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IMOS On-Prem - Replace Equipment

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To replace the current boat/barge, on the Activity Log - Barging, right-click a Delivery, Join, or Voyage Start event and then click Replace Equipment. You can remove the current boat/barge from the tow and replace it with another piece of equipment of the same type by creating a corresponding Join event.

  • Neither the current equipment nor the replacement equipment can participate in more than one voyage or tow at a time. If the replacement equipment is in another tow, IMOS will ask if you want to remove it from that tow.
  • Complete the form and click OK. The following happens:
    • For the current equipment:
      • If the equipment is under a TC contract, a Redelivery event is created.
      • If the equipment is under a Spot contract, a Depart record is created.
    • For the replacement equipment:
      • If the equipment is under a TC contract and was not already in another tow, a Delivery event is created for it. Otherwise a Join event is created.
      • If the equipment belongs to another tow, a Depart event is created for that other tow.

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