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IMOS - Styling Gantt Bar Templates
The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.
Several schedules are provided on Gantt charts, including the Cargo Schedule, the Vessel Schedule, and the Port Schedule. These schedules can populate the Gantt bars and their associated tooltips with information based on templates defined in configuration flags.
Styling Templates
Each schedule has an associated template configuration flag, specified below. Modifying the value of the configuration flag modifies the text that appears. Unlike most configuration flags, you only need to refresh the schedule itself to immediately see the new style.
An administrator determines the formatting that is applied to each schedule. Formatting is set at the system level and is the same for all users, regardless of any other user-specific settings.
The Gantt bar styling follows this format:
Variables: Text contained between two "at signs," (@...@) is considered a variable name, and the schedule displays the name of the object it represents. For example, on the Cargo Schedule, @CARGO@ displays the text "beans" or "steel," depending upon the associated Cargo object.
Plain text: All other text is displayed without modification.
Tooltips: The template style also applies to the tooltips that appear when hovering over a Gantt bar. This is useful if the visible Gantt bar is not long enough to display the full text.
A mix of variables and plain text can make labels easier to read. For example, see the difference between a Port Schedule Gantt bar with just variables:
Config flag Value: @VSL_CODE@-@VOY_NO@ @PORT_NAME@ (@START_DATE@ to @FINISH_DATE@)
and one with plain text included:
Config flag Value: Vsl/Voy: @VSL_CODE@-@VOY_NO@ Port: @PORT_NAME@ Dates: (@START_DATE@ to @FINISH_DATE@)
When the timescale is shorter, the tooltip includes the full text:
Cargo Schedule
Configuration Flag
Variable Name | Description |
VSLNAME | Either the nominated or performing vessel of the Cargo |
SHIPMENTNO | Shipment No field of the Cargo |
EXTERNALREF | External Reference field of the Cargo |
ALLGRADES | If multi-grade Cargo and Charterer's View are enabled, a comma-separated list of all of the grades handled within the single Cargo |
COMMID | Commercial ID of the first leg of the Cargo itinerary |
LABEL | Default variable that shows the Cargo and Cargo Quantity |
VSLCODE | Vessel Short Code for the nominated or performing vessel |
CARGO | Cargo Name |
GRADE | First Grade of the Cargo |
CARGOWINDOW | Laycan From and Laycan To date times |
CHARTERER | Cargo Charterer |
COAID | Cargo COA ID if linked to a Cargo COA |
CARGOID | Cargo ID |
PURCHASEID | Cargo Purchase ID |
VOYNO | Voyage Number of the Cargo's performing voyage |
CPFORM | CP Form |
LOADPORT | First Load Port of the Cargo itinerary |
DISCPORT | Last Discharge Port of the Cargo itinerary |
CARGOQTY | CP Quantity of the Cargo |
CARGOUNIT | CP Unit of the Cargo |
CONTRACTTYPE | Cargo contract or Voyage Charter contract |
RECEIVER | First specified Receiver of the Cargo |
SUPPLIER | First specified Supplier of the Cargo |
CPDATE | CP Date of the Cargo |
Vessel Schedule
Configuration Flag
Variable Name | Description |
LABEL | Default label displaying the Vessel Code and Voyage Number, as well as the voyage start and end dates |
VSL_CODE | Performing Vessel Code |
VSL_NAME | Performing Vessel Name |
VOY_NO | Voyage Number |
START_DATE | Voyage Commence Date |
FINISH_DATE | Estimated/Actual voyage Complete Date |
COUNTERPARTY | Voyage Counterparty |
FIRSTPORT | First port of the voyage (including C, R ports, etc.) |
LASTPORT | Last port on the itinerary of the voyage (including T and Z ports) |
FIRSTLPORT | First Load Port of the voyage |
LASTDPORT | Last Discharge Port of the voyage |
FIRSTLAYCAN | Laycan of the first Cargo |
FIRSTBL | Month and day of the first BL |
EXTERNALREF | External Reference of the voyage |
VOYREF | Voyage Reference |
FIRSTCARGOREF | External Reference of the first Cargo |
FIRSTCARGOSHIPMENTNO | Shipment Number of the first Cargo |
Port Schedule
Configuration Flag
Variable | Description |
VSL_CODE | Vessel Code of the performing vessel |
VSL_NAME | Vessel Name of the performing vessel |
PORT_NAME | Port Name of the specific port call |
VOY_NO | Voyage Number of the vessel calling the port |
START_DATE | Estimated/Actual time of arrival for the specific port call |
FINISH_DATE | Estimated/Actual time of departure for the specific port call |
SHIPMENTNO | Shipment Number of first Cargo of the voyage containing the port call |
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