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In-App Help & Messaging

In-App Help & Messaging in the Veson IMOS Platform

In-app help and messaging in the Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) is a way for us to provide you with information regarding upcoming routine maintenance, new features, and helpful resources to improve your experience in the Veson IMOS Platform, like first-time login guidance, support articles, and links to the Veson Knowledge Base.

Icon of an in-app message shown on a computer screen

This proactive communication, direct in the UI, ensures that you have the latest information to plan and make decisions.

With in-app help & messaging, we can keep communication flowing to you directly.

Example of in-app messaging

For example, each month you’ll be able to view what’s new in the latest release.

Screenshot of the What's New in-app message
Example of in-app messaging

Each in-app message will only appear once, except for monthly routine maintenance reminders, which will appear one week and one day before scheduled maintenance. Regardless of the form of in-app communication, you are always able to close the window by selecting the X icon in the upper right corner.

Help Bot

The Help Bot is a self-service bot designed to help you find on-demand help resources, including links to the Help Center, interactive tutorials, updates about events and webinars, release notes, and the “What’s New.”

This in-app technology is part of the Veslink IMOS Platform and cannot be tailored on a per-user basis or hidden entirely. All end users will see in-app communications.


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