
Story EN-47523
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, the symbol select dropdown on the Commodity Trade Form sometimes showed incorrect units. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46817
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, we were applying incorrect correlation values to Weighted Days associated with periods in the short position. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-46478
Lightering VIP Only
Fixed a potential query error when accessing the Lightering Information form in Voyage Manager.
Bug EN-47720
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
Fixed an issue where certain fields were incorrectly masked with asterisks.
Bug EN-47684
Tasks & Alerts VIP Only
The Vessel Prediction ETA integration between VIP and Oceanbolt has been expanded to include both Dry and Wet Vessel data, and increased error handling has been added to all Oceanbolt integration webhooks within VIP.
Story EN-47273
Bunker Management
Previously, with CFGLockConfirmedRequirements enabled, users were able to update Confirmed Bunker Requirements by setting the status to Preliminary, editing the requirement, and then changing the status back to Confirmed before saving. Now, when CFGLockConfirmedRequirements is enabled, the status of a Bunker Requirement cannot be changed to Preliminary if it was previously saved as Confirmed. Also, once a Bunker Requirement is cancelled, the status of that Bunker Requirement cannot be changed.
Bug EN-47143
Previously, amounts in TC Payment for Additional TC Hire and Hire Adjustment unexpectedly changed when their exchange rates were modified. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-45882
Analytics VIP Only
Fixes issues where custom columns on veslink forms were missing when exported using Report Designer
Bug EN-47664
Tasks & Alerts VIP & IMOS
An issue related to showing error messages for webhooks with missing property identifiers has been resolved.
Bug EN-47560
Chartering VIP Only
Fixed an issue where attempting to save two estimates with the same ID from different workspaces could inadvertently add the revision information from one estimate to the revision history of the other estimate.
Bug EN-47536
System Performance VIP Only
Improved performance of actions displaying progress bars, such as monthly accruals calculations.
Bug EN-45235
k8snextrelease, vvr-form-preview-app-1.0.80745, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.80745, focus-gateway-svc-1.0.80745, focus-messaging-svc-1.0.80745
Story EN-48112
k8snextrelease, 5-19-2023, vvr-form-preview-app-1.0.80469, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.80469, focus-messaging-svc-1.0.80469
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-47764
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