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IMOS - Ledger Expense Setup

  This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

The Ledger Expense Setup form is used to set up Expense Codes to define different types of expenses under an Operations Ledger Code.

To open this form, do one of the following:

  • On the Operations menu , under Port/Other Costs, click Ledger Expense Setup.

  • On a Port Advance/DA, click Ledger Expense Setup.

The Operations Ledger Codes are set up in the Data Center, under Other.

  • Exp Type = Expense Type of the Ledger Code

  • C = Payment Terms Class, the basis for calculating standard expenses:

    When updating ledger code ensure to save the ledger expense setup of the specified ledger code. Saving the changes will update the ledger expense setup.

How to add a new expense code:

  1. Select the relevant ledger code.

  2. Add a new row and enter description of the new expense.

  3. Save the changes. This will automatically create the expense code.  

How to remove an existing expense code:

  • If the expense code has not been used in any voyage's PDA/FDA form, simply right-click on the expense description and click Delete. 

  • Otherwise, tick the checkbox 'Inactive'. 

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