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August 2023 Changelog


Tasks & Alerts 

An issue related to the sizing of the Task & Alert Rule modal window has been resolved.

Bug EN-50630


Messaging Service VIP & IMOS

Invoice user defined fields will now be included in JSON export messages.

Bug EN-50512


Tasks & Alerts 

Blank alert type values have been converted to "Unspecified."

Bug EN-50636


Chartering VIP & IMOS

CO2 Emissions expenses are now available to view in VIP Freight Matrix. Schema Version must be 429 or higher in order to save results on a matrix.

Story EN-50577



The Carbon Calculator now assigns Anch In and Pilot-to-Berth emissions to the previous sea leg and Berth-to-Pilot and Anch Out emissions to the following sea leg instead of assigning these emissions to the port emissions.

Story EN-50247


Bunker Management VIP Only

In the Bunker Requirement form, when saving a requirement with inquiry/purchase lines that have "External Ref" specified, fixed an issue where the requirement could not be saved after assigning a Voyage No. to the requirement.

Bug EN-50613



Voyage Transport Work calculation now use BL Quantities when the lifting has been actualized.

Story EN-49941


Analytics VIP & IMOS

Addressed performance problems with the Agent Appointments table in Report Designer by moving the "Agent Type" column out of Agent Appointments, and into a separate table. This column can now be accessed by joining to the Agent Type table on ItemID.

Bug EN-48838


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, there was an inconsistency for both invoice approval and reversal when configuration flag CFGAutoPostMirroredInvoiceByType & CFGEnableCompanySecurity are enabled. This fix enforces checking company security rights for both the parent and mirrored invoice when auto-posting mirrored invoice, which enables consistency for both invoice approval and reversal when auto-posting.

Bug EN-48144


Chartering VIP Only

In the Fixture Note Report XML, fixed an issue where the GradeDescription element would incorrectly include the Product Code from the related cargo.

Bug EN-50594


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, generating unpriced component rate breakdown reports yielded incomplete results. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50495



Previously, when CFGItemizeHireCommMultiCurrency was enabled for Monthly Accruals it did not applied to snapshots. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50227


Operations VIP Only

The Vessel Schedule will now display an Equipment column when voyage equipment data is present.

Story EN-48283


Invoicing & Payments 

We no longer include freight related commission in auto-create commission payment when posting a freight invoice which has no actual freight item.

Bug EN-48145


Tasks & Alerts 

Webhook Details in Tasks and Alerts are now in valid JSON format.

Story EN-50556


Trade Hub VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue in which manually entered vessel speeds weren't being correctly accounted for in re-calculations of saved freight matrices. Vessel speeds will recalculate as the speeds displayed in the vessel selection of the matrix at all times.

Bug EN-50055


Tasks & Alerts 

The VesselsValue CII webhook link has now been corrected to say "Open VesselsValue."

Story EN-50578


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

A new Fuel Grade Inactive field has been added to the Time Charter Bunker Delivery table, which reflects whether, in the context of a Time Charter contract, a fuel type has been flagged as inactive. Additionally, a join from Time Charter Port Consumption to Time Charter Bunker Delivery has been added. Reporting on the new field requires IMOS DB schema version 427 or later.

Bug EN-50515


Chartering VIP Only

Vessel validation warnings will no longer appear for inactive fuel types.

Bug EN-50502


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where data in the Subcode column in Other Revenue/Expense invoices was not preserved in some cases has been fixed.

Bug EN-48539


Bunker Management VIP Only

The Bunker Requirement form now contains a more informative message when the planned lifting quantity differs from the total bunker quantity for a given portcall.

Bug EN-48180


Chartering VIP Only

Emission expenses will now appear in the Deviation Estimate P&L.

Bug EN-50422


Demurrage & Claims 

L/D Rate unit in the CP Terms form accessed through the Laytime Calculation's itinerary was not correct in some cases. A fix has been made such that both the L/D rate and rate unit now match the values from the Cargo contract.

