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IMOS On-Prem - Voyage Expenses Rebill Management
To view and access rebill transactions from a voyage (except those of type TCO/TCI Reb Exp), follow these steps. The rebills could be generated from Port Expenses, Other Revenues and Expenses, or Freight.
In the Voyage Manager, depending on the type of voyage, click either or and then click Expenses Rebill Management.
The Voyage Expenses Rebill Management form lists rebillable port, miscellaneous, or other expenses. Lines are color-coded.Yellow = A rebill was created.
Green = The invoice was posted.
Do any of the following:
To see only invoices using particular Ledger Code(s), use the Ledger filter.
To open a Rebill Invoice, right-click its line and click either View Rebill Invoice or View Original Invoice.
To create a new Rebill:
Select the Use check box for each expense you want to include.
If the amount is less than the total, enter the Amount to Bill.
Click .
On the Voyage Expenses Rebill form, complete the appropriate fields. You can use this form to combine multiple rebill expenses into one receivable with one customer.
When an invoice/claim is rebilled, the Create Rebill Claim check box can be used to create an AR claim for each rebill invoice. This Rebill Claim has source code CREB, has bill code RCEXP, and is available on the Claim List. The Create Rebill Claim check box cannot be modified after the Voyage Expenses Rebill form is saved and closed.
To save the information, click .
To create a Rebill Invoice, click .
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