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IMOS - Invoicing FuelEU Maritime Costs


Once a voyage is complete, you may want to include FuelEU Maritime costs in your time charter (TC) invoice. To invoice FuelEU costs, take the following steps.

Billing and Source Codes

The FuelEU Voyage item will be assigned the bill code VFEUE. Source codes are TCIP for payment and TCOB for billing.

The currency used for FuelEU Maritime costs in TC In invoicing is the base currency amount for the FuelEU tab in the Carbon Calculator.

Step 1 – Navigating to the Time Charter (TC) In List

From the main menu, under Chartering, select TC In – List. From the TC In List, choose a time charter by selecting the TC Code. This will open the Time Charter In form. From there, select Make Payment.

TC In Menu Cropped-20241107-214015.PNG

Step 2 – Making a Payment

Follow the steps in IMOS - Time Charter Paymentfor making a payment in the Time Charter Payment form. Once you reach step 3, select Create/Add Details to select line items to add to the payment in the Item Select form.


Step 3 – Adding FuelEU Line Items

From the Item Select form, check the box for FuelEU Voyage. Then, select OK.

The Item Select form will close and you will be back on the Time Charter Payment form. The FuelEU Voyage item will be assigned the bill code VFEUE.

Step 4 – Selecting the Voyage

From the Time Charter Payment form, select the Voyage Number (Voy No.) of the voyage you want to invoice.

Once a voyage is selected, the Amount defined in the FuelEU tab of the Carbon Calculator will appear under the Amount column. This amount cannot be edited from the Time Charter Payment form. Select the Save button to save the invoice.

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