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IMOS On-Prem - imosEnv.xml

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File Description

The imosEnv.xml file is a key file for configuring IMOS. Within this file you will configure the various IMOS Environments that a single Application Instance is able to access.

File Sample

Below is a sample of an imosEnv.xml file with two environments: prod and test

imosEnv.xml Sample
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <imosEnvironment name="prod" dbConnectString="Provider=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server;Driver={SQL Server};Server={IMOS-SQL};Trusted_Connection={No};Database={prod};Uid={imos};Pwd={password}" dbSqlId="_sqlid" />
    <imosEnvironment name="test" dbConnectString="Provider=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server;Driver={SQL Server};Server={IMOS-SQL};Trusted_Connection={No};Database={test};Uid={imos};Pwd={password}" dbSqlId="_sqlid" />

Parameter Descriptions

The key to the imosEnv file is the individual <imosEnvironment> element that contains several attributes affecting your setup. This table includes these attributes:

nameText used to identify different environments within an application instanceText
dbConnectString.NET Connection String used to identify different parameters necessary to connect to the IMOS Database ServerEach parameter requires a different value


.NET compatible database connection providerDO NOT EDIT
dbConnectString.Driver.NET compatible connection driverDO NOT EDIT
dbConnectString.ServerNetwork Hostname\SQL Instance informationHOSTNAME\INSTANCE
dbConnectString.Trusted_ConnectionDetermines whether to use pass-through Windows Authentication per database connectionYes: Set if each individual IMOS user also has a database server account
No: Set if IMOS has a single dedicated database server account for all users
dbConnectString.DatabaseSQL Database name on the SQL ServerSQL Database Name
dbConnectString.UidSQL user name provided if Trusted_Connection is set to NoSQL Database User for IMOS
dbConnectString.PwdSQL user name password provided for the designated Uid if Trusted_Connection is set to noSQL user name password
dbSqlIdColumn title for the unique row identifier in all IMOS tablesDefault to _sqlid

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