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IMOS - Item Select - Time Charter

Home > Time Charters > Item Select

You can add additional details to a Time Charter Payment or a Time Charter Bill.

  1. Click Create/Add Details to select line items to add to the payment or bill in the Item Select form. You may hover over each option for an expanded description of the functionality. Some of the most frequently used functionality are summarized below.

    Screenshot of the Item Select form


    • The first payment/bill includes the Time Charter Hire for the first period. To adjust the amount of the Hire, a user can adjust the date range for the hire calculation in the previous invoice screen, add Additional TC Hire which affects the P&L, or add Hire Adjustment which does not affect the P&L.

    • To add miscellaneous line items to the invoice object, add Voyage Expenses which affect the P&L, or Misc Adjustments which does not affect the P&L. For more details, see Time Charter Miscellaneous Adjustments.

      • To set a Voyage/Misc Expense as estimated and have it appear on the SoA Recap Report, create Operations Ledger code ESTEXP, select Misc Adjustments, and then select ESTEXP in the Subcode field on the ADJST line of the payment or bill.

        • Once the actual expense is incurred, create a credit for the estimate (using ADJST/ESTEXP) and then create a new line for the actual expense.

    • If a Ballast Bonus payment is needed, the check box is highlighted in yellow.

    • If cleaning costs need to be added select ILOHC or Intermediate HC (INTHC), costs will be auto populated from the Time Charter Contract.

      • Note: It is possible to default the inclusion of hold cleaning costs through CFGAutoSetCleanItems described further below.

  2. When you finish selecting, click OK; the line items appear on the payment or bill.

Bunkers Grid (Bottom Right)

The software will highlight bunker items in yellow when the underlying information exists to allow the addition of these line items to the invoice object. 
Which values are added to which invoice depends on the clauses specific to the contract (e.g. whether a company pays for estimated consumption or pays for all of the bunkers at delivery).
A simple example :If bunkers are bought or sold in full at the time of delivery the Cost on Delivery checkboxes should be selected to include those items on the invoice object. When bunkers are bought or sold in full at the time of redelivery the Cost on Redelivery checkboxes should be selected to include those items on the invoice object.

Voyage Rebillables and TC Grid

Only Rebill Exp and TCI Reb Exp Rev/Exp types in the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses appear in the Voyage Rebillables grid. Conversely, only TC Rebills created through use of the TC Rebill column on Time Charter Payments or Time Charter Bills appear in the TC Rebillables Grid.

The following are column definitions in the Voyage Rebillables grid:

  • T: Type of rebillable port expense. The type defaults to O.

  • S: Click to select/clear this column to include/exclude the voyage rebill in the TC invoice when Expenses Rebill is selected.

  • AdmFee: Select to include the Admin Fee for this rebillable item. If an item's Admin Fee is excluded from a normal invoice, it will still appear in an incremental invoice.

    • The rebill amount and Admin Fee (if any), are included in TC invoice.

    • The Admin Fee can be entered in the Time Charter contract in the Rebillable Admin Fee % field.

User must select Expenses Rebill at bottom left corner to add line items selected in the S column to the invoice object.

Item Select for Incremental Payments or Bills 

To create an invoice with Payment Type Incremental, the Issue Date must be entered. A credit will be applied to any invoices with Issue Dates before this one.

  • When the Time Charter status is Redelivered, the Include Redelivery Bunkers check box is selected by default. If no actual redelivery bunkers data is available, and you select this check box, the estimated redelivery bunkers data is used in the incremental invoice.

Outstanding Hire-Payment Adjustments Report

The Outstanding Hire-Payment Adjustments Report is available from the Operations module.







Check Redel Bunker Vs Hire

Enables Alerts for partial bunker deductions, to make sure charterers can collect the value of redelivered bunkers.

  • On the Item Select form, the Bunkers On Redelivery items are only highlighted in yellow  when the value of the contractual redelivery bunkers meets/exceeds the net hire left in the contract. The calculation of this date is based on the Period To value in the Time Charter invoice.

  • A validation warning is added to the voyage, which appears for Last TCI/TCO Voyages with end quantities that are different than the Estimated Redelivery quantities in the linked Time Charter contract.

  • Bunkers Cost on Redelivery line items (Quantity and Amount) are editable.

  • An Unpriced Bunkers informational check box appears on the Bunkers tab.

Auto Set Clean Items

When enabled, automatically sets cleanings for TC payment.

  • For a TCTO voyage:

    • If Intermediate HC was added to a TCO Bill, Intermediate HC is selected on the Item Select form of the next TCI Payment.

    • If Intermediate HC was selected and set for a certain number of times in the TCO Bill, the same number is set in the TCI Payment.

    • If the voyage is not yet completed and is marked as Last TCI voyage, any billing of ILOHC in the TCO Bill triggers automatic selecting of Intermediate HC in the TCI Payment.

  • For any TC voyage (TCOV or TCTO), if a linked voyage is marked as the Last TCI voyage and is in Completed status, the next TCI Payment will have ILOHC selected by default.

  • When adding ILOHC to a TCI Payment or TCO Bill, if a linked voyage is marked as Last TCI or Last TCO, that voyage number will be assigned to the ILOHC line on the invoice. 



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