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IMOS On-Prem - Freight Invoice
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Key Information below.
This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users. See theAs soon as you load a cargo, you can issue a Freight Invoice. To be able to create a Freight Invoice:
- A Voyage Fixture must exist, with Freight Terms and Extra Freight Terms completed for all cargoes loaded.
- The Cargo Handling form must be completed with the B/L quantity and the cargoes bound to the Voyage Fixture.
Creating a Freight Invoice
To create a Freight Invoice for freight sales or purchases, do one of the following:
- In the Operations module center , under Freight/Demurrage, click Freight Invoice and then enter the Vessel Name and Voyage Number.
- On the Voyage Manager Operations tab, click and then click Freight Invoice.
- On the Voyage Manager Invoices tab:
- Click .
- On a Freight Invoice line item, click the Create Invoice link.
The form opens with information from the Voyage Manager.
- Required:
- Select the Counterparty. Information for the cargo and the Bill of Lading are combined to create the freight calculation.
- Check that the Status is Actual.
- Enter the Invoice Date.
- When you save the form, an Invoice Number is generated.
- Optional:
- Contact Name: Specify one of an internal company's contacts. The voyage to which the Freight Invoice relates must have a Company code assigned.
- Key Information: Invoice Type:
- Normal (default): A regularly scheduled payment for a specific period of time, such as every 15 days.
- Special: A payment outside the regular schedule. Period-based costs, such as the Time Charter Hire, cannot be allocated this way. If the contract has no more Period payments remaining, the Invoice Type defaults to Special.
- Incremental: A payment for which the accounts are balanced each time based on what has already been paid. It automatically includes an adjustment that shows the previously invoiced amount and the invoice number.
Note: Configuration Flag CFGEnableFinalFreight must be enabled, and users must select Counterparty and Cargo before the Freight Invoice Type can be set.
- Payment Terms: Specify a Payment Terms code.
- Due Date: Calculated based on Payment Terms.
- Invoice Qty: Specify this in the Cargo grid to use an amount that is different from the CP Quantity and the BL Quantity, if your contract does not specify their use.
- Inv %: To create a partial freight invoice, specify the percentage to pay. The remaining percentage is entered on the next invoice.
- Freight Commission: To deduct from the invoice, select the Include Commission check box. Otherwise, use the Freight/Relet Commission Payment form to enter and process invoices for brokerage on freight sales and purchases that were not deducted.
- Bill To check box: Select to send the bill to the broker.
- Freight Adjustment: Add any relevant information:
- Commissionable: Set to Y to deduct commission on demurrage/despatch/other additional items.
- To include additional invoices, such as a Demurrage or Despatch calculation, click
The additional invoices need to be on Actual status to be included in the Freight Invoice.
On the Additional Invoices form, you can select additional invoices to include in the freight:- Laytime Invoices (Dem/Des)
- Freight Rebillables also appear; these are entered on the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses form.
Expenses Non-Rebillable made to the same cargo charterer provided that the role "O“ (Owners) is chosen in Vendor selection. These are entered on the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses form.
. - Demurrage and Despatch invoices included in the Freight Invoice will be shown with Posted status in the voyage invoices list; the actual posting will be done when the Freight Invoice is posted.
- When there is more than one load or discharge port, to assign different pricing and create an invoice for each port, use the Top-off or Reverse Top-off check box on the Cargo Pricing tab.
- To print the invoice, on the Freight Invoice toolbar, click .
Re-issuing a Freight Invoice
If a recalculation is needed, you can reissue a normal Freight Invoice that has been posted, using the same invoice percentage.
- After posting a normal Freight Invoice, open it.
- A Re-issue button appears instead of the Refresh button. Click . A new Freight Invoice with the same Inv % is created that reverses the previously issued invoice and recalculates the Freight.
- You cannot re-issue an invoice more than once.
- You cannot re-issue an invoice of type Re-issue.
- You cannot re-issue an invoice that was already included in an Incremental invoice.
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