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IMOS - Fuel/Lube Types

On the Fuel/Lube Types form, you can specify the fuel, lubricant, and oil types used on the Vessel, Tow, Boat, BargeFuel Zones, and other forms.

On the Data Center menu , under Vessels, click Fuel/Lube Types.


Using the Lifting Level Emissions column to capture fuel emissions factors in the Bunker Purchase form

To capture fuel emissions factors in the Bunker Purchase form, select the box in the Lifting Level Emissions column for each fuel type. The form will then display these fuel types.

The fuel tab of the Bunker Purchase form. Fuel emissions factors are included at the bottom.

Additional notes beyond the field help:

  • G: Low-sulfur Fuel/Lube Types (marked L in this column) appear on the Fuel Zones form, where estimated/projected low-sulfur consumption can be specified for different ECA Fuel Zones.

  • If a fuel's CO2 Factor is ≤ 1.0000 or empty, the CO2 (MT) column in the Estimate, Speed Comparison Analysis, and Voyage Manager will not calculate and will appear light red.

  • To disable Backup Fuel types, select the Disable Backup Fuels check box on the Bunker Planning and Voyage Bunkers forms.

  • If only one fuel type has an IGS consumption rate specified for a vessel, this type is always used for IGS consumption in the Estimate/voyage, regardless of the Misc. Consumption settings on the Fuel Zones form.

  • G: General sulfur Fuel/Lube Types (marked G in this column) will continuously consume throughout the voyage with other fuel types (such as L and H).

  • Fuel Types cannot be deleted once they are in use; this is to protect the integrity of the data for past voyages.

  • With a schema upgrade to version 46.3, a new checkbox column labeled LNG Equivalent appears on the Fuel/Lube Types form. The Engine Make field on the Vessel Details tab becomes Engine Make/Type and includes an additional dropdown menu with options for various LNG and LBSI engine types.

CP Consumption for Grouped Fuels

On this form, you can group High and Low Sulfur fuel types to be consumed for the same purpose. Having two fuel types (HS and LS) in the same group means that the vessel cannot burn both fuel types at the same time.

The example above shows two fuel Groups defined. IFO and LSF belong to one group; LSG and MGO belong to another. Therefore, the vessel cannot consume IFO at the same time as LSF. The same applies to LSG and MGO.


With a Fairplay Vessel Data Integration (requires valid licensing), these flags act as a mapping between Fairplay Distillate and Residual Fuel Types and Fuel Types in the Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS). Each configuration flag accepts a 3-letter code matching an IMOS Fuel Type Code. Restart IMOS before importing vessels from Fairplay.

  • The vessel's In Port Consumption table will populate lines for the mapped fuel types.

  • Fuel Type capacities will be imported from Fairplay and mapped according to the configuration.

  • Fuel Type Unit and High/Low Sulfur setting will be populated according to Fuel Type setting.

  • In Port Consumptions will default to 0.

  • IMOS will not default any speed consumptions.





Fairplay Distillate Fuel Type

The IMOS Fuel Type Code for Fairplay's Distillate Fuel type requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch, CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayPassword, and CFGFairplayResidualFuelType must also be enabled.

Fairplay Residual Fuel Type

The IMOS Fuel Type Code for Fairplay's Residual Fuel type requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch, CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayPassword, and CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType must also be enabled.


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