IMOS - Cargo Handling

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IMOS - Cargo Handling

To enter information about cargo:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Voyage Manager Itinerary, click the BL Info tab. Information entered there populates this form.

    • To open the Cargo Handling form for a load, discharge, or multi-function port:

      • In the Voyage Manager Itinerary, on a different tab, on a line item menu , click Cargo Handling.

      • On the Port Activities form, click Cargo Handling.




        Rows are color coded:

        • Yellow = Transshipment

        • Blue = Interservice

        • Green = both Transshipment and Interservice

  2. On this form, enter the BL CodeBL/Disch Date, and BL/Disch Qty.
    The CP Unit is from the Charter Party, but you can specify an alternate Unit and BL Gross on the Alt Unit tab.

  3. Complete the remaining fields as appropriate.

    • To enter Stowage information about the cargo hold, click Stowage.

    • To enter Shifting information, click Shifting.

    • Other options are also available from Cargo Handling. Right-click a line item and then click any of the following:

      1. Documents: Opens the Cargo Documents form. Enter information about documents, including a Letter of Protest.

      2. Suppliers/Receivers: Opens the Cargo Suppliers or Cargo Receivers form.

      3. Alternate Quantities/Units: Opens the Alternate Quantities/Units form. Enter alternate quantities and units of measure.

      4. Split Cargo: Adds another row to split the cargo in two.

      5. CP Terms Details: Opens the CP Terms Details form.

      6. Insert Cargo

      7. Delete Cargo


Adds a Cargo Loss tab on the Cargo Handling form.

  • For FOB Cargoes, when a Reference Vessel is selected, the BL Qty label is a link to open a Cargo Handling form for the FOB Voyage.

  • If you have Onboard, with Show Shore Gross field in Cargo Handling row details selected for the Form GroupShore Figure on the Cargo Handling form maps to GSV Shore on Cargo Loss tab.


When a load Cargo Handling record is saved, if exactly one discharge Cargo Handling record exists for the cargo, the BL Code, BL Date, BL Qty, CP Unit, Ship Qty, and Ship Unit on the discharge port are set equal to that of the load port. If multiple discharges exist, only the BL Code is defaulted.


Once BL/Disch Qty has been entered in the Voyage Manager Itinerary, it will be used to calculate the time spent in port, instead of continuing to use the L/D Qty, which represents the CP Qty.


On the Cargo Name form, adds check boxes for MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), FAME (fatty acid methyl esters), and ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether). For cargoes with one or more of these check boxes is selected, the Cargo Handling form includes columns to record a percentage value for each selected component.

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