IMOS On-Prem - Profit Share Distribution

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IMOS On-Prem - Profit Share Distribution

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You can use the Profit Share Distribution form to distribute voyage profit to a third party.

To access this form, you must have the Profit Share Distribution Module Right selected, under Pooling in Operations.

  1. In the Operations module center , under Pooling, click Profit Share Distribution.
  2. Enter a Period From and To. All voyages completed in that range that have PNLSHARE specified appear. For each record, the Profit Share, amounts Paid, Remaining, to Withhold, and To Be Paid appear.
  3. Select the records to be paid.
    • To select a record, click to select its check box; to remove a record from selection, click again to clear it.
    • To select all records, select the check box in the heading row; to remove all records, click again to clear it.
    • You can enter a Withhold amount to be excluded from the payment.
    • Note: If you select multiple rows to pay in the Profit Share Distribution form, each selected profit share row will generate an invoice.
  4. To create Profit Share Distribution invoices, click . Records appear in the Profit Share Payment Summary grid. You can add invoice numbers in either of the following ways:
    • Manually enter them in the Invoice No. column.
    • Click . For records with a blank Invoice No. column, invoice numbers automatically generate.

 Related Configuration Flags

Controls validation of invoice numbers for invoices created on the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses, Profit Share Distribution, or Transaction Data Entry form. The available options are:

  • N = No validation.
  • Y = No duplicate numbers allowed for the same vendor. An invoice created in one of these forms cannot be saved when the invoice number is the same as a different bill record for the same vendor.
  • A = No duplicate numbers allowed for the same vendor within the same Account Period. An invoice created in one of these forms cannot be saved when the invoice number is the same as a different bill record for the same vendor in the same Account Period.

When auto-numbering invoices:

  • If neither CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInOps nor CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInAct is enabled, invoice auto-numbering considers only AP invoices when auto-numbering an AP invoice, or only AR invoices when auto-numbering an AR invoice.
  • If either CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInOps or CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInAct is set to either Y or A, invoice auto-numbering considers both AP and AR invoice numbers.

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