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The Payables Summary displays unpaid invoices with status Actual, Pending, or Posted.
In the Financials module center , under Quick Links, click Payables Summary.
- The Action column contains links for the following actions. To open the document, click the link.
- The Type column contains links to open the invoices created in Operations.
- With batch payments configured and set up, the Payables Summary list shows all invoices that are not paid in full. You can work with Payment Batches from here.
Approving or Rejecting Invoices
To review an invoice for approval (if you have rights), click Review in the Action column.
In the invoice, do one of the following:
- Click  and then enter a Comment, if required.
- Click  and then enter a Comment, if required. The Transaction Data Entry form or Journal Entry form opens, so you can post immediately.
- Click  and then enter a Comment that tells the reason for the rejection.
List Functions
The Payables Summary is a standard IMOS list, so you can sort it, filter it, do a Quick Search, and create custom Views for it. You can use logical operations to filter particular columns in the list.
 Related Configuration Flags
Name/Flag | Description |
Include Receivables in Payables Summary CFGIncludeReceivablesInPayablesSummary
| When enabled, Payables Summary list will include receivable invoices. These receivable invoices can be included in Payment Batches from the Payables Summary (when CFGBatchPaymentSupported is enabled). |
Enable Invoice Notes CFGEnableInvoiceNotes
| Adds an Invoice Action log to record follow-up activities for each invoice, where you can record past or future actions relating to the payment collection process. Also adds a Notes link to the Action column of the Receivables and Payables Summaries. |
Pay Rec Summary Obey Amount Sign CFGPayRecSummaryObeyAmountSign
| Adds an Invoice AP/AR column to the Receivables and Payables Summaries. |
Invoice Approvals by Type CFGInvoiceApprovalsByType
| Specifies whether the control of invoice approval by type is enabled or not; adds an Invoice Approval Types control list to the Object Rights tab in Security, to grant users rights to approve specific types of invoices. On the Approve Invoices List and Transaction Summary, if a user does not have approval rights for an invoice type, the Review link will not be available for those invoices. |
Invoice Postings by Type CFGInvoicePostingsByType
| Specifies whether the control of invoice posting by type is enabled or not; adds an Invoice Posting Types control list to the Object Rights tab in Security, to grant users rights to post specific types of invoices. On the Post Invoices List and Transaction Summary, if a user does not have posting rights for an invoice type, the Post link will not be available for those invoices. |
Invoice Rejects by Type CFGInvoiceRejectsByType
| Add Security Object Rights to reject specific invoice types per user/group. |
Invoice Reversals by Type CFGInvoiceReversalsByType
| Specifies whether the control of invoice reversal by type is enabled or not. When enabled, on the Object Rights tab in Security, an Invoice Reversal Types control list is added to grant users rights to reverse specific types of invoices. |
Batch Payment Supported CFGBatchPaymentSupported
| Enables Payment Batch options. The Payables Summary shows all invoices that are not paid in full and has an additional column of check boxes to select invoices for payment. Additionally, two links, Assign Batch No. and Clear Batch No., are added to the top of the list. After a Batch Number is assigned, the Payment Batch form opens. |
Enable Actions For Non Posted Invoices CFGEnableActionsForNonPostedInvoices | If enabled, the Invoice Actions grid in the Receivables Summary and Payables Summary is enabled even for invoices that have not yet been posted. |
Lock Financial Invoice After Approval CFGLockFinancialInvoiceAfterApproval
| When enabled, no further changes can be made to the Financials invoice (Transaction Data Entry form) after the invoice has been approved. The invoice can still go through a subsequent approval process, or be rejected, but no data can be changed. |