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IMOS - Delay
Home > Operations > Delay
On the Delay form, you can record information about delays.
On the Voyage Manager toolbar, click Delays.
Fields are highlighted in light red if an error exists. Hover over the field to see the details of the error.
The toolbar enables you to save your changes and do any of the following:
Bunker Prices: Enter Bunker Prices during each delay.
Report: For TCI and TCO voyages, run the Off Hire Statement report.
Recording Delays
In each delay row, enter the following information:
The following values contribute to the calculation:
Activity (Delay Type)
Delay Reason: This appears in the Off Hire table of the Item Select form from the Time Charter Payment/Bill.
Times and zones:
From date and time and Zone
To date and time and Zone
You can override defaults for waiting delays that are automatically generated by ports in the voyage itinerary. Values turn blue and are no longer updated on saving the voyage.
Deduction Hours: This can be used only to deduct an Off Hire for a Time Charter In.
For a Time Charter:
OV%, TCI%, and TCO%: The percentages that count for TC In and/or TC Out. This information goes to the TC In or TC Out contract, so you can deduct any off hires or reversals from the invoices.
For a TCOV voyage, the TCI% value can be up to 100.
For a TCTO voyage, both TCI% and TCO% can be up to 100.
For OV** voyages, the label is OV%; for an OVTO voyage, both OV% and TCO% can be up to 100. The percentage values entered in these fields determine whether off hire time and bunkers are a revenue or an expense in the P&L.
Ded Adj (TCI) and Ded Adj (TCO) are deduction adjustments; in most cases, they should be left at zero.
TCI Stmt and TCO Stmt: Defaults to Show. To hide the off hire line and all associated categories (Off Hire Address Commission, Gratuities for Off Hire, Repr. Exp./Allowances for Off Hire, Victualling for Off Hire, Lashing and Stowage for Off Hire, and Off Hire Bunkers) from the Hire Statement, Statement of Accounts, and SOA Recap, set to Hide.
Note: The TCO Stmt field will be locked if the given delay is mirrored via TCO from a different voyage.
Fuel Quantities and ROB Quantities used during the delay.
You can override quantity and price defaults for waiting delays that are automatically generated by ports in the voyage itinerary. Values turn blue and are no longer updated on saving the voyage.
Daily Cost for the OV or TC and/or TCO:
TCI L, TCI Lumpsum (TCOV, TCTO), TCO L, TCO Lumpsum (OVTO, TCTO): To settle off hire as a lumpsum, select the L check box and enter the total lumpsum settlement in the Lumpsum field. No hire, bunkers, or CVE will be calculated for this delay in the Voyage P&L or in TC invoices.
Remarks: These also appear in the Off Hire table of the Item Select form from the Payment/Bill. When these items are selected, the Remarks are added to the corresponding detail lines.
The Last Updated date and time and the Last Updated User automatically populate.
Right-clicking a delay row enables you to do any of the following:
Extra Delays Costs for ACTIVITY (REASON): Open the Extra Delay Costs form to record a cost breakdown for a delay, without affecting the P&L.
Duplicate Off Hire (for off-hire delays only): Create a new off hire with the same details as the original off hire.
Duplicate Off Hire to Reversal (for off-hire delays only): Create a new off hire reverse with the same details as the original off hire.
Use Bunkers from Portcall or Use Dates from Portcall: Replace any manually entered values with defaults for waiting delays, in black text.
Insert or Delete a delay.
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