IMOS - Properties - Voyage

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IMOS - Properties - Voyage

Home > Operations > Properties - Voyage

On the Voyage Manager, the Properties panel enables you to access the basic information about the voyage.

To open or close the panel, click .

  • Company Code and LOB: The Time Charter (TC) contract might have Company Code A, and the vessel might have Company Code B. When the TC contract is fixed and scheduled with the vessel, the voyage defaults to the Vessel Code, thus will have company code B, but it can be changed. For invoices and posting, the default Company Code on the Transaction Data Entry form when posting TC items should be A, and for other voyage items it should retain the Company Code of the voyage.






Enable Voyage Roles

On the Voyage Properties panel, adds a Users section to set and view the five Key Users of the voyage: Chtr Coord (defaults from Cargo form), Ops Coord, Ops Coord 2, Controller, and FD Manager (Freight and Demurrage Manager).

On a Time Charter, adds a Roles tab to set the Controller and Finance Coordinator.

Enable Multiple Base Currencies

Adds a read-only Company Currency field to the Properties tab. This field also appears as a read-only field on the Invoices, P&L, Contacts, Notes, and Voyage Instructions panels in the Voyage Manager.

Enable Voyman Voyage ID

Replaces the Voy Ref field on the Properties tab with a Voyage ID field.

Verify Matching Company

Displays a validation error if any of a voyage's or Estimate's linked contracts or Bunker Requirements has a different Company set than the voyage company.

Default Company on TCI Select

When selecting a TC In Fixture to be used for a Voyage/Estimate, if no Company has been selected, the Company on the selected TC In Fixture will be used.

  • If the Vessel is changed in an Estimate, the Company field will be the Company of TCI/Head Fixture or Vessel, based on the values of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect and CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel.

  • If the Vessel is not changed, but the TCI/Head Fixture is changed, the Company field will change accordingly, also respecting the value of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect.

Default Lob on TCI Select

When enabled, when a Time Charter In is selected, if an LOB has not yet been set in the Estimate/voyage, the system defaults to the LOB specified on the Time Charter In Contract.

Enable Operations LOB

If enabled, displays an LOB (Line of Business) field on the Address (Type W), Estimate, Voyage Fixture, Voyage, and contract forms.

Warn Non Coordinator When Saving Voyage

Displays a warning when saving a voyage if the user is not the Ops Coordinator for the voyage.

Allow Restrict Voyage Auto Number Consecutive

If enabled, a new Module Right Voyage Auto-Numbering/Consecutive Checkboxes appears, allowing the administrator to restrict users' rights to modify the Automatically Number Voyage check box on the Create New Voyage form, along with the Consecutive Voyage check boxes on the Create New Voyage form and the Voyage Manager.

Copy Cargo Reference to Voyage

If enabled, when scheduling a voyage from a Cargo, the voyage's Reference field is populated with the value from the Cargo.

User Group Prompt

When nonblank, changes the User Group field label on the Voyage Properties panel.

User Prompt

When nonblank, changes the User field label on the Voyage Properties panel.



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