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Getting Started with IMOS On-Prem
Getting Started with IMOS On-Prem

Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableStandards must be enabled. To edit this form, you must have the Expense Standards Module Right selected, under Port/Other Costs in Operations.

CFGEnableStandards enables the use of standards for expenses and related features. Expense Standards is one of two options for capturing and using standards for expenses; the other option is Standard Expenses.

On the Expense Standards form, you can enter standard expected expenses for ports, passing ports, and canals, based on a combination of Port, Berth, Vessel Type, Port Function, Cargo Group, and Effective From date.


  • In the Operations module center , under Port/Other Costs, click Expense Standards.
  • On the Voyage Estimate or Voyage Manager, right-click an Itinerary line and then click Port Expense Standards.


These standard expected expenses will be automatically added to Port Expenses Details information and the P&L for a voyage when it has a cargo handling port that falls under one of the standards.

  • When a voyage is created from a linked lifting of a Cargo COA such that a Expense Standards would be used, and the standard includes Cost type G or T, that cost item is multiplied by the vessel Gross or Net Register Tonnage.
  • You can define standard expenses that are calculated per cargo quantity handled in a port: Adding a value of H in column C specifies that a standard expense will be calculated by multiplying the Amount/Rate times the metric tons loaded or discharged for each cargo or cargo parcel handled in the port.  A type H expense standard cannot be added if the port function is I (canal) or P (passing).
  • Standard expenses that are calculated per metric ton of cargo and associated with passing ports and canals (Payment Class M) are calculated individually for each cargo onboard, or for each parcel onboard in the case of multi-grade cargoes.

Best Match Logic

A standard only applies if the Port, and Berth (when specified), are an exact match.

  • After finding standards that match the Port and Berth, IMOS ranks them based on the number of optional criteria that fit. IMOS looks first for a standard with four matching criteria, then for a standard with three matching criteria, two matching criteria, etc.
  • The best match is considered to be the first standard found with the highest number of matching criteria. 
  • If multiple best matches are found, each with the same number of matching criteria, the field order shown on the form is used to rank the matches from best (top) to worst (bottom):
    • Vessel Type
    • Port Function
    • Cargo Group
  • After finding the best match, IMOS then looks at Effective Dates to determine which version of the standard applies.

Expense Standards and Voyage Estimates

Expense Standards are also applied to Voyage Estimates when configuration flag CFGEnableStandards is enabled. When CFGEnableVoyEstUpdates is also enabled, Estimates for a Scheduled, Commenced, or Completed voyage are back-created or updated each time the voyage is saved.

  • Voyage Expense Standards create lines on the Other Voyage Expenses form, on the Other Expenses tab.
  • Port Expense Standards create lines on the Other Voyage Expenses form, on the Detailed Port Expenses tab.
  • Voyage and Port Expense Standards are applied when elements of a Voyage Estimate are added, modified, or removed. When standards are reapplied, any existing expenses created from standards are removed. For example, when voyage dates in an Estimate overlap with Effective Date for a Voyage Expense standard, the expense is populated in the Estimate according to the standard. When voyages dates are modified such that the dates fall before the standard becomes effective, the expense will be deleted.
  • Manual edits to standard expenses will be overwritten or removed when Expense Standards are reapplied. 
  • When you schedule an Estimate, all expenses on the Estimate (manually-entered expenses and automatically-generated standard expenses) are added to the voyage. Standard expenses are not automatically generated for the voyage.

titleRelated Config Flags
Configuration Flags


Hides the Port Expense field on some forms, enables standards for expenses, and adds a Port Expenses Details form and a Port Expenses Details button on the Port Expenses Summary to open it. When detail-level port expenses are being used, the PortExp column in the Voyage Manager Itinerary behaves the same as the PortExp column in the Voyage Estimate itinerary:

  • For a port with no detail-level port expenses, you can edit its PortExp amount in the Voyage Manager Itinerary Cargo Tab. The voyage P&L shows this amount as estimated expenses for that port.
  • For a port with a single detail-level expense, that amount appears and can be edited in the voyage itinerary PortExp field. An estimated expense entered before creating the detail-level expense is no longer displayed in the voyage P&L.
  • For a port with multiple detail-level expenses, the itinerary PortExp field shows the sum of the detail-level expenses for that port and cannot be edited.
  • When CFGVoyageExpenseAllocation is set to Y, a Voyage Expense Allocation section will be added to the Voyage Estimate Profit & Loss Report, and optionally to the Voyage Profit & Loss Report.

An ECA Factor field also appears on COA, Cargo/VC In, and CP Terms Details forms. When ECAFactor is used in an ECA Recovery Charge Results/Fee expression and an ECA Factor value is entered on a contract, an ECA Recovery Charge Extra Freight Term is generated on that contract.

  • When a COA is created from a Voyage Estimate, ECA Factor is copied from CP Terms to the COA.
  • When a COA Lifting is created, ECA Factor is copied from the COA to the Cargo.
  • When a cargo is scheduled, ECA Factor is copied from the cargo to the backcreated Voyage Estimate.

Automatically updates Standard Expenses on a Voyage Estimate to reflect changes in the voyage:

  • The Estimate for a scheduled/commenced/completed voyage is back-created each time the voyage is saved.
  • Actual (BL) load and discharge quantities are used in standard expense calculations on voyages and Estimates when they are available. If actual quantities are not available, planned lift quantities are used.
  • Any changes to Detailed Port Expenses are maintained when a standard is reapplied.
  • Manually entered Expected Actual values are maintained for existing standard expenses.
  • Standard expenses that no longer apply because of changes in voyage data or standard definitions are maintained if Expected Actual values have been entered.
  • On the Port Expenses Details form, the Estimate column shows the estimated port expenses from the Estimate linked to the voyage.