Bug EN-48582


Operations VIP Only

In the Vessel Schedule, fixed an issue where voyage bars could be misaligned with the expected commence/complete dates if the user's time zone does not match with the application server's time zone.

Bug EN-48296


Voyage P&L 

Previously, Head Fixture hires were getting doubled when multi-currency was in use. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48256



Previously, when CFGActSkipZeroAccruals config flag was enabled, Monthly Accruals was skipping non-zero entries when running simulated accruals. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47992

distances-svc-1.0.84856, 8-18-2023


New port: PFLNG Dua Terminal (Malaysia)

Story EN-50315

distances-svc-1.0.84856, 8-18-2023


New port: Hilli Episeyo (Cameroon)

Story EN-50314

distances-svc-1.0.84856, 8-18-2023


New port: FPSO Almirante Barroso (Brazil)

Story EN-50310

distances-svc-1.0.84856, 8-18-2023


New port added: Richmond, BC (Canada)

Story EN-50307



With schema 411, Voyage Itinerary Carbon fields can now be accessed via Report Designer.

Story EN-50219


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

When invoicing Lightering Jobs, fixed an issue where the description for overtime could include irrelevant information.

Bug EN-50165


Journals IMOS Only

Previously, bogus message shows up when opening Business Rules screen. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49922

8-16-2023, webhook-proxy-svc-1.0.126

Tasks & Alerts VIP & IMOS

Added support for viewing VesselsValue cii webhook in the voyage manager.

Story EN-50257


Operations VIP Only

In Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where the Report Emission Data form may not show up-to-date consumption/emissions info if the consumption in the voyage had been modified since the voyage was last saved.

Bug EN-48436


Invoicing & Payments 

Additional logging has been added around bulk-posting of the invoices in VIP financials lists.

Story EN-50234


Voyage P&L IMOS Only

Previously, cargo's freight P&L values could have been inflated if the liner cargo was selected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48656



Previously, when “Apply Other Revenues/Expenses to Period“ flag was checked, Monthly Accruals was posting the correct amount, but the description was incorrect. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48071



Emissions from passing port without associated dates are no longer excluded from emission calculations.

Bug EN-50312


Operations VIP Only

A new Voyage Template setting has been introduced that allows for the default enabling of the Auto-Update from Itinerary setting for auto-created Estimated Demurrage.

Story EN-50014


Operations VIP Only

When attempting to reschedule a TCOV voyage via the Voyage Fixture form, fixed an issue where the rescheduling operation could fail due to missing TCI Fixture Code.

Bug EN-49998



With schema 425, a Voyage Estimate's starting emission, distance, calculated AER, and CII grade are now saved along with the estimate.

Story EN-49827


Demurrage & Claims 

Voyages created with a template that has Auto Create Per-Counterparty Per-Port Estimated Demurrage enabled now sets the Deduction From Days Used field based on the difference between the duration at the port and the estimated port days.

Story EN-49103


Analytics VIP & IMOS

Setting a user to Inactive (or not) will create an audit entry

Bug EN-48958



With schema 424, the Voyage Manager now supports an Agreed ETS CO2 Emission and an Agreed ETS Cost that will override calculated ETS emissions and costs.

Story EN-48385


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, users could delete a Claim even when Claims rights were Read Only. This has been fixed. Also missing "Manage Demurrage Reports" access right has been added to the VIP user profile form in Operations -> Claims section.

Bug EN-48143


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, for some Cargo contracts, Net P&L was showing as 0.00 when a previous snapshot was selected in the Trade Details List which did not have a 0 Net P&L when the snapshot was taken. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47711


Security & User Mgmt VIP & IMOS

Adjusted the names of the following security rights with duplicated names

Quick Links
Data Dictionary -> Veslink Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary -> IMOS Data DIctionary

Data Center -> Actions
Edit Data Dictionary Elements -> Edit Veslink Data Dictionary Elements
Edit Data Dictionary Elements -> Edit IMOS Data Dictionary Elements

Bug EN-34454


Trade Hub 

Empty fields in action cargo detail tabs are replaced with no data icon.

