IMOS On-Prem - Operations Tab - Voyage Manager

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IMOS On-Prem - Operations Tab - Voyage Manager

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 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users. See the Key Information below.

The Voyage Manager Operations tab is the default tab; it is active when the Voyage Manager opens. The Operations user enters most of the voyage data on this tab.

  • When an Alert is entered for a Charterer, a Vessel, or a Port, the field is highlighted in light red.


Summary Tree

The Summary tree is at the right; it summarizes important data and forms. You can attach documents or links or double-click to open an attachment.

  • Under Laytime, for demurrage/despatch claims, letters appear that refer to the port function and sequence used in the Laytime Calculation. 
    Example: In the following image, L200 indicates a loading (L) port with sequence number 200, and M indicates multiple ports.

Summary Tree for Mirrored Voyages

The Summary tree includes links to any mirrored voyages. To open a voyage, at the bottom of the tree, next to , click  to expand the list, and then double-click the voyage.

Summary Tree for Tow Voyages

With the Barging module, equipment is sorted in the Summary tree based on type; Boats appear first, followed by Barges. Additionally:

  • Equipment that stays in the voyage until completion appears at the top of the tree.
  • A green icon () appears next to equipment that is currently in the voyage.
  • A red icon () appears next to equipment that has departed the voyage.

Tasks & Alerts or Revisions Panel

Either the Tasks & Alerts or Revisions panel appears at the top right corner of the form. To expand  or collapse