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Veslink Voyage Reporting
Veslink standardizes voyage communications to help you collect and analyze current positions and other critical voyage data and share information with a network of trusted partners.
About Veslink
Veslink is organized into the following components, on separate tabs:
Dashboard: Manage forms that require attention, view and update information about your network and your company profile, view Veslink updates in a message banner, and get help from the Knowledge Base
Voyages: View vessel positions on the map; access reports and port call information from their voyages
Distances: Enter ports or positions, arrange routes, and calculate time and distances for voyages
Reports: View up-to-the-minute data reported by your fleet, with visualization options you select, on the Performance Dashboard
Network: Manage partners and shared information, view the Veslink community, and send invitations to connect with other companies
Forms & Vessels: Manage vessels, manage forms and form groups, and distribute forms to vessels
Menus at the top right give you access to additional tasks:
User Name:Â
My Profile: Edit your personal public contact information
Company Profile:Â Edit your company's public contact information
Sign Out
Knowledge Base: Access this help information from the Knowledge Base
System Configuration: Configure general system information and form email settings
Security: Manage users and groups
Agents can use the Agent Portal to view and submit forms for port calls that have been shared with them and to manage a network of partner relationships with other companies.
The Veslink API is a standard set of web services that allow external systems to interface with Veslink to retrieve information and submit Veslink Form XML.
Be sure to see Veslink Quick Start and the Veslink Quick Reference handout.
Introduction to Veslink Video
Related Key Topics
 These Key Topics have high-value information for all users:
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