IMOS On-Prem - Invoices Tab - Voyage Manager

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IMOS On-Prem - Invoices Tab - Voyage Manager

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 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

The Voyage Manager Invoices tab has a list of all the existing and potential invoices for this voyage. It is like a combination of the Create, Edit, Approve, and Post Invoices Lists and the Transaction Data Summary from Financials. This is a list, and the columns can be modified, but not saved.

Even if you do not have the Module Rights to perform the various actions, you can see the status of each invoice. You can also see the amount outstanding, amount paid, and due date. With appropriate rights, you can view, create, review, approve, post, and assign tax codes for invoices.

Create Invoice link is created for each potential invoice that has not been created yet. In the Type column, you can click links to open invoices that have been created.

To create Voyage Journal Entries for Vessel Daily Cost (Hire), Voyage Bunker Cost, Bareboat Daily Cost, and TCI/TCO Bunker Adjustments, click  to open Voyage Period Journals.

 Related Configuration Flags

Display a Create Invoice link for Freight Invoices when BL quantities are entered in all Load ports of the cargo, and not just the first one.


Warnings are issued when a user tries to post bunker costs for an incomplete voyage, when unbound bunker invoices exist, or when bunkers have been received in the voyage but not invoiced.


When enabled, the Payment Terms field is required on all operations invoices. On the Laytime Calculation Claim tab, the Payment Terms field is not required until an Invoice Number is generated.


If an operations invoices has a Payment Terms field, you can set up Cycle Payment, which calculates up to four Due Dates per month.

To set up Cycle Payment, do the following:

  1. Edit configuration flag CFGOpsEnableCyclePayments: Replace the Value with no more than four monthly Cycle Payment days, separated by commas. For example, enter 1,15 if payments are made on the first and fifteenth day of every month.
    • Days past 31 will be ignored.
    • If 2930, or 31 is entered, months with fewer days will use the last day of the month.
  2. On the Payment Terms form, a Cycle Pmt column appears. To enable Cycle Payment for a Code, select the Cycle Pmt check box in its row.
    When an operations invoice uses a Payment Term with Cycle Payment enabled, Due Date = Period Basis + Period (rounded up to the next Cycle Payment day).

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