Voyage Reporting - Form Processing Errors

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Voyage Reporting - Form Processing Errors

FAQs > Error Messages > Voyage Reporting - Form Processing Errors

 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

The following pages include a variety of form processing error messages that you might see while using Voyage Reporting:

Note: As always, please ensure you are using the most recent forms available in your system.

Common Form Processing Errors

Error Message


Error Message


You do not have permission to approve this form.

Missing permission to approve forms.

Missing or invalid JSON parameters.

Missing or corrupted offline form embedded data; this could be related to email processing or the result of manual edits to the submitted email.

You do not have permission to reject this form.

Missing permission to reject forms.

You do not have the applicable permissions with respect to this form.

Missing permission to take action on this particular form type.

Could not find form template.

Submitted form version ({version num}) is higher than the current version ({version num})

Cannot approve this form because it is not an offline form

Could not parse form values

Missing or corrupted Offline Form embedded data; this could be related to email processing or the result of manual email edits.

Could not determine a GMT offset for the form, because a valid port was not entered.

Internal error: GMT offset component of the form submission time not specified.

Unable to add form to approval queue.

Unexpected database update error; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Unable to update form table in database.

Unexpected database update error; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Transaction validation failed: PositionReport missing report type

Missing report type.

Transaction validation failed: PositionReport missing report time

Missing report time.

Transaction validation failed: PositionReport missing ROBs

Missing bunker ROBs.

Cannot modify redelivery at {port}, because port call is not yet firm.

Port Status of Redelivery Port doesn't read "firm" in Voyage Itinerary (Port/Date tab) triggered by flag CFGShowPortStatusInItinGrid, which validates Upcoming Ports. The aim is to ensure that a non-firm TCO redelivery port isn't unintentionally modified by submission of Veslink forms and setting the port status to "Firm" indicates that the redelivery port can be updated by the latest form submissions.

ETAs given for {count} upcoming ports, but only {count} upcoming ports exist in voyage.

ETA provided for a wrong upcoming port.

Can't change name of upcoming port {name} to {name}, because it has already been arrived at.

Upcoming port name cannot be changed, because the vessel has already arrived in this port.

ETA at upcoming port {name} is earlier than current report time.

ETA of the upcoming port is earlier than the current report time.

ETA at upcoming port {name} is earlier than previous port's arrival time.

ETA of the upcoming port is earlier than the previous port's arrival time.

Could not infer which leg of the voyage the form refers to.

Offline Forms only: No voyage leg specified.

No valid voyages exist for {vessel vame}. A voyage with status Commenced or Completed is required.

This more explicit error message was added in Veslink 1.18. In previous versions, the 'could not infer which leg of the voyage' message is shown. 

Form's date of {date} places it at {port name}, but port is entered as {port name}.

Specified ETA matches the time of a different port in the voyage itinerary than the port name indicated on the form.

This form cannot be saved or submitted because its Frequency is set to Once, and a form has already been saved or submitted for this port call.

The form cannot be submitted twice because it was already saved or submitted for this port call if form frequency is set to "Once".

Cannot save or submit form: the underlying berth has changed since the form was opened.

A berth has changed on the voyage itinerary.

This form may not be submitted before the voyage has commenced.

The voyage has not yet commenced.

A passage-only form cannot be submitted before the vessel departs the port.

The form cannot be submitted because departure notice has been yet submitted for that port.

Form date is more than 24 hours in the future.

The form date cannot read more than 24 hours in the future.

Form date is more than {days from settings} days in the past.

"Days from settings" is taken from Veslink Admin Configure System General tab, "Warn on Entered Dates Older than XX Days" field.

An arrival report cannot be filed before the vessel departs the previous port.

The arrival notice cannot be approved because departure notice has been submitted for the previous port.

An in-port form cannot be submitted before arrival.

The form marked as "In Port" cannot be approved because arrival notice has not been submitted for this port.

Form cannot be accepted before arrival at port.

The form cannot be approved because arrival notice has not been submitted for this port.

Bunkering cannot take place at the same time as Noon Report {report}".

Bunkering time cannot occur at the same time as the Noon Report.

Noon Report cannot take place at the same time as Bunkering Report {report}.

Noon Report cannot be submitted at the same time as Bunkering Form.

No date provided for daily form.

No form date is specified for a daily form.

Multiple ports named {name} exist with different timezones.

Multiple ports have been specified with wrong timezones.

Form submission would overwrite existing port activities.

The voyage leg already has port activities from a previously submitted form.

Failed to process port activity data.

Unexpected error when attempting to process port activity; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

ROB of {value} {units} for fuel type {type} is greater than previous value of {value} {units}.

The current bunker ROB is greater than the Last ROB.

Sum of consumption by category exceeds total consumption for fuel type {type}.

Entered Total Consumption is less than consumption specified in different categories (Propulsion, Aux, etc.).

Aux engine consumption exceeds total consumption for fuel type {type}.

Entered Total Consumption is less than the value of Aux engine for a given fuel type.

Consumption for fuel type {type} is negative; cannot specify consumption breakdown.

Entered consumption for a given fuel type is negative, therefore consumption breakdown cannot be specified.