Story EN-45836



Sustainability Panel now applies localization formatting to display values.

Story EN-49919


Analytics VIP & IMOS

Previously some security groups were unable to access analytics reports that were sourced on Veslink data. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49000



Previously, when Monthly Lease Asset Journals were created, the Line of Business in the Journal did not always default to the Line of Business value from the Time Charter. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-48110


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, hire invoice was not being successfully raised due to too many hire periods in TCO. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47915


Focus API 

Added BINV invoice type to the PublishInvoice message

Story EN-49083


Invoicing & Payments 

When Offhire lumpsum amount was invoiced in a Time Charter invoice in non-base currency, the amount in that currency was fixed and the base currency amount was calculated from the non-base currency amount. This resulted in the item being displayed to be included again in future invoices. This has been fixed; Off hire lumpsum amount in base currency is now fixed and the non-base currency amount is calculated from the base currency amount.

Bug EN-48684



CO2 Quantity field is added in VIP Freight matrix forward analysis section with tooltip explaining formula to calculate the value.

Story EN-50109



Carbon Calculator calculations now accounts for the empty dates associated with actualized passing ports.

Bug EN-49855


Operations VIP Only

When using Time Charter Voyage mirroring, fixed an issue where certain voyage edits could not be saved unless the user had update access rights for the company set on the destination mirrored voyage.

Bug EN-48912


Bunker Management VIP Only

Added improved error diagnostics to bunker requirement import.

Bug EN-50156


Platform UI VIP Only

Adds two session timeout pop-ups. One will appear 10 minutes prior to a user's session timing out. To avoid a timeout, the user should close this warning box by pressing "Close" AND perform a save action or browse to a different page to avoid their session timing out. The second pop-up will open after a session has timed out to indicate that any errors encountered are due to inactivity. This pop-up will provide a button to reload the page to create a new session.

Story EN-49974


Demurrage & Claims VIP Only

Previously, Estimated Demurrage records reflecting provisional despatch were not correctly reflected in Voyage P&L. This has been fixed.

Story EN-49010



Importing a new Cargo with a linked COA now sets the Cargo's Remittance Bank and Payment Terms based on the COA.

Bug EN-48172


Invoicing & Payments 

In Time Charter invoices, daily rate inconsistency errors will no longer appear on invoices that cannot be modified; invoices that are used in an incremental invoice cannot be reversed until the associated incremental is deleted.

Bug EN-48080


Chartering VIP Only

Trade Area is now available as a filter and column in the Estimate List.

Story EN-48116

distances-svc-1.0.84335, 8-4-2023


Port RAYONG TPI TERMINAL was renamed RAYONG to match official naming convention

Story EN-47989

distances-svc-1.0.84335, 8-4-2023


New region added: Lowdraft - Euboean Gulf created

Story EN-45603

distances-svc-1.0.84335, 8-4-2023


New port added: Morawhanna (Guyana)

Story EN-45598

distances-svc-1.0.84335, 8-4-2023


Port Bourgas was renamed to Burgas to match official naming convention

Bug EN-44637



1. COA/CVC Analysis Route diff tooltip has been updated to show correct calcuation.
2. Freight matrix now displays tooltip for each data fields.

Story EN-49930


Operations VIP Only

In Voyage Manager, fixed an issue where changing the port name for a portcall with linked Bunker Requirement could sometimes result in an error when saving the voyage.

Bug EN-50119



Previously, the user would be unnecessarily prompted to save a voyage if that voyage included Estimated Demurrage with the Auto-update from itinerary boxed checked. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-49999


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, invoices were failing to be saved when CFGCustomTCIPInvNo and CFGAppendRToReversalInvoiceNumber config flags were enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47102


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, an incremental TC payment invoice with large number of details could not be reversed because of a timeout. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48511

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