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IMOS - Activity Log
Home > Operations > Activity Log
On the Activity Log, you can record and view voyage activities, including Delays, Cargo Handling, and Heating information. You can use the Activity Log or the Port Activities form interchangeably. Activities and information added to the Activity Log are synchronized with the Port Activities, Delay, and Cargo Handling forms.
Additional options for managing equipment are available on the Activity Log with the Barging module.
To access the Activity Log, do one of the following:
In the Voyage Manager, right-click a port in the Itinerary and then click Activity Log.
On the Cargo Booking or VC In Booking form, right-click a contract line and then click Activity Log.
Activities Tab
Enter Port Activities on the Activities tab. You can apply the following filters:
Event Types: Select Port Activities, Delays, and/or Leg Delays/Events.
Port: Select a Port.
An orange header row appears for each Port/Location.
To add port activities:
Right-click a row and then click Expand Port Activities, or, in the Event Types filter, select to include Port Activities. The Port Activities from the Voyage Template appear.
Fill in the dates and times for each activity, as you would on the Port Activities form.
Either click to add a new row at the bottom of the list or right-click a port line to insert, delete, or copy an event.
If you insert a new activity for the same port call, when you click in the Event Time column, the date and time populate from the previous line, and you can just adjust them as needed.
To have activities automatically sort in chronological order as you enter them, select the Auto-sort check box.
When you save Port Activities, any Tasks with a Port Activity Basis are created.
Delays Tab
Add delays on this tab. Information added here will also appear on the Delay form.
Cargo Handling Tab
The Cargo Handling tab combines the information on the Voyage Manager Cargo tab and the Alt Unit and Alt Qty columns from the Cargo Handling form, so you can add all information in one place.
Update existing Cargoes with the actual bill of lading information. Information added here will also appear on the Cargo Handling form.
Heating Tab
Add heating information, if applicable. Each row applies to a single Cargo; if two Cargoes were heated during the same period of time, you must add two heating rows, one for each Cargo. This tab is only applicable to clients with the Barging module.
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