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IMOS - Receivables Summary
The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.
The Receivables Summary displays all receivable invoices that you have the right to view. You can use it to view and manage unpaid invoices with status Actual, Pending, or Posted, divided into user-specified age periods.
Do one of the following:
On the main menu , under Financials, click Receivables.
In Financials quick links, click
As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.
By default, the following filters are applied, but you can change them:
Source is not in the list MACR, VBNK, VCAB, VCST, XJOU, FFAJ, DCAB
Accounting Date is on or after 90 days in the past
To create a new receivable invoice, click .
The Action column contains links for the following actions. To open the document, click the link.
Summary: View a summary message that displays both the number of days overdue and whether a collection letter is needed.
Remind: Send a collection letter to those with an outstanding balance. The system does not currently support automatically sending reminders.
Details (when configuration flag Enable Receivable Status is enabled): Open the Receivable Details form.
Notes (when configuration flag Enable Invoice Notes is enabled): Log Invoice Actions.
The Aging Group column takes information from the Invoice Due Date column. The system requires both of these columns to be selected in the Receivables Summary list in order for the Aging Group column to display the expected results.
Invoice Details
To view the details of an invoice, on the Receivables Summary list:
For the printable invoice, click its row.
For the Financials invoice (Transaction Data Entry), click View.
For the Operations invoice, in the Type column, click its link.
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