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IMOS Documentation
IMOS Documentation

Note: You must have the Fuel Zones Module Right selected, under Ports and Areas in the Data Center.

The Fuel Zones form is used to specify estimated/projected low sulfur consumption for different ECA Fuel Zones. Consumption is specified in sets, and can accommodate different ECA regulations, different Vessel Types, and other factors. You can create multiple Fuel Zone Sets, including a Global Default Set, and apply them to specific vesselsVessel FleetsVessel TypesEstimates, and voyages.

In the Data Center , under Ports and Areas, click Fuel Zones.

Creating a Fuel Zone Set

To create a Fuel Zone Set:

  1. Type a Name and Description for the Fuel Zone Set.
    • Default: Select to make this Set the Global Default.
    • Inactive: Select to make this Set inactive.
  2. For each ECA Fuel Zone, click in a cell and select from the list that appears, to specify the low sulfur Fuel/Lube Types (marked L in the G column) to be consumed in each of the categories:
    • Propulsion at Sea (Propulsion/Aux.)
    • Consumption in Port (L/D/Idle)
    • Misc. Consumption (Heat/IGS/Etc.)
    • (cons rate only): In some ECA Zones, one Fuel Type must be consumed at its own consumption rate plus the consumption rate of another Fuel Type. To consume the first Fuel Type at the rate of both added together, select one Fuel Type plus one (cons rate only) Fuel Type. All Fuel Types can be used as (cons rate only). Only one low-sulfur fuel can be selected to consume in an ECA Zone when (cons rate only) fuel is selected.
  3. Save the Fuel Zone Set.
  • If you have not defined a specific Set for an Estimate or a voyage, a hierarchy determines which Fuel Zone Set to automatically apply.
    1. The Set specified on the Vessel form is applied.
    2. If there is no Set specified there, the Set from the Vessel Types form is applied.
    3. If there is no Set defined on either form, the Global Default Set is used.
      To use a Fuel Zone Set other than the one chosen, select it in the Fuel Zone Set field on each Voyage Estimate and voyage.
  • When a route between two ports crosses more than one Fuel Zone, a Passing Point is added to the itinerary to indicate the entry to the next Fuel Zone.
  • If multiple Fuel Types are defined for a given Fuel Zone, and the vessel is carrying those Fuel Types, they will be burned simultaneously.
  • If a Fuel Zone and a consumption type are set with Fuel/Lube Types, the relevant ports/sea legs will only use those Fuel Types. If not, all the available LS Fuel Types defined on the Vessel form will be used for those ports/sea legs.

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IMOS On-Prem - Piracy and ECA Routing
IMOS On-Prem - Piracy and ECA Routing

Voyage Fuel Zones Example

Fuel/Lube Types

In this example, the following Fuel/Lube Types are configured:

Fuel Zones

The following Fuel Zones are configured:

Vessel Form Consumption Tab

The Vessel form Consumption tab includes all the configured Fuel/Lube Types: IFO and the low sulfur fuels LSF, LSG, MGO, and MDO.


  • Another fuel type with grade could be added to the Vessel form, but it will only be consumed if it is also on the Fuel Zones form.
  • Fuel types marked as General (G in the G column) are consumed at a combined rate if they are specified to be consumed within that Fuel Zone along with a Low Sulfur fuel specified as (cons rate only).

Voyage Itinerary

This voyage has the Example Set specified in the Fuel Zone Set field at the bottom of the Voyage Bunkers form: .

The voyage loads in Houston and discharges in Rotterdam with this itinerary:


As the vessel nears Rotterdam, it crosses into the SECA - NORTH SEA zone. This passing point is automatically added to the itinerary; a passing port is added when the vessel is moving into an ECA zone. The passing point signifies that the vessel is switching to consume LSG, the low sulfur fuel type specified on the Fuel Zones form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I turn Fuel Zones on/off?

Fuel Zones cannot be turned off once they are in use. At this time, you cannot set effective dates such that Fuel Zones are only in effect if the Commence Date is greater than a certain point in time.

To inactivate a Fuel Zone so that it cannot be used in new Voyage Estimates and Voyages, select its Inactive check box.

If I make changes to the Fuel Zones form, does it refresh on voyages and Estimates that have already been created?

No, existing voyages and Estimates do not automatically update.

  • For Estimates and voyages that were created before Fuel Zones were enabled, click the Use Fuel Zones button on the Voyage Bunkers or Bunker Planning form to update them. After that single click, the button does not appear again, because it does not trigger again every time Fuel Zones and consumption are changed.
    • If the voyage is linked to a TC, confirm that the contract is burning the correct fuel according to the fuel zone update. If the fuel matrix on the TC does not include the fuel type, it will not be picked up on the estimate or voyage.
  • After Fuel Zones are enabled, any change on an Estimate or a voyage that triggers a recalculation of the voyage or Estimate causes a recalculation of the fuel consumption/cost based on the current Fuel Zones setup.
  • Changes to Fuel Zones do not automatically refresh existing Estimates and voyages, but changes will be reflected on all Estimates and voyages created after enabling Fuel Zones.

Why is the Use Fuel Zones button not appearing on a specific voyage?

The Use Fuel Zones button only appears on Estimates and voyages that were created before Fuel Zones were enabled, and once clicked will not appear again on that particular Estimate/voyage. Also, the button will not appear on voyages that do not pass through the relevant ECA zones and ports, or voyages that have already been Completed or Closed.

What happens when I click the Use Fuel Zones button?

When you click the Use Fuel Zones button, Bunker Consumption and costs refresh on the Estimate or voyage based on the consumption configuration specified on the Vessel and Fuel Zones forms. The P&L is also recalculated to reflect this change. Voyages with manually entered Distances will be changed to use the automatic calculation.

Why does my itinerary have duplicate passing points?

When new fuel zones are enabled, the old ones remain for historical reasons. As a result, you need to change what fuel zones are Inactive to ensure the most up-to-date port itinerary.

Fuel zone updates are regulated by deactivating older versions to avoid duplicate passing points in a voyage itinerary.

Legacy Fuel Zone Set

If you began using Fuel Zones before the 2015 ECA changes, the modifications made to your Fuel Zone configuration may have changed estimated bunker consumption in historic records. To create a Legacy Fuel Zone Set with pre-2015 Fuel/Lube Types and use it on historic records:

  1. Create a Fuel Zone Set with a descriptive name, for example, Legacy.
  2. Enter the setup to be used on historic records.
  3. Select this Legacy Fuel Zone Set at the bottom of the Voyage Bunkers and Bunker Planning forms.

titleRelated Configuration Flags

Enable Scrubber Type
When enabled, a scrubber drop-down menu appears on the Port, Voyage Bunkers, Bunker Planning, and Vessel forms accessed through a Voyage Estimate. On the Port and Vessel forms, the drop-down menu reflects scrubber values allowed at the port and equipped in the vessel. On the Voyage Estimate and Voyage, it reflects the scrubber type used for bunker calculations. On the Vessel form, the “Use Scrubbers” check box is replaced with the new “Scrubber Type” drop-down menu. The Fuel Zones form has two tabs to support “Scrubber” and “Non-Scrubber” configurations. These new options facilitate bunker calculations to use the IMO 2020 regulations.

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Latest ContributorJessica Neal
Latest ReviewerLaura Burns
