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IMOS On-Prem - VC In COA

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 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

A VC In COA is an agreement with a vessel owner to use the owner's vessel. It represents a Cargo COA contract from a charterer's perspective. A Cargo COA is a long-term sale contract on a Voyage Charter basis; a VC In COA is a long-term purchase contract.

The VC In COA looks the same as a Cargo COA, except that it has an Owner field instead of a Charterer field. All liftings are displayed as VC Ins, even when the VC In is linked to a Cargo. When a VC In is linked to a Cargo, the Type, Status, and Option Status of the lifting are still from the VC In, although Ports and Laycan are from the Cargo. Depending on your configuration, you might see different fields.

Creating a VC In COA

To create a VC In COA, do one of the following:

  • In the Chartering module center , click VC In COA.
  • On the VC In COA list, click .
  • On the IMOS7 menu, hover over New and then click VC In COA.

Complete all the sections, as on a Cargo COA.

To create VC Ins, click and then complete the Create VC In Setup form, as on the Create Cargo Setup form.

When an Alert is entered for an Owner, Vessel, or Port, the field is highlighted in light red.

VC In COA List

All VC In COAs appear on the VC In COA List. In the Chartering module center , next to VC In COA, click List.

The VC In COA List is a standard IMOS list, so you can sort it, filter it, do a Quick Search, and create custom Views for it.

 Related Configuration Flags
Use Company Lob Trade Area Hierarchy

Sets up a hierarchy between Company, LOB, and Trade Area on several forms.

Clear Company Lob on Copy

Clears the Company, LOB, and Department values when copying a Voyage Fixture or contract.

Enable Contract Mirroring

Enables the following types of intercompany contracts to be mirrored: Cargo COA, VC In COA, Cargo, VC In, Time Charter In, Time Charter Out, and FFA/Option/Bunker Swap Trade. When a contract of one of these types is created with internal counterparties, a mirrored contract is automatically created from the opposite perspective, so that users from both legal entities can manage the contract and include it in both their operational planning and their trading exposure and P&L.

  • When both CFGEnableContractMirroring and CFGEnableTCInvoiceMirroring are Y, and when a TC contract is mirrored, TCO invoices are mirrored from TCI invoices. Incremental invoice type is unavailable for such mirrored TC invoices.
  • If an **OV voyage has cargoes with multiple internal charterers, it can be mirrored with multiple RELT voyages, one for each internal charterer's company.
Show Remittance in Cargo

Adds Remittance BankInvoice %Payment Terms, and Balance % fields to the CP Terms DetailsCargo COACargo, VC In COA, and VC In forms. Also adds a Remittance Bank field to Time Charter Other Information. Remittance information flows between these places; for example, fixing an Estimate will transfer the remittance information.

  • On a Cargo COA, VC In, or Time Charter Out, changing the Company clears the remittance bank information, as this may change with a change to the Company.
  • On a VC In COA or Time Charter In, changing the Owner clears the remittance bank information, as this may change with a change to the Owner.
  • A default value for the Remittance Bank for each currency can be selected in the Address Bank Links tab entry for Cargo COA, Cargo, and Time Charter Out (Other Information) contracts, but it can be changed later.
Enforce Operations Ledger Code Commissionable Property

When enabled, the Commissionable setting of an Operations Ledger Code alone determines whether claim and freight adjustment line items are commissionable. When enabled, the commissionable setting cannot be overridden in invoices or per broker.

Default Claim Commission Invoice Setting

This flag controls the default setting for broker commissions on Claims by setting the default value of M on TC In, TC OutCargoCargo COA, VC In, and VC In COA broker grids. Possible values:

  • 0 (default): Claims are not commissionable.
  • 1: Claim commissions will be invoiced separately.
  • 2: Commissions will be deducted from the Claim Invoice.
Auto Number COA

Automatically assigns a Contract ID number on COAs.

Apply IC Adjustment to Xfrt

If enabled, for a model B mirrored freight contract (Cargo / VC In and Cargo / VC In COAs), an Extra Freight Term is adjusted by IC Adj % in the same way as the base freight, if the Extra Freight Term type is Rate or Lumpsum (not Percent).

Enable Operations LOB

If enabled, displays an LOB (Line of Business) field on the Address (Type W), Voyage Estimate, Voyage Fixture, Voyage Manager, and contract forms.

Enable Shuttle Freight Invoicing

Enables the Shuttle Tanker Workflow and master data forms necessary for freight invoicing of time and bunkers for both the actual voyage and theoretical return legs, most commonly used by shuttle tankers.

Minimum Required Schema Version: 239

Update LD Rates When Linkedto COA

When linking a COA to a VC In or Cargo, the L/D Rates on the COA itinerary are copied to the lifting itinerary if one of the following is true:

  • The COA itinerary matches that of the lifting.
  • The COA Load/Discharge Options match the itinerary of the lifting.

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