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IMOS - Fuel Deactivation
The Fuel Deactivation enhancement allows you to preserve historic fuel type data but visualize only relevant fuel types. The enhancement helps streamline your fuel type data and minimize errors due to incorrect fuel types.
Requires the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation. When enabled, the fuel types for a vessel can be marked as inactive.
When a Fuel type is selected as inactive, the fuel type is simply hidden from Chartering and Operations moving forward. Selecting as inactive does not remove the fuel type from the Vessel and can always be reactivated if required.
This feature requires a minimum schema version of 407.
Once the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled, you can mark the fuel types for a vessel as inactive. This enhancement introduces a new column, Inactive, on the Vessel. If there is no inventory on a Vessel for that fuel type, the Inactive field may be checked and the Vessel saved.
If Inactive is checked, the selected fuel type will no longer be visible on newly created Voyage Estimates or in Voyage Manager. This change will not affect past voyages or estimates.
Deactivating Fuels
You can stay organized with Estimates and Voyages by removing unwanted fuels from being a factor in chartering and operations.
Go to the Data Center → Vessel List and select a vessel that contains a fuel no longer used on the vessel.
On the Vessel, you will see the following In Port Consumption Table view containing different fuel types.
To deactivate a fuel type, select the Inactive checkbox.
In this case, we want to disable IFO as it is no longer an applicable fuel time under this vessel.
When we create a new Estimate or Voyage, the Inactive fuel does not populate.
Reactivating fuels
If you need to correct the status of a fuel type on a Vessel, you can reverse fuel deactivation easily by clearing the checkbox. This allows the fuel to show on newly created Estimates and Voyages.
Once the checkbox is clear, the fuel shows on Estimates and Voyages.
If you need to correct the status of a fuel type on a Voyage, you can reactivate hidden fuels by selecting Re-activate Fuels on Voyage in the Voyage Bunkers dropdown list.
You can resync the Voyage to the Vessel by selecting Sync Fuel Deactivation From Vessel in the same Voyage Bunkers list.
Time Charters
Newly created Time Charters will hide fuel types marked as Inactive on their associated vessel when the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled. Historic Time Charters will still display deactivated fuel types.
Here is a comprehensive guide outlining the implementation of the fuel deactivation process in the forms:
Fuel Type Deactivation in Vessel Card
Begin by deactivating the fuel type within the vessel card in the Data Center.
Immediate Application of Changes to Forms
To ensure that the changes take effect immediately in the relevant forms, go to Operations → Set up → Voyage Reporting System Configuration → Interfaces → (Click) Reset Master Data.
If you have Onboard configured, do the following additional steps to ensure the deactivated fuel no longer appears:
Go to Data Center → Replication Status and select Bulk Import, as shown in the following image. Once selected, the form is updated, and the deactivated fuel no longer appears.
Submission of Updated Forms to the Vessel
Once the changes have been made to the forms, it's important to send the updated forms to the vessel. This guarantees that the vessel possesses the most current data.
Handling Old Forms with ROB for the Deactivated Fuel Type
In the event that the vessel continues to use the old forms and reports ROB for the deactivated fuel type:
When these forms are received in the office and opened for approval, a specific message will appear.
At this point, you have two choices:
Option 1: Request the vessel's master to switch to the new forms and ask them to re-send the updated information.
Option 2: Alternatively, you can manually input the information into the voyage via the "Activity Reports."
Will the system validate that a fuel can be marked inactive or is not currently in use?
Validation exists on the Vessel and prevents marking a Fuel as Inactive if there is inventory.
How do I fix the fuel type status if an error occurs?
You can select Show Hidden Fuels or Hide Inactive, depending on the state of the voyage, to manage any errors and avoid potential issues with commenced voyages.
Will I be alerted in Forms/Veslink if an inactive fuel type is submitted?
Native voyage validation will alert you if ROBs were submitted for an inactive fuel type.
Can I add new fuels or change the order?
Veson elected to release Fuel Deactivation to add value sooner. Handling future fuels remains an important component of roadmap development.
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