IMOS - Port

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IMOS - Port

Home > Data Center > Port

 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

The Ports workspace enables you to view information about a port or add a new port.

Port List

The Port List contains all ports that you have the right to view.

  • On the main menu , under Data Center, next to Port, click List.

  • In the Data Center quick links, click:

Port Details

To view an existing port, on the Port List, click its row or Port Name link.

  • To share a port, copy its URL and then share it with any signed-in users in your organization.


General Information

General information appears at the top of the Port form.

  • The following Port Types are available:

    • Standard Port: Standard Ports are those that are included in the Distances tables.

    • Port (No Distance Link): Ports without a Distance Link are custom ports not included in Distances.

      • Enter Port Aliases. Time Zone Code is required; if the new port is an Alias, this value is inherited from the master Port record.

    • Alias Port: Alias Ports are ports created in place of an existing port.

      • An Alias Port has all the attributes of another port, allowing it to be included in Distance calculations using that port's location.

      • Enter the port for which this is an Alias. Any changes made will only affect this Alias port; they will not affect the Alias To port.

    • Waterway Port: Waterway Ports are ports located on an inland body of water.

  • U.N. Code: Maintained by Distances updates. This field can be overwritten manually, though it might change again when new Distances are released.

  • Latitude and Longitude are displayed in a degree-minute-second format, where minutes are rounded.

Properties Panel

The port Properties panel is open by default. To close or open the panel, click .


  • Alerts: Can be used to capture issues. The Port field is highlighted in light red on several forms after an Alert is entered for it. An Alerts column can also be selected to appear in the Port List.

  • Pilot Station (with configuration flag CFGEnablePortPilotStations enabled): Select to designate the port as a Pilot Station.

  • EU ETS Port of Call: View the property of the port and impacts on the Carbon Calculator based on EU ETS regulations.

  • EU ETS Exclusion: When the EU ETS Exclusion (STS) checkbox is selected for a port, the port will be excluded as a Port of Call from the Carbon Calculator.

  • Outermost Region: When the Outermost Region checkbox is selected, the system will account for Outermost Regions.

Fuel Zones & Low Sulfur Areas

If a port is located within a Fuel Zone, its name appears on the Properties panel.

  • A port is assigned to the smallest Fuel Zone within which it is located. For example, HUENEME is assigned to USA 25NM zone, but it is also located in US 200NM:

  • To override the low sulfur status, select the Use High Sulfur Fuel check box. Any future in-port consumption at that port uses high sulfur fuel.

    • To specify a port as a low sulfur area, select the Low Sulfur ECA check box.

    • You can also specify an Emission Control Area as a low sulfur area, automatically setting the area and all ports in it to low sulfur. To confirm that you have the latest version of Distances, make sure that ECA Fuel Zone ports are in your Port List, and confirm that the Low Sulfur ECA check box is selected in all of them.

      For other ports, the Fuel Zone field contains None.

Low Sulfur Fuel Use: Port Selections & Fuel Grades Consumed

Port Selections

Fuel Grades Consumed in LS Port

  • Not Low Sulfur

G and H

  • Low Sulfur

  • Without Configuration flags

All L grades

  • Low Sulfur

  • Without Allow <1% IFO

  • With CFGLSPortConsumptionDefaultGrades

L grades specified in CFGLSPortConsumptionDefaultGrades

  • Low Sulfur

  • With Allow <1% IFO

  • With CFGLSPortConsumptionDefaultGrades

  • Without CFGLSPortConsumptionLSFOGrades

L grades specified in CFGLSPortConsumptionDefaultGrades

  • Low Sulfur

  • With Allow <1% IFO

  • With CFGLSPortConsumptionLSFOGrades

L grades specified in CFGLSPortConsumptionLSFOGrades

  • Configuration flag with grades not on the vessel

No L grades

Berth Grid

On this grid, to view or edit information about a berth in the port, on its line item menu, click Berth.

Port Aliases Grid

This grid enables you to associate the current Port with Alias Ports.

If a Port has Port Type set to Alias Port, you can select it in this grid.

Pilot Stations Grid

Note: Configuration flag CFGEnablePortPilotStations must be enabled.

This grid enables you to designate specific Pilot Stations within ports.

  • You can select one Default Pilot Station per Port.

  • If a Port has the Pilot Station check box selected on the Properties panel, you can select it in this grid.

  • You cannot add a Pilot station within a Port that has the Pilot Station check box already selected on the Properties panel.

Berth Cargo Compatibility Grid

Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableBerthCargoCompatibility must be enabled.

Add rows to define compatible cargoes for each berth, including a valid date range:

If Cargo Name is set to (ALL), settings in the row apply to all cargoes.

When applying the Berth Cargo Compatibility validation to cargo operations in Berth Management in the Voyage Manager:

  • The From Date and To Date for a compatibility row are compared to the arrival specified on the berth for the cargo handling line.

