| |
Apply Despatch to Accruals Period CFGApplyDespatchToAccrualsPeriod | When enabled, laytime calculation will auto-create demurrage period allocations (used for Monthly Accruals and Voyage PnL) for itinerary ports with despatch - similar to how it creates those period allocations for demurrage. |
Display Berth information in the Laytime Calculation form CFGLaytimeEnableBerths | When enabled, displays a column for Berth in the baseline Laytime Calculator Activities. Berth information is displayed as a column in the New Laytime Setup screen and Cargo Handling grid. |
Include multiple demurrage and despatch rates for FOB cargoes CFGMultiDemRate | When enabled, multiple demurrage and despatch rates can be set for FOB cargoes. |
Enable LD Rate Table CFGEnableLDRateTable | Enables the Load/Discharge Rate Table in the Laytime Calculator. |
Enable Demurrage on Account CFGEnableDemurrageOnAccount | Enables Demurrage on Account, which supports incremental invoicing for Demurrage over the life of a voyage. This business process applies mainly to tankers, which can be on Demurrage for many months during a voyage. Enhancements to the Cargo form and the Deduction method of the Laytime Calculation form support the creation of periodic and final on-account invoices for applicable voyages. Demurrage must be reversible to use this feature. |
Hide to Date on Laytime Activity CFGHideToDateOnLaytimeActivity | Hides columns To Date and Time. |
Default Laytime Method CFGDefaultLaytimeMethod | Sets the default calculation method for new Laytime Calculations: D (default): Deduction I: Time Counting
Laytime Skip Rounding to Minutes CFGLaytimeSkipRoundingToMinutes | Prevents rounding of durations in Laytime Calculations to the minute when fractions are in them. |
Zero Allowed Time for Supplier Receiver CFGZeroAllowedTimeForSupplierReceiver | Makes the default Allowed Time 0 in Supplier/Receiver Laytime Calculations. |
Laytime Default Allocation by Counterparty Quantity CFGLaytimeDefaultAllocationByCounterpartyQty | Prevents prorating of Counterparty Quantity. |
Enable Demurrage Liability Limit CFGEnableDemurrageLiabilityLimit | Displays the Amount to Owner field and adds validation to compare it with the Agreed Amount. |
Laytime Report Exclude Ports Without Activities CFGLaytimeReportExcludePortsWithoutActivities | Removes ports that have no Port Activities from the Laytime Calculation Report and Laytime Invoice. |
Tax on Tax PST CFGTaxOnTaxPST | Causes PST Tax to consider all items on the invoice as taxable, including other tax lines, rather than applying only to non-tax invoice items. |
Warn Continuous Laytime CFGWarnContinuousLaytime | Displays a confirmation dialog whenever the Continuous Laytime check box is changed on the Laytime Calculator. |
Laytime Import Delays CFGLaytimeImportDelays | Imports any applicable Delays when Port Activities are imported. Delays can also be manually selected in the Activities grid. For Delays imported or manually selected, the default value of the % column depends on the Laytime column value specified on the Delay Types form. |
Use Invoice Date as Exch Rate Date CFGUseInvDateAsExchRateDate | Causes the default Exchange Rate Date for Freight and Demurrage invoices to be the Invoice Date, rather than the Cargo contract Exchange Rate Date. |
Include Invoice Attachment Base64 CFGIncludeInvoiceAttachmentBase64 | When enabled, includes a base-64 encoded version of the invoice attachments in the XML output. |
Enable Claim Created Received Date CFGEnableClaimCreatedReceivedDate | Adds a Date Created/Received field to the Laytime Calculation Claim tab. |
Dont Report Laytime Start If No Allocated Used Time CFGDontReportLaytimeStartIfNoAllocatedUsedTime
| When enabled, the Laytime Calculation Report and Port Details Report will hide the Laytime Commenced/Completed activity lines if the Allocated Used time for the port = 0. |
Enable Demurrage Cap CFGEnableDemurrageCap | When enabled, a Demurrage Cap field is available on the Laytime Calculator. This field can be used to limit the amount of demurrage invoiced for a laytime claim. The Demurrage Cap feature does not apply to Demurrage on Account calculations or to calculations that result in despatch. |
Require Laytime Claim Type CFGRequireLaytimeClaimType | When enabled, on the Claim tab of the Laytime Calculation, the Laytime Claim Type field is required. |
Enable Port Activity Warranties CFGEnablePortActivityWarranties | When enabled, the Laytime Calculator can calculate time used for warranty activities such as cargo document handling and cargo stripping. If Warranty Start and Warranty End activities are specified in the Laytime Calculation, a new Warranty details section appears in the Laytime Calculation and Port Details reports. This feature applies when CFGLaytimeCalculator = laytime.exe |
Operations Require Payment Terms CFGOpsRequirePaymentTerms | When enabled, the Payment Terms field is required on all operations invoices. On the Laytime Calculation Claim tab, the Payment Terms field is not required until an Invoice Number is generated. |
Laytime Allower Overlap Deduction CFGLaytimeAllowerOverlapDeduction | When enabled, the Laytime Calculation double-counts the overlapped deductions. |
Laytime Deduction Table Height CFGLaytimeDeductionTableHeight | Defines the height of the Deductions table. |
Adjust for Off Hire Overlap CFGAdjustForOffHireOverlap | If enabled, overlapping Off-Hire Delays are automatically detected, and offsetting entries are created to ensure the overlap doesn't result in double-counting of off hire. The offsetting entries have Delay Type OFF HIRE REVERSE and Delay Reason ADJUST FOR OVERLAP . |
Enable Cargo Booking CFGEnableCargoBooking | Enables the Cargo Booking form. Also adds a Booking No. field to nonincremental Freight Invoices; after a Counterparty is selected, you can select one booking of that Counterparty on the voyage, so that only those Cargoes are included on the invoice. Note: The setting of this config flag determines whether the No. of Cargoes in Booking variable is available on the Pricing Rule form: |
Access TDE Form from Operations Invoice CFGAccessTDEFormFromOpsInvoice | |
Apply Accrual Percent to Demurrage Comm CFGApplyAccrualPercentToDemComm | When enabled, the accrual percentage on the underlying invoice is also applied to the P&L demurrage commission calculation. |
Auto Create Estimate Voyage Demurrage CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage | If enabled, when creating a new voyage, an estimated demurrage calculation will automatically be created for the voyage, with an estimated amount equal to the sum of the current demurrage estimates for all cargoes in the voyage. |
Use Vessel Company for Remit Bank CFGUseVesselCompanyForRemitBank | When set to 'Y', remittance bank info will be populated from the address book whose short name matches the voyage's vessel code before looking for the voyage company. |