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IMOS - Bunker Price

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

The Bunker Price form enables you to change price information during delays.

On the Delay toolbar, click Bunker Prices.

By default, the OFF HIRE Bunker Price is the TC/best known fuel price. If you want to use a different price, you can enter the price information. The price field however, will be locked if:
1. The off hire or bunkers have been invoiced
2. The Use Last Invoice Price checkbox at the top of the form is checked. Use Last Invoice Price refers to the last invoice as of when the Delay started. If no bunker invoice was raised at a date prior to the date Delay started, then system will search for the Last Invoice in previous voyage.
3. The delay is the result of voyage mirroring

For TCO voyages, OFF HIRE Bunker Price is based on the TCO Prc field; otherwise, the OFF HIRE price on the TCO bill will be calculated based on the CP price in the Time Charter.

For a voyage linked to a TC In contract, users can edit the Price field. This will be reflected in voyage PnL and Time charter payment. Similarly to the TCO Prc field, Price field will override the bunker price that has been set up in the Time Charter In contract.

You can override quantity and price defaults for waiting delays that are automatically generated by ports in the voyage itinerary. Values turn blue and are no longer updated on saving the voyage. Right-click a line item and then click Use Bunkers from Portcall. All manually entered values are replaced by the default values, in black text.

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