Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license.


The methods available via the API are mainly GET and POST (with a PATCH method available to act on IMOS Dataforms).

The API supports form XML for all standard Voyage Reporting forms.

  • For in-port forms (for example, the Statement of Facts form), the nomination of a particular external system for a port call can occur within the Veson IMOS Platform. These nominations are replicated from VIP the Veson IMOS Platform to Voyage Reporting and are accessible via the web service.

Enabling User-level Access to the API

Access to the API is administered per user. In order to use the API, the user must belong to a Company defined in the Veson IMOS Platform and have the API ReadAPI Write, and/or API IMOS Message General Permissions enabled.

Additionally, the user's API access will mimic the user's existing Object and Module Permissions; for example, if the user only has Object Vessel Permissions for Vessels "A" and "B," when requesting a list of vessels using the API, only Vessels "A" and "B" will be returned and no others.


  • An API Token, which is generated for a VIP user account

  • An IP Allowlist entry, specifying allowed networks or machines for API access

    • By default the Allowlist is unenabled, allowing accessing from any IP address. Please submit a support request to restrict access to certain IP addresses.

Once a user's API Token is generated, it will not expire; however, each user has access to their own API Token in the same way and can refresh or clear the token as often as desired. The Administrator can revoke API access for a user by modifying the user's Voyage Reporting Permissions.

Managing API Tokens

You must request a unique API token to authenticate with all API calls. The API Token is passed in all of the query strings for each call and is valid until you clear it.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To request or clear your own API Token, open the My Profile panel.

    • As an administrator, to request or clear a user's API Token, open the User Profile tab from the Security list.

  2. In the API Token or Veslink API section, click Request New API Token.

  3. An API Token appears.

    • To request a new API Token, click Request New API Token.

    • To deactivate the current API Token, click Clear API Token.


titleRelated Configuration Flags



API Reports Raw Column Names

If enabled, getting reports via the API will assign column names based on table.column format.

Enable JSON Path Query

When enabled, Report Designer reports will have the Optimize query for document export option available. This makes exporting to XML via datashed and the API faster for certain reports. Requires SQL Server 2016 or newer.

Email Web Hook

Provides the ability to send the eml URL generated when triggering an email from VIP the Veson IMOS Platform to a specific endpoint. Place the {emlUrl} placeholder where you want it to appear in the endpoint you are configuring.

The outgoing email includes:

  • To, CC, and BCC email addresses

  • Subject heading

  • The email message, either:

    • Embedded in the HTML body

    • Attached as a PDF