Error processing ROB data.

Unexpected error when attempting to process ROBs; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Report designated as 'In Port', but date/time places it at sea.

Time reported on In Port form places it at sea as per voyage itinerary.

Report designated as 'At Sea', but date/time places it in port.

Time reported on At Sea form places it in port as per voyage itinerary.

No berth named {name} exists at port {name}

No such berth name exists in a given port.

Missing required cargo for activity at {time}.

Cargo has not been specified as activity on the form for a given port.

Could not find a record of {cargo} for this port call.

The cargo name was not found in this port call.

Multiple cargoes of {cargo} for this port call. The specific cargo must be chosen manually.

This port call has multiple cargoes, therefore cargo needs to be specified manually.

{port activity} cannot occur prior to {port activity}.

A given port activity cannot be entered before this particular port activity.

Cannot enter a PE ({activity}) activity until a departure notice has been entered.

PE activity cannot be entered because departure notice has not been submitted.

Could not find a unique cargo of {cargo} ({cargo function}) for this port call

If there are no voyage cargoes associated with the voyage (e.g. a *TO voyage), the system checks if a single port cargo matches the cargo type/function on the voyage leg, and this error results if none are found.

Cargo row {row num}: No cargoes of type '{cargo}' are associated with this voyage.

No such cargo type is associated with this voyage.

Cargo row {row num}: Multiple cargoes of type '{cargo}' are associated with this voyage, please select a specific voyage cargo within the row's details.

This voyage has multiple cargo types, therefore each cargo needs to be specified manually.

Cargo row {row num}: {cargo}({cargo function}) is associated with an invalid PortCargoID.

The cargo name has been associated with an invalid PortCargoID.

Unit mismatch: input {units} but cargo's actual units are {units}

Wrong units have been entered for cargo.

Error generating report PDF.

Unexpected error attempting to create a report from form data; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Could not parse field {field name}: {value} is not a valid integer

Unknown form submission action: {action}

The only supported Submit actions are save, submit, submitDraft, approve, and reject.

XML syntax error in form submission: {error info}

Missing or corrupted offline form embedded data; this could be related to email processing or the result of manual edits to the submitted email.

Missing or invalid definition of the required field {form or template id}

TransitStatus must be either 'Port' or 'Passage'

No vessel with IMO number '{value}' was found in Veslink.

Expected either LegId (onboard), VesselID or IMONumber (offline) but found neither.

Arrival port name is unknown or invalid.

Either arrival notice has not been submitted or is invalid.

Attachments Submission Exception

Unexpected error creating email attachments; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Unknown approval action

The only supported approval actions are approve and reject.

Error processing submission notification emails.

The system is unable to format or send notification email; contact Veson Nautical Support using the Help Center.

Bunkers ROB for {bunker type} was entered as {current ROB qty}, but computed (from last ROB ({last ROB qty}), consumption ({consumed qty}) and bunkers received ({received qty})) as {calculated current ROB qty}

This error is triggered when In Port / At Sea ROB Discrepancy Allowance Percentage is entered in Veslink Settings > System Configuration and ROB discrepancy on the form is more than ROB Discrepancy Allowance Percentage. (enteredConsumption - computedConsumption)/computedConsumption * 100 = ROB discrepancy %.

Line {number} Company is blank.

The Company Code is missing on a voyage.

ROB quantity for {bunker type} is required but not entered or invalid. 

Invoice amount does not match the sum of the line items

If currency used is specified as a currency without digits after decimal separator (CFGCurrenciesWithoutDigitsAfterDecimalSeparator), payment amount should be rounded off as those currencies do not use a decimal point (JPY will be the default value as yen is the lowest value possible in Japanese currency and converted amounts should be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number)

Only a single PS (Port Call Start) activity may be entered 

Together with "END OF SEA PASSAGE" activity, the following activity types are also considered as "PS" activities:


Invalid vessel/voyage 

Check the following:

  • imosmsg account in the Security List must have access to Companies or Vessels which is necessary for messaging service tasks

  • Vessel is set active for Veslink

Missing corresponding voyage from db

Ensure that the imosmsg account in the Security List has full access to this specific voyage (this includes full object rights to the operating company and vessel, if company security and/or vessel security is enforced)

Submission Error: Due date can NOT be earlier than invoice date.

Check with DA-Desk if they can include date in the XML, if not amend it at your end by clicking on the Due date and selecting another date (later than or same as invoice date) and then saving it at your end.

An error occurred when receiving a forms submission: Forms cannot be submitted for the vessel (vesselname), because it is no longer active in Veslink

Check Vessel Properties in the Data Center to ensure the Active for Veslink check box is selected.

Wrong order in reports list: "X“ report is not the __ report

Validate the submission order of the reports for the voyage by referencing the Activity Report types for the ports.

Activity reports have been entered for this leg.

When a form is submitted for a portcall that has already been completed.

Could not properly infer voyage leg for voyage no. XX. Based on the reported date and time voyage no. XX has been identified as the proper voyage. Approving this form will import the form data into voyage no. XX

Ensure that the Captain is including the correct voyage number on the offline form at the time of submission. This error is only viewable via internal logs.


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