  • The order of precedence when applying compatibility rows to a cargo operation is:

    1. The latest-starting row with dates and a matching Cargo Name specified

    2. The latest-ending row with dates and a matching Cargo Name specified

    3. The latest-starting row with dates specified and (ALL) for the Cargo Name

    4. The latest-ending row with dates specified and (ALL) for the Cargo Name

    5. The unbounded-time row with a matching Cargo Name specified

    6. The unbounded-time row with (ALL) for the cargo name

    7. The (DEFAULT) row

If no matching row is found, the cargo operation is allowed by default.

Berth Vessel Compatibility Grid

Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableVesselCompatibility must be enabled.

Add rows to define compatible vessels for each berth, including a valid From Date.

If Vessel Name is set to (DEFAULT), settings in the row apply to all vessels.

Fuel Type/Grade Availability Grid

Adding a Port

If you need a port added, contact Veson Nautical to have it added, providing all the relevant information as per this article. In the meantime, you can add it, but it will not have distances associated with it; the miles to and from it in an itinerary will be blank.

  • To add a port, do one of the following:

    • On the Port List or Port form, click +.

    • On the main menu , under Data Center, click Port.

  • To update the miles, delete the port you added and re-enter the standard port after it is added to the Distances tables.

  • When you enter a port name:

    • If the name is new, you are asked if you want to use the name for a new port. 

    • If the port already exists, its record appears. A new port with the same name as an existing port cannot be added.

  • To rename the manually created port:

    1. Edit the Port Name and save.

    2. When asked if you want to use the name for a new port, click No.

    3. When asked if you want to rename the current port, click Yes.






Enable Standards

Hides the Port Expense field on some forms, enables standards for expenses, and adds a Port Expenses Details form and a Port Expenses Details button on the Port Expenses Summary to open it. When detail-level port expenses are being used, the PortExp column in the Voyage Itinerary behaves the same as the PortExp column in the Estimate itinerary:

  • For a port with no detail-level port expenses, you can edit its PortExp amount in the Voyage Itinerary Cargo Tab. The voyage P&L shows this amount as estimated expenses for that port.

  • For a port with a single detail-level expense, that amount appears and can be edited in the voyage itinerary PortExp field. An estimated expense entered before creating the detail-level expense is no longer displayed in the voyage P&L.

  • For a port with multiple detail-level expenses, the itinerary PortExp field shows the sum of the detail-level expenses for that port and cannot be edited.

  • When CFGVoyageExpenseAllocation is set to Y, a Voyage Expense Allocation section will be added to the Voyage Estimate Profit & Loss Report, and optionally to the Voyage Profit & Loss Report.

An ECA Factor field also appears on COA, Cargo/VC In, and CP Terms Details forms. When ECAFactor is used in an IMOS ECA Recovery Charge Results/Fee expression and an ECA Factor value is entered on a contract, an ECA Recovery Charge Extra Freight Term is generated on that contract.

  • When a COA is created from an Estimate, ECA Factor is copied from CP Terms to the COA.

  • When a COA Lifting is created, ECA Factor is copied from the COA to the Cargo.

  • When a cargo is scheduled, ECA Factor is copied from the cargo to the back-created Estimate.

Enable IMOS Form Layout

When enabled, the Voyage Manager, Address Book, Port, and Vessel forms will have the same fields and layout as in IMOS desktop.

Enable Vessel Compatibility

When enabled, a Vessel Compatibility grid is shown on the Port form. This grid is only used with the Veson IMOS Platform Scheduling Optimizer at this time.

Enable Default Data Submission Agent Per Port

When enabled, adds a Data Submission Agent field to the Port form. The agent selected here will be populated by default for any port call of this port. It takes precedence over Default Data Submission Agent.

Enable Port Fuel Availability

When enabled, a new Fuel Availability grid is added to the Port form in the Data Center where the Fuel Types and Grades that are available at the port can be captured.

These fuels appear when you hover on ports in the Estimate and Voyage map views.

Enable Scrubber Type

When enabled, a scrubber drop-down menu appears on the Port, Voyage Bunkers, Bunker Planning, and Vessel forms accessed through an Estimate. On the Port and Vessel forms, the drop-down menu reflects scrubber values allowed at the port and equipped in the vessel. On the Estimate and Voyage, it reflects the scrubber type used for bunker calculations. On the Vessel form, the Use Scrubbers check box is replaced with the new Scrubber Type drop-down menu. The Fuel Zones form has two tabs to support Scrubber and Non-Scrubber configurations. These new options facilitate bunker calculations to use the IMO 2020 regulations.

Port Full Text Search

In Port fields, enables you to search for Port names by any part of the port name, instead of by prefix only. For example, if you type ton in a Port field, Boston will appear in the results drop-down menu.

If this flag is set to N, you have to type B* (for example, Bos) to get a match.

Enable Berth Cargo Compatibility

When enabled, a Berth Cargo Compatibility grid is shown on the Port form.

Enable Vessel Compatibility

When enabled, a Berth Vessel Compatibility grid is shown on the Port form.

Enable Port Pilot Stations

Enables functionality around port pilot stations both in Master Data and through the Estimate and voyage itineraries.


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