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The Voyage Manager Veslink Forms tab is like a voyage-specific Veslink Form List, displaying all the forms in the associated Veslink database for this voyage only.

The Effective (GMT) column displays the Form Date/Time. Operators can use it as a guide to the sequence for approving incoming forms.The Status column displays one of the following for each form:
- Pending: Forms that require approval.
- Pending with Errors: Forms that have errors that need to be corrected before they can be approved.
- Approved: Forms that have been approved by the Operator.
- Processing: Forms waiting to be approved or rejected. If a form fails to process after 10 minutes, it is automatically resubmitted.
- Open for Resubmit: Forms that were approved once and have been opened for resubmit.
- Rejected: Forms that have been rejected by the Operator.
To open:
- A PDF of a submitted form, click the PDF link.
- A form to work with, click the Form Title link.
- A text box showing the reason for the error, click the Status link.
To approve or reject forms, select the check boxes of one or more forms, then click the Approve or Reject hyperlink.
Related Configuration Flags
CFGVoyManagerVeslinkFormsListView | When enabled, the view is compatible with the Veslink Form List in IMOS, with standard list view control added to the top section. When disabled, the tab will be displayed with the Voyage Manager fields. |
CFGEnableCompanySecurity | Set company-based permissions for each user or group on the Object Rights tab in Security, under Company. Permissions apply where needed to prevent users from editing or seeing various items associated with any restricted companies. |
CFGEnableVIFormPnlSnapshots | When enabled, a P&L snapshot is taken for the voyage every time a Veslink Voyage Instructions form is submitted. The name of the snapshot is the date, time, and form name. Example: 11/20/2017 2:22:44 PM Voyage Completion Report. The snapshot is available for selection in the snapshots drop-down menu on the voyage P&L. |